I’ve decided to leave academia in order to work more directly on fixing climate change. Despite receiving tenure last month, I’ve felt increasingly compelled over the last yr to make a major change in how I spend the remainder of my career (1/n)
The last few years have really made climate change feel gut-level real for me, from the birth of my first child to the Heat Dome, my parents evacuating a wildfire in CA, and so much more…the time is now #DecadeOfAction (2/n)
And we know what to do to #ActOnClimate, and how to do it, and we ARE doing it, just not fast enough! I realized I needed to go help. But what to do? How to help? (3/n).
After so much reading, and thinking, and amazing thoughtful conversations across NGOs, government, and industry, I decided nature-based solutions to climat change was a place I could make impact (4/n)
I’ll be joining a forest carbon and ecosystem services start-up, Natural Capital Exchange (@NCX) where I’ll lead the development of wildlife/biodiversity crediting to go along with their existing carbon crediting program (5/n)
@NCX Our goal will be incentivizing conservation not just of trees, but of functioning, well-managed forests at national and international scales. (6/n)
@NCX I’m excited to help grow markets for forest ES, and this transition to climate-centered work is something I needed to do for my own peace of mind. (7/n)
@NCX Luckily, this means I’ll get to stay involved in the wildlife world, alongside lots of new learning about other forest ecosystem services, like carbon sequestration, water quality enhancement, and fire risk reduction. (8/n)
Also, I can do this job 100% remotely, and our family will keep calling Moscow, ID, home (9/n)
I’ll still get to come to professional meetings, continue to work on existing papers (although stepping back from new projects as I transition), and hope to grow even more connected with the wildlife community as I start on this new adventure! (10/n)
I'll finish this up by saying that I've been so privileged to be a part of the excellent faculty at U. Idaho, and to get to work with our deeply inspiring students. They are the future. But I feel compelled to act now, this year, this decade. Go Vandals!
PS: my team @NCX is hiring, if this is resonating with you: