Megan 👑 Profile picture
Apr 11 210 tweets 110 min read
Do I Wanna Know?

A Reylo office rivals to lovers text fic

🖇enemies to lovers
🖇company merger
🖇prank wars
🖇meddling friends

#WannaKnowFic to 🔇
Some CWs for the NSFW component: p/raise kink, h/ate sex, dirty talk, dom v. dom vibes, o/rgasm denial. This fic will be explicit. You’ve been warned 😈

Alright, let’s GO!
1. Rey has been working for Rebel Alliances for two years. Two years of blood, sweat and tears as Leia freaking Organa’s executive assistant. (2 SS)

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2. It’s been a lot of late nights, the sacrifice of her social life, and has left no room for frivolous things like dating. But it’s been /worth it/. Rebel is the nation’s leading sustainability consultant group.

3. They work with countless organizations and agencies on a multitude of projects to ensure businesses are not only successful but also leaving low impacts on the Earth and their collective carbon footprint is minimal.

4. It isn’t glamorous work, certainly. But it is /so/ important. Every night Rey leaves the office, she is able to go home and sleep easy knowing she has done her part.

But now.

/Now/, they’re merging with First Order Corporation.

5. Anthony Snoke has been helming the organization for the past five years, and though he boasts about their carbon offset management programs, Rey is skeptical of their efficacy.

6. Hadn’t it just been two years ago when there was that oil spill scandal? And wasn’t BP one of their financial backers? How could you profit off of big oil when you claimed to be a “green” agency?

She doesn’t like it. Not one bit.

7. Leia texts Rey the day of the merger. She needs everything to go well. (2 SS)

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8. Leia sends an email to all staff regarding the merger.

(1 SS)

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9. But Rey’s besties have a few concerns…

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10. Rose + Finn = Rey’s #1 fans

(2 SS)

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11. Let’s meet the main players from the First Order. CEO, Anthony Snoke, and his protege, right hand man, and executive assistant, Benjamin Solo. (2 SS)

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12. First Order Corporation prepares for the imminent merger meeting with Rebel Alliances.

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13. The merger meeting begins…

(3 SS)

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15. After the meeting, some of the Rebels co-workers have things to SAY…

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16. #WannaKnowFic

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17. That’s it for today, folks! Update coming at you every other day this week, so BUCKLE UP.

Special thanks to @itsmzladybird @ishipstarwars @Gilariwrites @JoanB102001 @spiritusmovensx and @yohoreylo for being the hype squad on this little project. 😘
18. We are BACK.

The merger moves forward, much to Rey’s chagrin, and though the growing pains are sorely felt by both staffs after a few weeks, things begin to calm.

19. They develop a steady rhythm of productivity that works for all parties involved. Well… almost all parties.

20. Though things are smoothing over with most of the team and the barriers between Rebel and First Order staff aren’t as glaring, Rey and Ben defy the tentative peace forged by their colleagues.

21. They aren’t on the best of terms to begin with. She finds him a pretentious elitist, he thinks she’s a holier-than-thou do-gooder. Needless to say, a baseline of crackling tension forms in their back to back cubicles.

22. The atmosphere is so charged that people start avoiding the area all together lest they get their heads bitten off.

That is, until the new organization chart is released.

23. With Rebel Alliances, Rey had always known her place. (1 SS).

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24. Hell, she knew Solo’s place with First Order Corp. (1 SS)

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25. But as the two companies become one, suddenly her boss becomes a department head. And so does Snoke. And /now/ a third department head position becomes available. (1 SS)

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26. It becomes abundantly clear that both Snoke and Leia have their assistants in mind for the position.

Too bad there’s only one spot.

And Rey will be damned if Solo beats her to it.

27. #WannaKnowFic

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(3 SS) last one is just a close up of Rey’s IG post

(Quick author’s note… yes. That is my mug, and yes, it all started with Nic Cage office-related pranks 😬) ImageImageImage
29. Rey takes her latest prank rebuttal to the Rebels group chat.

(2 SS)

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30. OK REY 👀👀👀

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31. Leia calls Rey into her office…

(4 SS)

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32. That’s it for this installment! Thank you to everyone who has been showing the love! I adore each and every interaction, comment, follow, and RT.

Next update: Thursday 8/9PM MST and we’ll be getting more of Ben’s POV 😏
33. Ben gets a fun text from his two First Order besties about Rey’s latest prank…

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34. And shortly thereafter a message from Snoke.

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35. CW/ Self-degradation (Ben is very hard on himself)

Ben goes to speak to Snoke.

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37. Even though he’s still a bit pissed from having to unwrap his entire workstation, he grits his teeth, determined to swallow his pride. He decides to be the bigger person and email Rey to coordinate the rebranding launch event. (1 SS)

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38. Rey is torn between a laugh and an angry cry of frustration. Childish pranks? Regards?

He shouldn’t have poked the bear. (1 SS)

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39. Ben resigns himself to his fate. It’s just planning an event. It can’t go /that/ wrong. Right? (1 SS)

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40. Ben meets Rey in the conference room as he said he would. He is just as cold, distant, and surly as he’s always been with her.

41. He brings the list he’d already put together with venue and vendor suggestions and it’s quite annoying because he actually has fairly decent ideas.

Of course, she doesn’t admit this.

42. She has a terrible poker face, however, and he seems to see through her instantly when she protests a vendor choice. His mouth twitches up in a smirk, the only kind of smile she ever sees from him, and she wants to smack it off his face.

43. After she glares at him, nose pinched in agitation, his brows go up and a small chuckle escapes him.

“What?” She squawks.

44. He just laughs again, shaking his head and looking far too smug. “You’re just trying so hard to hate my ideas and you very clearly don’t. And now you’re trying to intimidate me, but it’s really just—“

45. Her brow furrows more and she crosses her arms over her chest. She wanted to stomp her foot as well, but that felt too far, even for her. “Just what?”


46. She balks at that, but his expression doesn’t waver. Still smug and obnoxious, so she rolls her eyes. “You’re annoying.”

“Because I’m right?”

She just grumbles. “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

“Whatever you say, Niima.”

47. They continue working after that, things perhaps a little less tense. It’s almost eight o’clock by the time they wrap up, and Solo suggests they exchange numbers in order to most easily coordinate for the launch.

48. She agrees but her stomach twists and her cheeks flush as he takes her phone and types his number in. His hands seem so large wrapped around her little phone with its bright pink case.

49. She gulps, looking up at him, taking in his broad shoulders and dark waving locks.

This may have been a huge mistake.

50. By the time she leaves the office, she has entirely forgotten about her plans with the Rebels Squad. That is, until her phone buzzes, alerting her to several unread messages.

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51. CW: Alcohol/drunk references

Determined to enjoy herself with her friends and forget about tall, dark, and handsome office rivals, Rey goes a little hard with the cocktails…

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52. By her third cocktail, Rey knows she’s had too many. By her fifth, she’s brave enough to climb the stage at Canto Bite and belt out Celine Dion.

53. The liquor is thrumming in her veins and her head has that delightful spacey, floaty feeling from alcohol, good friends, and so much laughing.

54. Though Rose, Jannah, Finn and Poe try to help her scope out a hookup it’s clear that she doesn’t have the attention or drive for it tonight.

55. Instead, she cozies up with her friends and enjoys Rose’s rants on capitalism, Finn and Poe making the goofiest moon eyes at each other, and Jannah’s rendition of Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

56. But when Finn and Poe go to get drinks, Rose begs off for the bathroom, and Jannah goes to review their song catalog, Rey is left alone at their table. She’s still smiling as she pulls out her phone to mindlessly scroll, when she goes to her recent texts.

57. There, glaring up at her is Solo’s number. He’d sent a text to himself from her phone so they both had each other’s numbers and she glares down at it.

58. And though she knows texting him at midnight while she’s out at a karaoke bar isn’t the best of ideas, her fingers are already flying across the screen.

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59. It’s not long after that Rey calls it a night. She goes home alone, frustrated, and still drunk. She feels so tightly wound she might snap.

60. CW: NSFW 🔞

She tosses and turns for half an hour before she gives up, kicks the covers off and rummages in her bedside table drawer for her curved pink v/ibrator with c/lit suction and all.

61. NSFW 🔞

Rey pushes the little power button, letting it vibrate between her legs as she tries to work her hand up her shirt, palming her small t/its rolling a pebbled nipple between her finger tips.

62. NSFW 🔞

And she hates herself for it, but she can’t help but imagine large hands cupping her breasts, dark tousled locks tickling down her sternum as she moves the v/ibrator so that it is quaking along her already wet slit.

63. NSFW 🔞

Within moments her hips are rising off the bed, thighs quivering as her release slams into her thinking about how he might call her “sweetheart” as he runs his nose along the smooth skin of her inner thigh after he eats her out.

64. “Fuck,” she whispers into the empty bedroom.

Yes, she is /definitely/ in trouble.

65. That’s it for this installment!

Next update: either Saturday or Sunday night (I’ll be traveling so I’m not sure which day yet!) Next time we’ll be getting into the first big NSFW/explicit scene. BUCKLE UP Y’ALL. 🥵
66. Our sweet Rey Rey went out, drunk texted Benjamin, and went home alone, hammered and horny. After m/asturbating to thoughts of one incredibly full of himself Benjamin Solo, she passes out.

67. CW for today’s update: NSFW 🔞, d/irty talk, light hair pulling, dom/sub undertones, little bit r/ough sex

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75. That’s it for today! I promise this is a text fic and there will be more visuals next installment. This scene REALLY got away from me.

Let me know your thoughts! 😘

76. The besties haven’t heard from Rey tonight and are starting to get concerned…

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78. When Rey walks in the next day, she is determined to put the memories of their little “mistake” behind her. Benjamin Solo is a no good, black-hearted villain determined to usurp her in her rightful position in upper management. And she will /not/ stand for it.

79. She opts to wear her most powerhouse outfit, a figure hugging black dress, black pumps, nails and lips a fire engine red. Rose had called it her /don’t-fuck-with-me/ dress. And that’s the exact vibe she needs right now.

90. Solo is already at his desk, typing away on some sort of spreadsheet. He’s shucked his jacket off and is down to his white button up, the sleeves rolled up, displaying his well-toned forearms. The same forearms that had locked around her thighs as he—


91. She may have miscalculated this.

He looks up at her as she tosses her bag to the floor under her desk and his eyes rake down her body.

92. She tries her hardest to breathe through her nose and not make direct eye contact, but she can /feel/ the intensity of his stare. Can practically taste the hunger that lingers in the air between them.

She ignores it all and takes a seat.

93. The rest of the day is spent hovering around each other with glancing touches that could be passed off as accidental or passing. But they both know better.

94. Occasionally, Solo gets close enough for his breath to tickle along her neck and it sends shivers down her spine.

She knows this is a horrible idea. A terrible one really. But part of her thrills at the thought. The forbidden desire of it all.

95. They never speak of it directly, but Rey knows he’s thinking about it too. It’s clear in the way his body moves around hers. Like he’s trying his hardest to keep his hands to himself. It’s intoxicating and maddening.

96. At the end of the day, Snoke calls Solo in.

It’s stupid, but Rey is counting the minutes, the seconds until he returns.

97. She still finds him incredibly obtuse and more than a little frustrating, but he pushes her. He /challenges/ her. And she’d be lying to herself if she wasn’t a little hungry for that.

Amongst other things.

98. But when he finally exits the office, it’s as if a thundercloud has rolled in. Solo’s discontentment rolls off him in waves. His scowl is murderous. His hands balled into fists at his sides. Mouth a hard, thin line.

99. “Solo, what—“

“Contact press for the event. I’m heading out. Need to coordinate with the DJ and some of our major backers.” Everything is clipped, cold, and terse.

100. Rey tenses, confused at this rapid shift in his demeanor. “I thought—“

“Just do it, Niima.” And just like that, he’s pulling his jacket from the back of his chair, flipping it over his shoulder, and storming out without another word.

101. What the hell is going on with Solo? Armitage needs to know.

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102. Hux dropping truth bombs left and right.

(2 SS)

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103. Still spiraling from his brusque dismissal, Rey goes back to what she’s comfortable with. And of course, she includes all her coworkers…

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104. Meanwhile, Snoke texts Ben reminding him of their discussion.

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105. When Ben gets back to the office, he’s distracted. Reeling from Snoke’s words and what this promotion would mean. He doesn’t even register Rose and Rey giggling behind their hands until he’s at the cubicle.

And then he sees it.

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106. CW: NSFW Scene, d*irty talk, tiny mention of hair pulling (like a tiny bit), bl*w job, c*m swallowing, quiet s/ex 🔞


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109. That’s it for this update!

Let me know your thoughts below. Also, I think we’re looking at 3 more posts!

No more updates until the weekend my friends. I’m traveling and won’t have time until then. Love to you all 😘

110. CW for this update: NSFW 🔞

They try not to hook up in the office after that, but once they start /whatever this is/ it proves very difficult to keep their hands off each other.

111. Most nights they have legitimate excuses to stay late. They both have the launch to contend with and are working on their presentations.

112. They fuck in the break room, in every supply closet there is, on Rey’s desk, on Ben’s desk. Once on Poe’s because he was being particularly annoying that day. Some nights they manage to make it to one of their apartments before hooking up.

113. Sometimes they eat together first and Rey wonders if they’re blurring the lines of this arrangement. Sometimes it feels suspiciously like a date the way he makes her dinner at his place or tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

114. But neither ever stays the night. And they never talk about what this is. What they are.

Rey knows it’s far safer if they don’t.

115. After all, where could this possibly go? It’s an HR scandal at minimum. It could be a life-ruining, career-ending faux pas neither of them could come back from should they be found out.

And yet.

116. Even though she knows the longer it goes on, the more risk they run of getting caught, she can’t seem to put an end to it.

117. He’s like a drug in her system, curling around her nerve endings and making every touch, every taste, every moment with him feel electric. Raw and intimate and other-worldly.

118. She knows this can’t possibly end well, but she is determined to enjoy the fucking ride.

119. With the merger well underway and the launch event coming up, the whole team has been doing a media blitz. Rey has even taken up posting not only on the company’s accounts, but also her personal IG account.

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120. She shows the progression of the brand as well as the venue for the launch event.

(1 SS)

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121. She highlights the new logo and officially posts the launch event invite.

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122. After confirming with Jess that she is indeed down to cater the event and seeing some of her work, Rey can’t help but share some pictures. Gotta get the people hungry right?

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123. And after hours of back and forth with Solo and haggling with different vendors, they’ve finally agreed on a deal for the goodie bags… or rather boxes.

Rey is so determined for this launch to be a success and everything is really coming together.

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124. Leia is impressed with all the work Rey and Ben have been able to get done on the launch event, and reaches out when she can’t hear their telltale bickering from her office.

(1 SS)

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125. She can’t help it. Defending him. Still. Rey’s next text sucks the breath right from her lungs. A sharp jab that prickles in her ribs.

She isn’t right. But she also isn’t wrong.

(1 SS)

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126. And Leia knows she can’t keep this from her anymore. Not when Rey is in direct competition with Ben. It isn’t right. Her not knowing.

So she takes the plunge and tells her the truth.

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127. Understandably, Rey is confused and immediately jumps to some negative assumptions about the son Leia never talks about.

Can’t. It hurts too much.

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128. But Ben was a kid. And whatever he’s done, she keeps coming back to the fact that her and Han were the adults. The parents. Maybe there’s fault for him too, but also with them.

They could’ve done better. /Should’ve/ done better.

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129. Rey, asks some hard questions because she needs to after these frankly startling disclosures.

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130. But her answer is clear. And she has to tell Rey about the presentation timeline.

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131. Child just woke up from a nap. But more updates this evening or first thing tomorrow (Sunday).

The next section is the NSFW component 😈

132. Rey goes back to the office.

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133. CW: NSFW 🔞

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134. CW: NSFW 🔞

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135. Ben is smiling when he comes into work the next morning. It’s perhaps the /first/ time he’s ever come into work smiling. And it is immediately wiped away when he receives a text from Snoke.

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137. He doesn’t know how to respond. Is this what Snoke thought he wanted?

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138. His stomach twists uncomfortably. Does this mean…

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139. Of course Snoke doesn’t think he can get this promotion on merit. No one has ever believed in him. Why would Snoke?

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140. That’s when Rey walks into the office. Late and so fucking radiant.

He watches her out of the corner of his eye as she takes her seat and starts typing away. She nibbles at the corner of her lip like she always does when she’s lost in thought.

141. He replays the feel of her lithe body tucked up against him. Watching the rise and fall of her chest. Trying to count the freckles dotting along the ridge of her nose and cheeks.

142. He gulps as she looks up, catching him staring.

She smirks, rolling her eyes. “Take a picture, Solo. It’ll last longer.”

But the biting edge her tone usually holds for him isn’t quite as sharp today.

143. She’d pulled on her clothes early in the morning. Trying to sneak out without waking him. He caught her, in her thong and her lacy bralette as she tugged her button up over her shoulders.

144. 🔞

He’d snatched up her hand. “Oh no you don’t.”

He’d pulled her back into bed as she squealed, almost ripping her panties in his haste. Her skin was so smooth. Tanned, delicate, firm.

145. 🔞

He mapped out her body with his hands and his tongue, settling between her thighs as he ran a thick digit along her seam. He loved making her gasp and shutter. Loved when she buried her fingers into his hair and pulled just a bit too roughly.

146. 🔞

He pressed kisses into her thighs, her c*unt, her clit until she was a writhing sopping mess. And then he fucked her into the mattress with reckless abandon. Pushing into her until her ankles locked around his back and her fingers clawed at the sheets.
147. 🔞

Until she rocked her hips into his and her chest flushed that pretty pink color he liked so much.

He knew he shouldn’t take so much pleasure in this. Not just the sex but in /her/. It was dangerous, what they were doing.

148. It was dangerous how much he was starting to care. How much he liked her in his bed, tucked up against him. How much he liked making dinner for her. How much he liked hearing her say his name. Like a promise and a curse.

149. She’d scolded him as she dressed, chiding him with that contagious sort of smile on her face. The one that always made the corners of his lips quirk up. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to him again.

150. She squealed as she told him he was making her late. He pressed another sloppy kiss into her belly, his hands spanning her lower back. She slipped out of his arms finally, but not before he held her close to him for one final lingering kiss.

151. She pulled away, slipping out the door as she laughed.

That’s when he got Snoke’s text. And his whole world went sideways.

Now, he looks at her. Caught up in the sweet curve of her dimples and the mildly exasperated expression on her face.

152. “Get back to work, Solo.”

All he can manage is a half-hearted smile as he swivels back to his computer. But he can’t read the words on the screen. He can’t focus on a single thing that isn’t /her/.
153. Even as his own impending future hangs in the balance he cannot shake the sincerity in those brilliant hazel eyes.

What the fuck is he going to do?

154. He barely makes it an hour, his mind reeling from his night with Rey and the text from Snoke.

So he reaches out to the two people who are /begrudgingly/ his most trusted confidants.

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155. Her boss?

He glances over at her, trying to imagine Rey being his employee and almost laughs outright.

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156. And of course, Hux chimes in with the most helpful information.

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157. Somehow, Ben makes it through the rest of the day. But by the time five o’clock rolls around, he doesn’t see anywhere else to turn. He grips his phone tightly in his hand letting out a rough breath and pulls up a contact he’s been saving for far too long.

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159. Her reply is almost immediate.

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160. He can almost feel her shock through the little dots as he watches her type.

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161. It was what he had worked for. But now… Now all he can think about is how it will affect Rey.

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162. Leia lays out the fact for him. There’s no sugar coating any of it.

But he pauses when he sees her olive branch. It tugs at a deep point in his chest and his eyes sting at the corners.

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163. He glances over at Rey for a moment and he thinks about what she said yesterday.

It’s never too late to fix it. To try again.

He grabs his blazer off the back of his chair, dipping his chin as he nods at her.

“See you tomorrow, Niima.”

164. That’s it for tonight, friends!

Next update: early next week. The penultimate chapter of this little text fic saga. The presentations happen followed by some introspection. And of course: the launch event. 😘

Hope y’all enjoy.

165. While Ben heads out to mend fences with Leia and Han, Rey preps for the impending interview/presentation the next day.

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166. Don’t worry. The squad is cooking up plans for Rey once she finishes the presentation.

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167. Rey doesn’t even have a moment to stop and process after the interview/presentation before her friends are sweeping her up and leading her out the door. She gives Ben a rushed “good luck” as well before they jostle her toward the elevator.

168. His eyebrows tip up incredulously at her friends’ antics and she shrugs helplessly but there is something soft in his expression. Dare she say kind? As if he is pleased her friends are taking care of her so thoughtfully.

169. Brunch is a lovely and light affair, full of deep gut shaking laughter that has tears pricking in the corners of her eyes. Finn is the one who asks how she thought the presentation went. She smiles and nods, feeling a sense of contentment that surprises her.

170. “I think it went pretty well, honestly. I felt prepared, thanks to Leia’s guidance. There wasn’t a question they asked that I didn’t have a solid answer for.”

171. She takes a bite of her stuffed French toast before her eyes narrow marginally in thought. “Of course, I’m sure Solo has put together a hell of a presentation as well.”

172. She lets herself wonder briefly about how he might be doing as her friends move on. They switch gears from the topic of work to discuss the trending spring fashions, the latest season of Bridgerton, and debate about who in the city has the best happy hour.

173. Rey is clutching her side by the time they head back to the office. She doesn’t even realize she’s on the lookout for Solo until she arrives at their back to back cubicles and he is nowhere to be found.

174. She looks questioningly in the direction of the board room but the door is still closed. No way can they /still/ be interviewing him, right? It’s been two hours.

175. She tries to busy herself but her eyes anxiously dart to the closed boardroom door every few seconds.

176. Finally, she pulls out her phone to speculate wildly with Finn and Rose.

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177. How did we get here??

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178. Dish Rey, diiiiiiiish.

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179. It’s all fun and sexy until someone has to bring up the inevitable HR nightmare and real feelings talk…

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182. While she’s out she gets some interesting texts from Leia regarding the promotion…

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183. Rey has no idea what it all means but she’s certain it can’t be good. She takes her time getting back to the office and most everyone has cleared out by then.

184. Mitaka is in the back finishing up a ream of copies, and she glances at the boardroom door. It’s now wide open and deserted. She looks over at Ben’s desk and her brows furrow. It’s completely empty.

185. His workspace has always been relatively sparse compared to her own which was overrun with desk plants, pictures of her friends pinned to the cubicle wall, and brightly colored pens and post-its strewn everywhere.

186. Ben’s desk had a cup of pens, a beautiful paperweight of a shiny volcanic rock he’d picked up in Argentia, and his D/wight S/chrute bobblehead.

187. But it’s all gone now. The desk a blank space. Like someone hasn’t been working out of it for the past four months. The sight makes her chest constrict painful, like she’s waited a beat too long to take a breath.

188. So that’s it then. They’ve made their choice. Ben cleared out his desk to move into an office space befitting the position of department head.

189. She sucks in a deep breath as she feels tears prick at the corners of her eyes, but she nods, grateful finally to be put out of her misery.

At least now she knows. She can move forward. She can move on.

190. She takes a deep breath and reaches for her phone.

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191. I hate to cliffhanger you guys like that, but that’s it for tonight!

Final installment up by the end of the week!

Next update: the launch event, Ben’s POV on all of this, as well as revelations! Feelings! And you know I’ll have to end on some smut 😈

192. And now for the FINAL INSTALLMENT of #WannaKnowFic

When we left off, there was some confusion. Rey believes Ben got the promotion and left him on read. It’s the day of the launch event and Ben’s phone buzzes. He pulls it out fast, praying it’s from Rey.

It isn’t.

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193. Many people use “Fuck off, Dameron.” But what about a good ol’ “Fuck off, Hux.”

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194. Hux isn’t one to take it personally though. Instead, he doubles down. But Phas is asking the real questions.

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195. Meanwhile his phone buzzes again.

And again, it isn’t Rey.

(1 SS)

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196. The Solo Family Reunion we’ve all been waiting for 🥺

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197. Meanwhile, Rey is in her element. (Please ignore the 3 days ago tag. Let’s pretend it says 3 minutes 😬)

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198. Rey corrects the swag box display, gives specific marching orders to the wait staff on the order in which to dole out the hor'dourves, and has fixed the new logo signage in strategic places around the gallery.

199. She’s almost worked up a sweat when she finally makes her way back to Leia.

“Sorry,” she pants out, clutching a stitch in her side. “You wanted to talk to me?”

200. Leia just smiles and rolls her eyes at her. She can’t help but be vexed and charmed by Rey’s tenacious energy. She grabs her by the elbow and drags her to a more secluded nook of the gallery.

201. “Rey. You’ve done an amazing job tonight.”

But Rey is already shaking her head. “It was a team effort. Truly. Solo organized the DJ and the—“

“Rey. I want to talk to you about the promotion.”

Rey stills immediately, mouth agape and eyes wide. “Oh.”

202. “You got the promotion, Rey. You’re going to be the new department head in charge of recruitment and marketing as well as client interfacing.” Leia’s hands grip hers but she can’t seem to feel her hold.

203. Her mouth is going wider as she splutters incoherently. “But—what about Ben? He was with First Order for so long. He’s your son. He knows the companies better. He should—“

204. Leia’s face pinches as she squeezes Rey’s hand again. Her brow is drawn and her mouth is drawn down in a frown. “Rey, Ben turned in his notice yesterday.”

Her breathing stops. She pulls her hands from Leia’s grasp. A shutter rolls through her body. “What?”

205. “I know it’s a lot to—“

Rey is already turning though. Already pulling her phone from her jacket pocket.

206. Rey marches across the gallery, whipping her phone out as she walks.


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207. I… you… what?

In which Rey’s brain short-circuits.

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208. 🥺🥺🥺

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209. Finally, she finds him.

Finally, she gets some answers.

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210. #WannaKnowFic

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211. #WannaKnowFic

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212. 🔞 CW: lots of NSFW coming your way

O/rgasm denial, edging, praise k/ink, dirty t/alk, vying for dominance

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213. 🔞

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214. 🔞

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215. 🔞

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216. The next morning, the gang is ready to send out a search party…

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217. Poe is in a STATE but Rey couldn’t care less.

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218. And that’s a wrap on #WannaKnowFic

Thank you to everyone who has followed me, liked this, commented, RT or QRTed. The Reylo fam is the best fam. Spread the love if you enjoyed and I’ll be back soon with more text fic action for #ReyloSchoolsOut 😈

• • •

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Mar 14
All My Friends

🤓A Reylo textfic for #ReyloSpiritWeek
🤓College AU
🤓Nerd Rey
🤓Frat Bro Ben
🤓Prompt fills for Fake Relationship & Only One Bed
🤓Eventual NSFW 🔞
🤓#AllMyFriendsFic to 🔇

Special thanks to @spiritusmovensx for her guidance on text fic writing! 😘 Let’s go!
1. Let’s meet our dynamic dyad.

Rey Niima, biochem student at Illinois State. Barista and book shop girl by day. Part-time note-taker for the university. Underpaid and overworked. Aggressively single. (1 SS)

#AllMyFriendsFic Image
2. Benjamin Organa Solo, Alpha Tau Omega president at Illinois State. Cat dad. Part-time trainer. Political science and international relations double major. Broody and buff. (1 SS)

#AllMyFriendsFic Image
Read 79 tweets
Dec 10, 2021
#24DaysOfReylo DAY 8 - CAROLS


A micro text fic

🎄Friends to Lovers

1. Rey had been friends with Ben Solo for approximately two years, eight months, three weeks, two days, and perhaps five hours.
2. She had been in love with him for approximately two years, seven months, two weeks, two days, and maybe seven hours. And it was making her miserable. And what was worse? Everyone seemed to know. Except Ben.
3. So when she passed by the Holiday Market on 12th and Lincoln and a group of carol singers were belting out “Wrapped in Red” by Kelly fucking Clarkson, she knew.

It was time to do something about it. If nothing else it would put her out of her misery.
Read 37 tweets
Dec 9, 2021
#24DaysOfReylo DAY 8 - HOLLY

🎄😘🎄 a micro fic

1. “You wanna make out?”

Ben’s eyes widened, utterly perplexed.

“You’re standing under mistletoe.”

He looked up and his brows furrowed. “Isn’t that holly?”

“Same thing,” Rey quipped with a shrug.
2. Slowly she ran her hands up his chest before pulling him down by the shoulders.

He rolled his eyes at her but couldn’t hide the upturning of his lips as he leaned into her and whispered, “You’re a menace, sweetheart.”
3. She pushed up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his, soft and languid. His hot breath ghosted across her cheek and shivers rippled down her spine. She would never get used to the feel of his plush lips or his firm body pressed against hers.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 8, 2021
#24DaysOfReylo DAY 7 - CANDY CANE

I had a vision of @itsmzladybird #FinePrint Ben and Rey. Office shenanigans are afoot.


1. Rey loved candy canes. The sweetness and the peppermint swirled into a delicious easily portable treat.
2. She started sucking on the candy cane at her desk while working on Poe’s latest acquisition. Finally, she pushed away from her desk, straightening her floral pencil skirt and made her way down the hall to their weekly staff meeting.
3. Poe sat at the head of the table as people filed in to fill the massive conference room. She sat to Poe’s right, dutifully pulling out her computer to take notes and setting her cell next to it with her trademark red rabbit phone case, ears and all.
Read 26 tweets

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