Was YUYA the Hyksos/Israelite, JOSEPH from the Bible? of the 'COAT OF MANY COLOURS' Fame? & was he behind AKHENATON'S Sun worship?
Yuya's large outer coffin as discovered in 1905 ( Public Domain ) and the gold gilded third, innermost coffin of Tuya (Hans Ollermann/ CC BY 2.0 ) from Tomb KV46 in the Valley of the Kings.
Gold is important, to this Line.
Gold /Yellow/Blue!
Rothschild Party!
Did the fleeing Akhenaton followers of his Daughter Meritaten/Scota, go back to the Hyksos roots of Scythia (Ukraine/Khazaria later) then back to the ancient route to Ireland then Scotland, mixing ancient Egyptian Sun Worship, with Scythian proto- celtic Paganism?
Did this melding of religions, become known as Druidism?
and are these PHARAOHS STILL HERE? practising their Pagan religious rites?…
Who was, JOHN MONEY, the man you have probably, never heard of!
"He conducted sexological studies on intersexual children, sexual fantasies, paraphilias and especially pedophilia, defending what he called ‘affective’ pedophilia."