A 🧵:
SIECUS, The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, began in '64 w/Dr. Mary Calderon, a Medical Director at Planned Parenthood. They're pushing Comprehensive Sexuality Education nationwide for grades K-12.
According to this linked article, Playboy and/or Hugh Hefner supported SIECUS financially. So, were they connected to the porn and/or sex toy industry? If they were, are they still? ... jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…
Important to note that SIECUS is a recommended resource by the CA Dept. of Ed. under the California Healthy Youth Act and the CA Health Framework. The Future of Sex Ed (FoSA) (exposed in my recent thread) is also a resource there: cde.ca.gov/ls/he/se/docum…
SIECUS held a Webinar Series on topics pertaining to Comprehensive Sexuality Education. At least one such webinar was, "intended for parents, students, educators, school administrators..."
The webinar series was sponsored by b-Vibe, a sex toy company wanting to advance CSE.
A Sept. 14, 2020 Press Release on an erotic retail website discusses b-Vibe sponsoring the SIECUS webinar series.
They expressed *thrill to partner w/SIECUS on topics a part of:
“b-Vibe’s mission to make sex-positive education available to everyone."
At one of the SIECUS webinars, the host shares about advancing Comprehensive Sex Ed and says, "We are joined by some amazing experts in the field." One of their experts has spoken several times at the Adult Video News Conference in Las Vegas.
Their same *expert* has spoken about BDSM and kink on the following media podcast: archive.org/details/podcas…
One of the SIECUS webinars discussed Sexual Citizenship. SIECUS & Sexual Citizenship are mentioned below from Stanford University. What happens on college & university campuses will influence K-12 schools. Some resources here already exist in K-12.
SIECUS has a new activism launch called, "Educate Us: SIECUS in Action", to bring their Comprehensive Sexuality (pleasure-focused) Education to K-12 nationwide.
They are also working to train people nationwide through a new Sex Ed Collaborative effort that focuses on the same lenses of social justice, intersectionality, etc. that I exposed in the recent FoSE thread.
FoSE, SIECUS, Amaze, Planned Parenthood and many others are all connected. This is a Kinsey-related agenda to bring systemic change through their radical ideologies and graphic sex education.
Parents and community members are right to question this agenda and stand up to it. When you hear of books like GenderQueer, Beyond Magenta, or S.E.X. by Heather Corinna used in public schools, that's Comprehensive Sexuality Education and this will worsen over time.
Is this content grooming? For me, undoubtedly. SIECUS also recommends Scarleteen which produces content like this:
🧵 Social Emotional Learning was always designed to indoctrinate a child beginning at a young, impressionable age. This is calculated to manipulate their foundational beliefs and align them towards the government's value system...
🧵 This agenda occurs in order to remove and replace any pre-existing familial value system that is present. Call SEL conditioning or manipulation or even brainwashing but it is operational manipulation into a series of re-defining morals, values, and even spiritual beliefs...
🧵 SEL is a Trojan Horse to insert Gender Ideology and neo-Marxist ideas into the child so they reject what older generations conserved and what their family of origin believes...
🧵 @BillAckman, I know. Amaze is now a global organization managed by Advocates for Youth. AFY began as the "Center for Population Options" in 1980. One of their early Chairpersons had worked for the Center for Family Planning Program Development now the Guttmacher Institute...
🧵 The Center for Family Planning Program Development was where research was being done in connection to Planned Parenthood. Alan Guttmacher and Frederick Jaffe worked there. Jaffe became well known for his 1969 Memo regarding ways to deter population growth...
The network of teacher's unions and activist organizations (including globally) to advance indoctrination through Ethnic Studies deserves attention as it spreads...
🧵 Pacific Grove USD in CA contracted Planned Parenthood to digitally teach Comprehensive Sexuality Education that includes extremely graphic and explicit adult content which far exceeds anything the California Healthy Youth Act law requires.
🧵 The Carmel Pine Cone Newspaper has just released the story today detailing how the middle school curriculum directs young adolescents to visit "legit sexual health orgs" including AASECT: American Association for the Scientific Study of Sexuality...
Read here:
🧵 Planned Parenthood recommends AASECT to 7th graders where they may see:
"The Heaviest Weight: Minor Attraction and Therapeutic Rapport"
"Ketamine Assisted Sex Therapy: Facilitating Sexual Fulfillment Through Psychedelic Medicine"
@RepGrothman spoke on the House Floor Friday to expose the shocking news that the Head of the Joint Chiefs, appointed by Biden, wants to reduce the number of white officers in the military down to 42%
Representative Grothman, I was in the gallery for your speech - excellent!
@RepGrothman also exposed that the military will pay people up to $190,000 to be diversity experts.
He rightly addresses the need to call this out as wrong. The expansion of DEI spells ruin for our nation.
I will add, the Marxists want DEI ideology applied to elected leaders.
@RepGrothman As a Californian visiting Washington D.C., I am grateful that @RepGrothman
boldly spoke the truth on the House Floor.
I witness these destructive ideologies in my state. On Friday, from the gallery, I was honored to hear you, sir.