Deirdre Connolly¹ Profile picture
Apr 13, 2022 747 tweets >60 min read Read on X
@cryptojedi kicking off with logistics Image
Kicking off with in fact, side channels: Spectre Declassified
Secret annotations seem highly desired in many programming languages! Image
You had me at secure type systems

#realworldcrypto Image
"Under speculative execution, the invariants of our program may not hold." 😭

Spectre can smuggle a private-typed value into the public domain. Some mitigations, incl. speculative load hardening

#realworldcrypto Image
"no mis-speculations detected"

SLH can poison the speculative flow of secret values to the outside world

"Skip the encryption itself" ??? 😳 👻

#realworldcrypto Image
Hate these microarchitectural side channels 😭

Speculation fence into the declassification 👍 :fence-emoji:

#realworldcrypto Image
Mitigations with negligible performance impact with fencing, masking operations

Because a value can never leak (🤔) we can skip 95% of masking operations

Q: What happens when value speculation is introduced?

A: Haven't looked at it yet

Q: Declassify does a lot, what if a function used once is safe, but again is not (like involving a nonce), can this be enforced with the type system?

A: Declassifier would check somewhat but that's getting beyond our classifier type system

Q: Is data considered secret by default?

A: Must be marked explicitly

Q: Ensure instructions before the fence are correctly executed?

A: lfence() ensures the instructions before MUST be executed before the lfence

Q: All these attacks and mitigations feel like a cat and mouse game, should this be handled at the hardware level? Feels fragile on a micro/architectural change

A: Yesss? Need cooperation with vendors

Next up, timing attack mitigations! Speaker: Ján Jančár

#realworldcrypto Image
Attacks that abuse timing leaks, but can be algorithmic, not hardware: branches / accesses that vary based on secret values

Often you have to ✨hope✨ that the compiler doesn't optimize away your constant time mitigations, tools can help check that they persist to machine code

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Widely varying guarantees in these tools

So why do timing attacks still exist? Ask developers!

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@RustCryptoOrg Lot of crypto devs may not be aware of these tools!

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@RustCryptoOrg Everyone knew about timing attacks! 🎉

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@RustCryptoOrg (I basically agree with this!)

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@RustCryptoOrg Constant time algorithms, and kinda just, hoping, the compiler doesn't mess them up

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(Come to HACS?!)

Leaky pipeline!

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Automate all the things!

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Compilers should 'just' add this support (cc llvm 😅)

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Crypto competitions (like NIST PQC) should require / standardize constant-time code

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Custom tools, but also custom languages, which devs don't like because of integration issues/effort

Big divide between compiler authors and crypto devs re side channels

Q: Which of these tools are actively maintained and 'industry ready'?

A: *chuckle* a few; 5 actively maintained; some tools are used in CIs of crypto libraries of big libs like AWS S2N (// @colmmacc )

Q: Which tools would fit the trusted execution environment?

A: Depends if you have access to the code, or the binary, 'most' should work

Next up, "Lend Me Your Ear: Passive Remote Physical Side Channels on PCs ", presented by Daniel Genkin and Roei Schuster

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Software vs physical side channels

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hehehe 🕵️‍♂️

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Oh no. Oh NO—

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"My whistle shows up in the power spectrogram" 😭


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Building on Elie's work, using DNN's trained on power analyses to classify new traces and save humans lots of work

Nonces are ⭐supposed⭐ to be kept secret in ECDSA


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"Non-constant time rendering"

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"The leak is happening because the target is rendering the attacker's avatar" 😹

"This is the first example of a physical attack running across the internet, without the target running attack code." YEAH.

Q: Did you find adding noise makes it hard for the DNN to detect?

A: Possible, did an experiment with interference, really trying to introduce truly random noise (not human white noise) can help ,attack is only 94%, can lower accuracy

Q: Are any particular codecs vulnerable?

A: 'Most of them?' Also depends on how close the microphone is

#realworldcrypto Image
I missed the question but:

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Q: Geolocation?

A: Haven't tried, we're very interested

Coffee break!
Back! Next up, "Heavyweight Security via Lightweight Cryptography", presented by Meltem Sonmez Turan

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Some history on our old reliable AES

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AES is standing strong, but there are some new asks of our symmetric primitives

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"Real hardware constraints with smaller integers" 👀

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Shout out to @veorq for "Too Much Crypto" 😎

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Multi-round competition to develop new guidelines, recommendations and standards optimized for constrained devices

Submission requirements here:…

Didn't realize that the PQC competition was very popular, compared to other NIST competitions!

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Round 1: lots of things based on block ciphers, tweakable block ciphers, and hashes based on sponge constructions

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Round 2: evaluation

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[ Needs a third axis for some adhoc 'security' metric ]

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10 candidates emerged from Round 2, round 3 happening now

Relevant to the talks from the side channel session

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Upcoming, fifth workshop this May

Don't let the name fool you, "lightweight" doesn't mean "weak", rather they are optimized to perform well and securely on constrained devices. Follow here:…

Q: After some of these lightweight primitives are finalized, does it make sense to use AES at all after?

A: They will not be very efficient as AES in servers / PCs where AES-NI instructions are available

Next up, "Rugged Pseudorandom Permutations and Their Applications", presented by Jean Paul Degabriele

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"Nonce-set AEAD" 👀

(// @SchmiegSophie )

@SchmiegSophie Variable-length tweakable cipher over a split domain

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Encode-then-Encipher paradigm

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Gives a scheme that is secure against misuse

More compact ciphertext, use the nonce to authenticate the ciphertext

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Nonce-set AEAD

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Looks nice for order-resilient channels like QUIC, DTLS; need to handle out-of-order delivery of packets/records

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oooo Tor 🧅

Q: This looks to help so much with protocol design, were you looking at things like QUIC when designing?

A: Yeah Tor, and some QUIC

Next up, the Levchin prize!

Nigel apologies for not being @danboneh

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Ooo! Don Coppersmith!

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Don Coppersmith accepting via the internet

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"I started at IBM Research and sat next to Feistel" lol small world

"IBM allowed me to work on things of my own taste, including signatures, discrete log; I was able to dabble with authentication schemes and public key schemes." Sounds like a lovely research environment 🥰

"If you submitted a paper to CRYPTO/EUROCRYPT in the early 90s, and your paper was rejected because of a 'devastating attack', that was me." [applause]

Some scheme that escaped Pandora's box? I missed it

We absolutely have moved the internet on deployment of TLS because in huge part of Let's Encrypt's work

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"It felt frustrating that [creating a new CA from scratch] was what had to happen, it's a lot of work." Support them!

Only 11 engineers support Let's Encrypt! 🤯

[ Cheap plug: it's hard to be a certificate authority! …… ]

Being free is essential to usability and availability [didn't think about that!]

Resiliency is really important in the PKI ecosystem, automated revocation is work that will make this even better

Privacy-preserving metrics coming too (talk later at rwc)

Nigel: pls stop nominating Satoshi, they've been nominated 😂

Back with Mallory Knodel!

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Compelled decryption and lawful intercept are system changes, it's not just about a single ciphertext

"Direct E2E encryption messaging is now ubiquitous, so the laws are changing"

Encryption protects children along with everyone else

Encryption enables censorship circumvention

Implications of interoperability requirements between E2EE services

Bangladesh: "criminals are using e2ee services to plan [offline] crimes!" Motivates the ask for 'traceability'

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Ethiopia: after a workshop on how to do PGP-encrypted email, organizers arrested on allegations of being "spies" (!)

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Zimbabwe: gov claimed they could read E2EE'd WhatsApp messages, scared people enough to chill activity; if gov can't stop usage enough, they just block WhatsApp completely

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EU: Child Safety Act

Would embolden govs/actors around the world to also feel entitled to similar access

Offer alternative narratives, watch alternative policies, don't forget civil liberties implications of things like compelled decryption, client-side scanning

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Need clear definitions of what End to End Encryption is, or others try to erode the definition while claiming to still be E2EE'd

Q: Intellectual property law threats to encryption?

A:Proposed in the past, largely unpopular, in contrast to the client-side scanning, CSAM matching approaches

Q: Web3, circumvent censorship?

A: In the EU there things that get taken down, and the inability to ever take something down (like on a blockchain) presents problems

Q: end-running E2EE via escrow, thresholds?

A: Eval'd a bunch of proposals, found most are unsatisfactory; NCMEC hash databases maintained by trusted parties and humans, the promise of confidentiality is gone (Apple too). User reporting is good, but see above

Q: What if the democratic will wants to crack down on encryption?

A: In our offline lives, we have the right to whisper: allowing this online includes encryption; taking breaking encryption off the table may help us come up with better societal solutions

Next up, "All about that Data: Towards a Practical Assessment of Attacks on Encrypted Search", presented by Amos Treiber

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"Benign leakage" 😭

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Tool: LEAKER, implementation of 17 major attacks in python ➛…

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Expectations of the frequency of user queries did not pan out in the data 😅

Q: Factoring in weighted risk of occurrence?

A: No numerical analysis, intuition as to what level of revealing is 'bad'

Next up, "A privacy attack on the SwissPost e-voting system", presented by Alexandre Debant

E-voting system, audited by experts, obtain formal proofs, target: Sept 2022

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Found an attack where all the votes can be revealed!

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Oh boy, mixers 🥣

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Oop, single point of trust failure

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Introduce a fake ballot box 🗳️

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_Many_ variants of the attack exist ಠ‿ಠ

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Nice bounty 💰

it is important to model _all the specificities of the system_ when doing formal proofs

New requirement, made a mess of the security properties established up to this point

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Q: Methodology to find the attack?

A: Started symbolic proof w/ ProVerif very naïvely, and found an attack for a different one; did same for SwissPost; quite easy to detect

Break time!
Next up, "Exposure Notifications Private Analytics", by Tim Geoghegan, Mariana Raykova Frederic Jacobs

[Thought: do any health authorities support a curated at-home rapid test as input to their EN systems?]

Designed for privacy: opt-in, no persistent iDs, no centralized social graph

How can we tune the system to be useful to epidemiologists and health authorities, while upholding privacy principles?

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Relies on non-collusion of aggregation servers

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Each client adds a small amount of noise, aggregation amplifies this noise, providing differential privacy

The real world part of real world crypto:

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An aggregator is operated by ISRG (the org behind @letsencrypt ), and by NCI at NIH; running on k8s on different cloud hosts

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Web portal to access the results by MITRE

Ingestion servers to authenticate and attest to data and devices before their inputs get aggregated

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All together now:

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Deployed since December 2020, 15 US states and 4 Mexican states; 9 metrics collected; servers process millions of contributions daily

Used to estimate that dozens of lives were saved in Olympia Washington by Covid Exposure Notifications in that area

When your TLS certs aren't strictly TLS certs:

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["Instantiating PKIs for <specific thing> is harder than it looks, ask @sleevi_ , @letsencrypt ]

AWS <-> GCP identity federation! Wow!

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To get a cred that lets you do something, you need 4 different cred exchanges 🥴

To get it to work, you need a /lot/ of config that is easy to mess up 😒

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Mmm multi-cloud 🌥🌥🌥

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Test your heterogeneous distributed private observability system! 😵‍💫

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Drive tests from a seed for repeatability, prep for integrating with servers outside your VPN, custom builds, needs close communication with teams that aren't on your team Slack

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6 months! Impressive!

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CTA: user and adopter education, standardization (…, which is the next talk!)

Important goal: interop

Q: Delta values for the differential privacy?

A: Aiming 2:1 [I think]

Q: What kind of user adoption rates do you see?

A: Not being collected

Next up, "Standardizing MPC for Privacy-preserving Measurement" presented by Chris Patton

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ENPA was designed specifically for aggregating bitvectors - what about other types of stats? Other papers' goals tend to vary. A roadmap: IETF working group on privacy-preserving measurement:…

Discussing candidates: Prio, Poplar, others

Applications: are users of my website experiencing high latency?

Prio: additive secret sharing

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Incremental distributed point function (IDPF), allows counting the number of strings beginning with a given prefix

Filter out some below a threshold, and get the ones that occur at least as many times as our threshold

Hopefully this general form will support more candidates

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Ooo, Masked LARk might support private computation of gradient descent

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Not all solutions will have the same shape, but hopefully similar enough to build applications around them: Verifiable Distributed Aggregation Functions (VDAFs)…

The Privacy-Preserving Measurement Protocol:

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Contribute! 📜

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Q: Failure modes - identification of cheaters, after aggregation?

A: Whole bag of worms, let's talk offline 🐛

Q: Crypto seems to be a small part of making the whole system work, does a standard help?

A: Useful to abstract away the cloud primitives, something agnostic.

Last talk of the day, "Oblivious Message Retrieval", by Zeyu Liu and Eran Tromer

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Scanning the whole blockchain is common (😭)

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[Wooo Zcash 😉]

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FMD: using decoys in the trial decryption, gives weak privacy, needs honest senders and receivers

Private Signaling needs trusted hardware (🔥)

V2 needs two communicating, non-colluding server, a strong assumption

OMR: fully private under strong security notions, using FHE

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You can give your encrypted viewing key to a server, server does an FHE'd query using that encrypted key, gives you results, and the server doesn't need to be within your trust boundary 🎉

Also useful, oblivious message detection

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Can you give me a clue, man?

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Kilobytes just to represent ciphertext 😬

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PVW encryption, based on LWE (lattice) assumptions, much smaller and more efficient

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Earlier schemes assume some level of honesty; OMR mitigates malicious clues sent from dishonest clients

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Supports key unlinkability!

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Less than a byte per message 😻
Clue size is < 1KB
Detection keys are about 100MB (😬)
Strongest notions of privacy and honesty of parties

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Q: Should we actually worry about quantum computers?

A: Yes; Sure it keeps mathematicians employed; gives cryptographers opportunity to dev new schemes

Yuval says Mike Hamburg suggested looking at exploiting speculative execution to break attack crypto schemes (๑•́ ヮ •̀๑)

Q: Advice for younger-career members of RWC community?

A: Do what you like; get a taste of research in different contexts, see who's going to use the results of your research

Q: what do you think will ultimately happen with cryptocurrencies?

A: Some really cool cryptography is going to come out of it [😉]

Cryptography > steganography, from the panel of cryptographers

Q: besides tricky names, what's the secret to strong cryptography?

A: For AES, we were working on it for years before the competition started; for SHA3, we invested a lot of time, open research, no pressure to publish papers really helped

Q: what do you think will be the future of Intel SGX?

Yuval: Intel has stopped producing SGX for the end user, if you have physical access to a machine holding secrets you will eventually break it, SGX cloud-only can become a defense-in-depth layer

Q: is the gap between theory and practice in cryptography narrowing?

A: There's a large spread, the gap is narrowing, companies are investing more; much better than 20 years ago

Me: Are paper reviewers responsible for bugs in my implementation of a crypto protocol that gets deployed to prod? [NB: not necessarily the protocol, but implementation]

A: Science is about building on others; you would think reviewers would check the proof

Q: How do you define privacy?

A: I wrote it down but I have forgotten it already 😂

Q: Who should roll their own crypto?

A: Don't do it alone, bring a friend!

[Cheap plug: ……]

End of day 1!
Day 2 of #realworldcrypto ! Kicking off with the TLS session, "Justifying Standard Parameters in the TLS 1.3 Handshake", presented by Hannah Davis
Only a few choices of group and fields (by design), limited scaling bounds

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A concrete evaluation of the game, missing the guarantees that we want

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The reduction to diffie-hellman isn't tight, giving a tighter bound, quadratic loss -> constant loss

When the hash is SHA-384 (for pre-shared keys) this method failed

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A reduction to DH has to simulate all these sessions at once; a random factor for picking a session and for a server leads to the tightness loss

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Gotta pull all those things in your session transcript!

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Compare / contrast the Zcash Sapling key schedule 😅

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Only one hash function, so not more than one random oracle - proof has to model only the one random oracle

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How NOT to Separate Your Domains (old school session identifier)

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* slaps roof of TLS 1.3 * This bad boy can fit so many random oracles in it

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Q: If you could, how would you redesign TLS 1.3?

A: No perfect answer, starting from scratch would incl. redesigning HMAC to separate; incl. suffix padding to each of HMAC & KDF

Q: KEM instead of DH?

A: Relies on re-randomization properties of DH, if possible we could try them in this technique

Next up, "ALPACA: Application Layer Protocol Confusion - Analyzing and Mitigating Cracks in TLS Authentication", presented by Marcus Brinkmann

#realworldcrypto Image
It's called 'transport layer' for a reason

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There is no IP protection, can lead to cross-protocol attacks

Oh yeah this rings a bell 😅

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Prior work from Jann Horn, 2015, attack HTTPS when the server also serves FTP

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Can extract the cookie and impersonate user to the web site, such as your bank (or crypto exchange?)

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Detect, "limit syntax errors", avoid reflection, to mitigate in the application layer

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"This is clearly impractical"

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Found 114,000 servers that are vulnerable!

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Q: Is the attack limited by CORS policies?

A: There are some 'CORS-safe' requests that are kept for compat, that always seem to go through cross-origin; can be mitigated, doesn't work in a scenarios, more in paper, depends on cookie policies

Next up, "Improved CRL compression with structured linear functions", by Mike Hamburg

Gotta be online!

#realworldcrypto Image
Compress, only need to query some certs, only need to build a function that is correct on a finite domain

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'Structured linear functions'

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Ooo, solve the matrix with gaussian elimination, but this takes O(n³) time, O(n^2.8) memory

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Oh hey I just heard about these, they are deployed in RocksDB

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Efficient in time and memory, but there is a chance there will not be a solution, so you can make the matrix larger to lower this chance

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New: Frayed Ribbon Filters

O(n^(3/2)) time, low overhead, constant or 1%

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I can has frayed ribbons in my db, thx

For CRLs, we're not done yet

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CRLite uses stacks of Bloom filters

Always with 11% of Shannon entropy

[ don't you want to be within 11% of this guy?]

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[ Written in Rust! ]

Q: What were the causes for variance between query times of different approaches?

A: Rust is better for safety, when optimizing to compare cross-platform, Rust's siphasher crate was slower on Intel vs M1; Some had more than one frayed ribbon filter

Next up, "Commit Acts of Steganography — Before It's Too Late", presented by Gabriel Kaptchuk

#realworldcrypto Image
Encode a sensitive message into a mundane message

Universal Steganography

1: Pick a covertext channel (emoji!)

2: Encode

Using a perfectly unbiased hash function to map to the cover text set

How to decode? Generative models

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But this fails! The unbiased hash function over human text doesn't exist

If low entropy in the channel, don't transmit, wait for higher entropy

Ha! Encoded

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Not that bad! Basically looks like a bot 😁

Provable indistinguishability

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Q: Do we have to work so hard to make covertext look like natural language? Needle in a high stack?

A: We're shooting higher, usually in a high-risk environment

Q: How resilient is this to adversary that malleates?

A: This is CPA secure, CCA/ integrity is future work

Next up, password-based key exchange

Don't like this

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Identity -based PAKEs

Ooo hash to curve!

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Commitment to ID use to prove we are who we say we are

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(// @SoatokDhole )
Low overhead, suitable for Wi-Fi and IoT

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A: Yes

Next up, "Rebuilding Meta’s Ads Stack with MPC", by James Reyes

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Deprecation of cookies, ad killer! Right?

Private Lift, Private Attribution projects


[Advertisers don't actually understand the /current/ ads tech ecosystem, sooooo]

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Private Lift

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(//@swodinsky )
Trying to determine the causal impact of the ad you are running

Woof, complexity

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Every feature you add increases cost and time

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We call these "partner integrations"

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Q: Separating between advertisers & meta, how are you doing the secret sharing?

A: Paper coming

Q: To systems people, MPC may not be hard to abstract, what's hard about the crypto to systems people?

A: Because there are more constraints, that operating in the clear, different paradigm

Q: How does this affect the opacity of the ads ecosystem for /users/?

A: it's hard enough to explain to developers, let alone users, similar with regulators

Q: Can you show ads on clients such that Meta doesn't know which clients saw which ads?

A: Federated analytics [this is not the same]


Conf in Birmingham

MLS! Spec in final phase, impl in Rust (OpenMLS), via @raphaelrobert

.@FiloSottile on supporting open source software 🎉…

Props to RWC for providing childcare, allows people to attend who otherwise couldn't!

EUROCRYPT in May in Norway!

Google hiring people to mask on top of QUIC

Qualcomm hiring

Cheslea Komlo previewing a paper on proving properties re: threshold signatures, proving lack of participation

W3C, private add tech community group

ZKproofs, circtree

@zx2c4 on updates to the RNG in the Linux kernel

No jerks!

#realworldcrypto ! It has a vetted curation of good Rust cryptography implementations

Julie from the Go Cryptography team is hiring!

COSIC is recruiting! Biggest crypto group in the world (~100)

Next up, "Secure Messaging Authentication against Active Man-in-the-Middle Attacks", presented by Britta Hale

Comparing Signal public keys is not directly checking anything about the encryption between those two parties

Different Meta :P

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Fingerprints don't need to be verified all the time

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Requires a tweak to the Signal protocol

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Follow-on work : "Continuous Authentication in Secure Messaging"

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Signal protocol security properties

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Authentication can be applied to the protocol to miitgate

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Q: When a device is compromised, can't the ratchet keys be influenced? Does adding the authentication key affect deniability?

A: Using a designated verifier sig preserves deniability

Next up, "An evaluation of the risks of client-side scanning", presented by @matthew_d_green

Rather than occasional targeted exceptional access, law enforcement started asking to delay E2E encryption deployment in general

"Is it possible to build systems to scan for content without breaking end to end encryption and violating privacy?"

CSAM scanning on the server side when the service has access to plaintext: PhotoDNA or other perceptual hashes, checking against a known db of hashes

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Newer: use neural nets to find alike content, vs exact known content

What about on E2EE systems? Has to move to the client side, to the ends.

Unfortunately this changes the system operational and security models

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"Slap some crypto on it!" 🙄

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This research became very real when Apple announced it was going to deploy a system like this with iOS 15, now delayed indefinitely

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[ We did an episode on this at the time w/ @matthew_d_green that goes into detail about the crypto in Apple's system: …… ]

Opens up a hole that anyone else could theoretically walk through

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'Not just a theoretical concern': terrorist content, 'foreign adversaries attempts to undermine democratic values' have also been floated as in-scope for client-side scanning

Hard to detect attempts to surveil because privacy-preserving:

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Nothing in the crypto specs to show that this is built-in protects, auditable

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Easy to game these NN hashes (NeuralHash) but also PhotoDNA to produce false collisions against the CSAM hash set:

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Even if we deploy systems like this, we MUST figure out how to make them auditable and abuse-resistant.

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More in the paper Bugs in Our Pockets:

Sometimes we produce technology and deploy it before we understand how to audit it and handle abuse of it

Q: The adversarial model that LEO has?

A: They are not very robust to even mild adversarial behavior; 97% of reports to NCMEC aren't prosecuted, are outside of the US

Next up, "Four Attacks and a Proof for Telegram", presented by Igors Stepanovs

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Oh, Telegram

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Telegram generally used for large public groups and small private chats

Cloud chats vs Secret chats:

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#REALWORLDCRYPTO chat: 'Non-technical evaluation: MTProto is *weird*'
"Infinite garble extension mode (IGE)" hwat

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Four attacks: what a response

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- IND-CPA attack - in theory
- Message reordering - trivial, easy to exploit
- Tiiming side channel on clients - plaintext recovery, practically infeasible
- Timing side channel on server - MITM the kex, practically infeasible

#realworldcrypto Image
@durov claimed the server code will not be released because some government wanted their server code, to stand up a telegram clone?

@durov No time for questions, next up, "Making Signal Post-quantum Secure: Post-quantum Asynchronous Deniable Key Exchange from Key Encapsulation and Designated Verifier Signatures", presented by Rune Fiedler

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@durov KEMs (key encapsulation mechanisms)

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@durov Can we swap out our DH's with KEMs in Signal?

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Deniable authentication via designated verifier signatures (heard about in the earlier Signal talk)

DVS can only be verified by Bob, who already know it's you, so that gives you transcript deniability

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Deniability as Signal defines it:…

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[ snrk ]

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Wooooo SIDH 💫

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[ SIKE is SIDH turned into a KEM ]

Q: Signal group chats?

A: Didn't look

Break time!
next up, "Trust Dies in Darkness: Shedding Light on Samsung’s TrustZone Cryptographic Design", presented by Alon Shakevsky

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Protecting key material on Android

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"This is a fragile design that is not misuse resistant"

Fixed on latest Samsung


Downgrade attack

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Thanks I hate it

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muh keys

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Now do Pixels 🙏

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Desirable for a uniform open standard for encrypting and storing keys

#realworldcrypto Image
"AES-GCM is fragile, decades of IV reuse in systems" 👈

Q: What would you recommend to replace AES-GCM?

A: SIV mode, maybe a different block cipher, or use the cipher with the recommended usage

Q: Test WebAuthN against first-party services (re: counter)?

A: Cloning from devices is tricky, you have to update the counter, even without the user's knowledge

Next up, @luca_defeo on "On the (in)security of ElGamal in OpenPGP"

#realworldcrypto Image
@luca_defeo Under-specified cryptostandards give you room to hammer your fingers...

#realworldcrypto Image
@luca_defeo 90s, finite field ElGamal 😭

#realworldcrypto Image
@luca_defeo What does it mean to use ElGamal, or RSA? :points at some books, some edition:

#realworldcrypto Image
@luca_defeo "Don't look at that algorithm, it's terrible, you will never be able to implement it"

#realworldcrypto Image
@luca_defeo One in cm's, one in inches. 🤣

#realworldcrypto Image
@luca_defeo 🧐

Go pgp is the least offender and is now deprecated

#realworldcrypto Image
Cross-configuration attacks: different impls do slightly different things when doing ElGamal encryption

✨picking a prime ✨

#realworldcrypto Image
of 800k ElGamal OpenPGP keys, most use primes from a 'standard' set. Some use Schnorr-style primes, Lim-Lee/GnuPG

#realworldcrypto Image
These 2qf + 1 primes have problems, can use a Pohlig–Hellman attack

Then a CRT

#realworldcrypto Image
Maybe a co-located attacker, in the cloud say

#realworldcrypto Image
Q: Can you do it in weekend on a laptop?

A: In a few hours, on a laptop

Q: This is a basically key validation?

A: the ECC is better because they use the RFC, which specifies, ElGamal was not sufficiently specified to include validation

Q: Symantec?

A: We didn't look, we couldn't find the software [apparently it's widely used in corp. contexts]

Next up, "Don't Break the Web: APIs for Chrome's Privacy Sandbox", presented by Michael Kleber

heh, would not suffer that kind of loss, because does not need cookies to target users, they just target queries typed in by untracked users

#realworldcrypto Image

#realworldcrypto Image
All these JS functions are isolated [ I'm guessing all the work on Site Isolation has enabled this ]

Bidding functions /do/ need some real-time information, not just pre-loaded data on the device

💸 Conversion attribution 💸

attribution is always hard! Roll some dice :P

What they really want to know is the /aggregate/ ROI driven by different ads, publishers, etc

Q: Fraud prevention? [ a real issue in the current ad ecosystem ]

A: PRIVACY PASS WOO [ emphasis mine ]

A: Other blind signatures. There is not an end-to-end solution for this problem, turns out there is a lot of overlap with solutions for fraud prevention

Q: users explicitly specifying their ad preferences?

A: Some proposals ('Topics' from Chrome), all need good privacy properties

A: Privacy is contextually-dependent; some people think contextual distinctions exist and some think other ones exist, it's tricky

Panel time! "Publication Venues and Proposed New IACR Journal"

Right now, Eurocrypt -> CRYPTO -> Asiacrypt, etc, until your paper gets in

#realworldcrypto Image
New Journal should be free/open access, fast turnaround time (3 months), all crypto areas, scaling, reduce load on reviewers, can publish without travel to conferences, complement but not replace other confs, and

#realworldcrypto ImageImage
$100 to submit, vs $2780 / article for Springer Journal of Cryptology (!!!)

#realworldcrypto Image
How to run: [ HotCRP! Use HotCRP! ]

#realworldcrypto Image
Yay HotCRP, and no Springer publishing

#realworldcrypto Image
Minutes from that meeting:…

All the items from there

#realworldcrypto Image
FAQ cont.

#realworldcrypto Image
straw poll: room is broadly in favor, no one really opposed

Q: If people still submit to the main confs, are they unchanged?

A: Unchanged, adding a new publication, takes /some/ papers out of the queue for the other confs, relieving the burden of the conf reviewers

A: We have a lot of people who can't travel for many diverse reasons to confs, so many more people in the community than before, a journal like this scales much better so that many people can get published that otherwise wouldn't because of travel requirements

We could see some Real World Crypto papers!

Q: What about code, artifacts?

A: TCHES has artifacts that are reviewed, we should look at it

@BearSSLnews : if the new journal happens, I will probably submit there and only there ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ

Q: What if conf-accepted papers aren't required to challenge?

A: That does have benefits, but this was proposed in 2011 and did not get much community support, but we can also try that again, while also trying the new journal

A: Easier to do something new that changing something that exists that people have a vested interest in

Q: What about Reviewer #2?

A: We propose mechanisms to handle this, rebuttal etc, why 2 accept and 1 reject?

@SmartCryptology being chaotic good

OH it costs _IACR_ $100/paper, _not_ the paper submitter. No cost to the submitter.

Done for day 2!
Day 3 of #realworldcrypto!
Catching up the Post Quantum session, with "Quantum-Resistant Security for Software Updates on Low-power Networked embedded Devices", by Benjamin Smith

Target: RIOT OS for low-end IoT devices

#realworldcrypto Image
What is the practical cost of transitioning from classical cryptosystems
(ECDSA/P256 or Ed25519) to post-quantum alternatives on RIOT, say?

SUIT looks like TUF but for IoT

#realworldcrypto Image
Yep PQC things tend to be bigger

#realworldcrypto Image
PQ signing benchmarks on an ARM Cortex-M4 (not including dyn Dilithium which doesn't fit on the stack on the Sipeed Nano board)

#realworldcrypto Image
Yeah tranfer costs....

#realworldcrypto Image
Falcon is the leader

#realworldcrypto Image
"For larger updates, the network transfer costs overwhelm the other factors." [ looks at SIDH ]

You can now update your RIOT software with a PQ update toolset now!

#realworldcrypto Image
[ I'll catch up on the other PQC talks later ]

Next up in the threshold crypto session, "A threshold ECDSA protocol: its design
and implementation", by Victor Shoup

[ If you want a Schnorr threshold sig protocol instead of ECDSA, can I interest you in FROST? ]…

"The Internet computer", a distributed platform for secure execution of smart contracts, by DFINITY

"I'll be using additive notation here" [ CORRECT. ]

#realworldcrypto Image
Nice, keeping this verification equation around for us

#realworldcrypto Image
Steps that don't rely on the message M at all, so we can do them early

#realworldcrypto Image
Doing a preprocessing round allows the latency of a signature to just be one communication round between the parties

If there are thousands of signing keys, it will be hard to efficiently maintain them when there are updates, reshares, etc

Instead, use additive key derivation, so we verify like:

sR = (h + te)G + tD

ECDSA security 😅

#realworldcrypto Image
ECDSA proven secure in Generic Group Model (GGM) assuming hash is
collision resistant and random preimage resistant (Brown02)

ECDSA w/ presigs: secure in GGM and ROM, 2020

ECDSA w/ additive key derivation: no general security proof results

ECDSA w/ presigs & additive key derivation: no results, despite the desire for it

Aaand an attack falls out

#realworldcrypto Image
Using Wagner’s 4-sum algorithm, attack takes time O(q^1/3). Not awesome


- re-randomized pre-sigs
- homogeneous key derivation
- both!

#realworldcrypto Image
Works async, byzantine corruptions, guaranteed output delivery, NI online signing, BIP32- style additive key derivation

#realworldcrypto Image
"• It relies on the Internet Computer’s “Random Beacon” to implement
re-randomized presigs" [ oh.]

Compare / contrast w/ other threshold ECDSA

#realworldcrypto Image
Next up, "Threshold Cryptography as a Service", by Tal Rabin

#realworldcrypto Image
/Another/ PrivacyPass shout out 😎

#realworldcrypto Image
Dedicated servers, vs ad-hoc servers

Multi-dealer verifiable secret sharing

#realworldcrypto Image
[ Is this not a DKG? ]

Dedicated servers: many servers, many secrets, each server runs existing protocols many times, slow

"Could barely run"

For ad-hoc servers, nicer for big systems when sharing between millions of parties, where compute is N²

#realworldcrypto Image
Needs to continue running in the presence of malicious actors

YOSO model, You Only Speak Once

Hard to design

#realworldcrypto Image
Take actions now, others speak on their behalf in the future:

#realworldcrypto Image
Next up, Lightning Talks!

Aggressive muting will happen!

First one up, slide deck :PPP

Muhammed Usama Sardar hiring!

Conference on Cryptology in Abu Dhabi

There is an artisan chocolate shop in Amsterdam, try it!

NIcholas on papers from 40's, 50's, on rotor probability?

Input/Output, Cardano, hiring

@kaplannie: if you are reviewing/auditing crypto professionally, meetup in Amsterdam upstairs

"Just a quick plug for the EU Commssions Chat Controls legislative debate and Open Letter to the EU Commissioners, which is online and available @ ChatControlsv2.EU"

For "Drive (Quantum) Safe! --Towards Post-Quantum Security for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications", presented by Nina Bindel:

#realworldcrypto Image
True hybrid kex/kem using Falcon:

#realworldcrypto Image
Some of their security goals:

#realworldcrypto Image
For "Surviving the FO-calypse: Securing PQC Implementations in Practice", presented by Tobias Schneider 👀

#realworldcrypto Image
The Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transformation (or slight variants) underlies the IND-CCA security of many KEMs

#realworldcrypto Image

#realworldcrypto Image
Can this be overcome through masking?

Sounds like the F-O transform itself needs a tweak

#realworldcrypto Image
[ I may have to rewind the tape later to capture the pq agility talk ]
Next up, "arkworks: A Rust Ecosystem for Programming zkSNARKs", by @zkproofs !

Expressing your zkSNARK is not super easy, there are now many languages and frameworks to express your computation and then compile it down to a constraint system

#realworldcrypto Image
'Everyone reimplements each portion from scratch!' 😭

Very understandable reasons, though

#realworldcrypto Image
- tons of duplicate, wasted effort
- optimizations are scatted across libraries
- upgrading becomes hard
- auditing and bugfixes are split

Trying to achieve these goals in @arkworks_rs !


Inspired by an API in the bellman ecosystem, via @ElectricCoinCo 🦓

#realworldcrypto Image
@ElectricCoinCo Yes, this does allow higher level proving systems to swap out 'pretty easily'

#realworldcrypto Image
@ElectricCoinCo Generic impls match or outperform specialized and hand-coded impls

#realworldcrypto Image
@ElectricCoinCo Can switch proof systems easily in the code

#realworldcrypto Image
Very helpful when prototyping and benchmarking a protocol

When the real generally lines up with the pseudocode, this really helps with auditability

#realworldcrypto Image
Directly programming algebraic constraints is painful 😫

Want to achieve safety, ergonomics, without sacrificing efficiency


#realworldcrypto Image
A lot of adoption, including academics

#realworldcrypto Image
Many contributors

#realworldcrypto Image
Q: Language features that would help even more?

A: Const functions, more useful const generics, would allow getting rid of some macros, const expressions aren't on stable yet

Q: How can you help prevent mixing and matching in insecure ways?

A: Only so much you can do, but, curve interfaces only let you construct prime order group elements, but also depends

Q: Audited? Projects using arkworks been audited?

A: Various of those have been audited, latest codebase will be getting audited after some refactors, stabilization

Q: Plonk?

A: 3 external ones relying on arkworks to impl Plonk, arkworks doesn't have its own Plonk impl yet

Q: Governance model of arkworks?

A: Definitely, we're just starting to think about that, now that we're big enough

Next up, "Decentralized Private Computations on Aleo", by Howard Wu

Based on Zexe

But these come with significant limitations

#realworldcrypto Image
Aleo: autonomous ledger executions offchain

#realworldcrypto Image
The entire program's state has to be consumed to update it

Instead of the account model, the record model:

Concurrency, without double spends

Q: Why new curve params?

A: We needed recursion, and Twisted Edwards are very efficient for circuits

Q: Moving to the record model, does this affect access patterns and impact privacy?

A: Not functional privacy but data privacy, can see which applications are popular, the parties using them and the data used are not revealed 👀

Leo language helps write code to compile to assembly then R1CS to make it even easier for developers:

Expressing complex logic is often too slow and hard to do on-chain, so to do it off-chain, with a transparency log, helps achieve that

Coffee time!
Next up, "SnarkPack: Practical SNARK Aggregation", presented by Anca Nitulescu

"Here I will use multiplicative notation" [ boo hiss :P ]

#realworldcrypto Image
[ If you need fast batch verification of Groth16 proofs, I upstreamed an implementation to the bellman library:… ]

Instead of pushing this math to the verifier, the prover will do a lot of it themselves:

#realworldcrypto Image
Proofs of inner-pairing products

#realworldcrypto Image
Oop, Groth16 requires a trusted setup

#realworldcrypto Image
Woo! 🦓

#realworldcrypto Image
Using a bellperson fork

#realworldcrypto Image
Nice! 📦

Aha, that's where it goes

#realworldcrypto Image
Proof of storage in Filecoin

#realworldcrypto Image
- bootstraps from existing trusted setup CRS's
- transparent aggregation
- optimized
- Could we extend this to other pairing-based schemes, besides Groth16?

[ Maybe this could extend to BLS signatures? ]

Next up, "Zero-Knowledge Middleboxes", presented by @pag_crypto !

Can we have privacy _and_ policy enforcement on the network?


- Don't weaken encryption
- Able to enforce policies as before
- No server changes

eg, only 51% of TLS servers are providing TLS 1.3, whereas 80+% of Chrome clients are speaking it

"We don't want to prevent circumvention by advanced users", which could be misused for censorship

#realworldcrypto Image
ZKPs to save the day!

[ These have to be teeny tiny proofs, right? ]

Proof prevents the client from lying, and middlebox strips out the proofs when it forwards on the traffic to the server

Gotta slot it in to existing protocols like TLS 1.3

#realworldcrypto Image
Output the plaintext is the AEAD decryption succeeds, but the TLS 1.3 AEADs are not _binding_, ciphertexts can have multiple correct decryptions

To fix, add another constraint that the client prove key was handshake output

#realworldcrypto Image
Re-run the key derivation inside the circuit - the handshake 'commits to' the intermediate steps of key derivation, check these instead to shortcut key derivation

See the paper for more detail

Amortized by caching a hashed version if the client connects again

Sometimes, DNS filtering is required by local laws

#realworldcrypto Image
Extends nicely, just need to update the parse/extract step for DoT/DoH

Used Groth16

DoT using ChaCha is over twice as fast vs AES

Now over Spartan, over 10x improvement!

#realworldcrypto Image
Proofs are bigger but still reasonable at 49KB

Next up, "Puncturable Encryption – A Fine-Grained Approach to Forward-Secure Encryption and More", presented by Christoph Striecks

Fine in an interactive setting, but harder in a non-interactive setting

[ My halloween costume in 2014 ]

#realworldcrypto Image
"Apparently leaking secrets and keys on GitHub is a thing" ayup

- Long-term static public key, minimum to no state between entities

#realworldcrypto Image
Needs epochs

#realworldcrypto Image
Solution: puncturable encryption (2015)

#realworldcrypto Image
Tag-based approach

#realworldcrypto Image
1-RTT TLS 1.3

#realworldcrypto Image
W/ Early Data

#realworldcrypto Image
Forward-secure CDNs

#realworldcrypto Image
Using puncturable encryption directly adds forward security 🎉

#realworldcrypto Image
Q: Handle a million messages?

A: ~Yes

Closing remarks from @cryptojedi

Covid: 2 reports of positives, they attended but left when they tested positive

Thank you sponsors!

Thank you venue staff and the great AV team!

#REALWORLDCRYPTO 2023 will be in Japan! March 27-29
Coool 🏯

See you in Tokyo!

And we're done! 👋


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