Free speech isn't important because it's nice to be able to say what you want, it's important because it creates a check on the powerful. The ability to freely share ideas and information is what makes it possible to change minds, stir the zeitgeist, and organize mass resistance.
For this reason there should be no speech restrictions on the platforms where people have come to congregate to share ideas and information besides illegal activities like child pornography. Not because it makes Johnny Proudboy sad if he can't speak, but to put a check on power.
That's why it's a moot point whether censorship on those giant platforms technically violates free speech laws or not; it violates spirit behind the very reason those legal speech protections were created in the first place, namely to move power from the government to the people.
And for this spirit to be upheld it's necessary that ALL ideas and information are allowed to be shared freely, not just some of them. Because there's no institution you could trust as an official arbiter of what ideas and information are valid without creating a power imbalance.
People should be allowed to scrutinize any and all narratives of the powerful. They should be allowed to share unauthorized ideas and information. They should even be allowed to lie, because otherwise the only people allowed to lie will be the powerful. It's about power balance.
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The New York Times is naming and shaming Ukrainian men who've fled the country rather than stay and kill Russians for Washington, because it was illegal for men of military age to leave, and because their countrymen are angry at them, and because it's the New York Times.
"Opinion" segments and articles in mainstream news media exist not to give you an idea of what opinions are out there but to define what opinions are permissible. The front page teaches you what to think, the opinion section teaches you HOW to think.
Look at this article, just as an example. This is nothing other than state propaganda, authored by a think tanker from the immensely influential Council on Foreign Relations. But it's packaged as "opinion" and presented as just some random citizen's views.
US Suddenly Pretends To Care About Rights Abuses In India
"Blinken's remarks are just the latest in a series of shots across the bow that the US empire has been firing at New Delhi to warn it against moving into alignment with Moscow."…
US Suddenly Pretends To Care About Rights Abuses In India (Audio)
"While it is true that India's right-wing government is guilty of human rights abuses... it is also true that the US State Department does not actually care about human rights abuses."…
Blinken told the press on Monday that "we are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials."…
Psychopathic intelligence agencies and DC swamp monsters have been drooling over this exact agenda for many years, and it is not a coincidence that this NATO think tanker shares their views.
"If you think I am wrong about Russian roulette being dangerous I beg you to consider the fact that the man now handing you the pistol didn't die when he pulled the trigger."
These @cepa think tankers keep explicitly claiming that it is the Russian POPULATION, not the Russian government, who is to blame for this and all other Russian wars. They're claiming that an entire civilian population is a problem that needs to be solved.
If It Feels Like You're Being Manipulated, It's Because You Are
"If you've got a gut feeling that your rulers are working to control your perception of the war in Ukraine, it is safe to trust that feeling."…
If you feel like there's been a concerted effort from the most powerful government and media institutions in the western world to manipulate your understanding of what's going on with this war, it's because that's exactly what has been happening.…