🌙 what are you making?
🐧 seaweed!
🌙 i’m making corn!
🌙 this is corn 😅
🌙 it’s really cute though
🌙 i give up on the corn
🌙 these would stick if this was warmer, but they won’t stick
🌙 oh, the smell of chocolate is really nice
🌙 i wonder how did they created these…
🐧 i wanna smell the chocolate too!
🐧 whoa, it’s actually chocolate!
🌙 right? it smells so good
🌙 oooh there were two of these french fries!
🌙 huh? that doesn’t sound right…
🐧 you see how kevin is already starting to fail?
🌙 oh these are like apples.
🐧 huh?
🌙 you know what i mean?
🐧 you made it wrong!
🌙 why?
🐧 (explains everything kevin did wrong)
🌙 …oh that’s why they won’t work
🐧 you did everything wrong
🌙 i failed… even if i have translated instructions…
🐧 these won’t dry even if you wait 19 years
🌙 then i’ll put these on french fries
🐧 let’s call these churros!
🌙 these are churros!
🌙 this…
🐧 (kevin) made… something.
🐧 kevin made something that resembles corn, seasoned corn, churros, and…
🌙 i don’t know what this is
🐧 isn’t that a cherry?
🌙 an apple (x2)
🐧 an apple??
🌙 you know those apples covered in syrup? try it.
🐧 i think only i made it well
🌙 i’m satisfied because i newly created churros!
🐧 really? that’s a relief.