Even though there's a lot regarding morgana's conclusion in reincarnation, there is one aspect that surrounds it that made it my absolute favorite conclusion for her character compared to THIFM and requiem. So I'll make a more general thread about it #fata#fatamoru
Every ending for each game brings a conclusion to one aspect of her, in the OG game I believe it's regarding her identity and hatred. As repeated throughout the story morgana solidified herself as the witch of the mansion eternally cursing the 3 men.
However by intervention of michel and Giselle this is slowly undone and morgana, through the death of the WHG, is able to slowly let go of her hatred and curse. She still bears the scars of her past, however she tries to move on and maybe start a new life.
Then in requiem we're presented with the fragment section of it. In it we see that because she was unable to fully confront jacopo she is forcefully drawn into this dream he created, and their confrontation happens there, she's able to fully see the pain jacopo went through
And all of their lingering pain and regrets is exposed and it also ends with her having a more forward confrontation with her feelings and actions. And after that the game ends with her being able to face jacopo and guide him to a new life
And although the game presents the idea of a potential reunion by those 2, morgana herself wishes to never meet him again because she believes there's nothing more between them and that nothing good can come out of it.
I think it's interesting to note how in the last scene of the WHG she mentions that maybe morgana entries reincarnate as a person again, but as perhaps a butterfly or even a flower. However we see in rein that's not the case.
And to tackle her arc and growth in rein I believe it's needed to go through her entire past life to understand one of the key aspects of it. Said aspect being her passivity and how her life was always being directly changed and influenced by others.
Even before she was born this happened, although she believed and liked the role of Saint, it wasn't something she chose for herself. And then when she was older she's sold off to barnier, even being rescued by jacopo wasn't something she had control over neither their separation
You could say her life was a line of dominoes falling and events happening one after another without her control until her death. But then something happens which she considers a miracle, whether it be a stroke of luck or real intervention of external forces she finally has power
Which she uses to eternally control the 3 men, unlike before when she never had power she's the one who dictates what happens in their lives and in the mansion, however even then it's not a full control given the arc Michel goes after returning to it.
Her backstory in d6 and requiem established how powerless she was in life and how she felt in control after death. But then she's saved by Michel and gives up on it and decides to end the curse.
Then comes reincarnation. Unlike before, she's once again an ordinary girl and a powerless one, which once again shows how shes unable to control her life. Everything surrounding her mother ans stepfather leads to her running away again, unable to stand up for herself.
Then she meets jacopo once again, and even though their life together is pleasant and helps morgana get over her family issues, it's something temporary. River of oblivion also keeps on showing scenes from fragment which not only furthers their connection
But also serves as a ticking time bomb, unlike other characters they're able to slowly remember their past which gives light to her desire regarding jacopo, signifying that once again she was unable to have any control in her life and how it was dictated by another person.
And unlike fragment where she felt that she was able to face him because of the circumstances of that dream like world, this was reality. And when everything comes back she's obviously unable to face him and is overwhelmed by everything that happened in their past.
Every moment of tranquility she ever had were fleeting, her life controlled by others. However this presents the opportunity for her to grow and finally gain agency. Unlike previous time where she relied on someone else to help her she comes to the conclusion she has to do it
By herself, to finally choose to face against everything that happened to her. Her entire arc culminates on this, in the OG game and requiem she's able to grow out of her flaws, however there was always a lingering one. And she's able to overcome her powerlessness.
While she isn't able to overcome everything that happened to her and still suffers self loathing regarding her identity as the WHG, the thing she always struggled against in life was overcome by her own choice and power.
Then this growth is shown further through by her later on confrontation with jacopo, where she's able to overcome her past memories and face him. Not only that scene shows immense growth for her, but to him as well where he finally starts to understand her better.
Her second life was still filled with pain and misery, however despite all she's able to grow and appreciate it, through her interactions with michel, Giselle and jacopo. This growth fully concludes her character
To finally gain agency on her life, to be able to fully face jacopo and to move on from all the pain she suffered.
Despite the dynamics and parallels of the cast with each other being one of the main talking points in fata there's two specific characters that I never see being brought up together. So I wanted to share some of my thoughts about them #fata#fatamoru
Even though they have only a handful of interactions between each other in the entire series I believe they have some strong connections that is shown throughout it and how it ties to their main relationships in the story and the characters revolved around them.
Giselle and Jacopo work in being the main bridge to Michel and morgana respectively, while the similarities between Michel and morgana are very clear cut, Giselle and jacopo share some key aspects too, both in their characters and parts of their journey.
The way morgana's curse presents itself in d1-3 is very interesting and unique and lays bare a lot of the story's themes, but it also presents a rather different perspective compared to the 5th door, so I want to make a thread about it #fata#fatamoru
This thread will mostly be a follow up to this other one I made, but focusing in a difference in narrative within d1-3 and d5, so you should read that one to have a better understanding of this
As I previously talked about in my other thread, the story especially in d1-3 serves as a interesting criticism to each of the main characters of it and their lack of empathy, but this criticism of sorts runs deeper than just their actions within it
One of my favorite aspects of fata is how the characters are shaped by their surroundings and the people they interact with, so I wanted to make a thread about this theme and how its portrayed in d1-4 and why the end of d4 is my favorite twist ever #fata#fatamoru spoilers bellow
the story always portrays certain characters to be using a "mask" when taking and interacting with others, this theme of characters taking a different identity for themselves is very prevalent throughout the story, but it's used in a very interesting way in d1-4
One aspect that should be heavily taken in consideration about those doors is that they're affected by morgana's curse. Every minor detail is being manipulated and controlled by her and I believe this reflects on some of the story's major themes; the importance of communication