Okami Profile picture
Apr 18 66 tweets 11 min read
cw: identity porn + teacher/student (both adults), nsfw//

Shen Yuan is Luo Binghe's professor at college. But he also has a private twitter and an account on onlyfans. He's a camboy. Guess who watches his videos religiously?
He's started it because at first he hadn't been teaching yet, and still needed to pay his bills, but soon he got addicted to the attention. To the eyes that looked at his body. He had always been terribly lonely. It was nice, sometimes, to feel wanted.
Meanwhile, there's Luo Binghe, whose father is the owner of a very big company. Luo Binghe has money and idle time in his hands and he's most definitely in love with the cute blushy man that whores himself in front of a camera every friday night.
When he first notices his new ancient chinese history professor was none other than his precious camboy, he can't stop jerking off for days. Every day before he has classes with Shen Yuan, he has to jerk off beforehand, otherwise he needs to have one too many bathroom breaks.
One day, Shen Yuan starts eyeing a set of ancient fans he quite likes. They're on sale for what he knows is a bargain, but still too much for his budget. Still, his fan-collector-heart gives him courage. So he sets up the announcement of 10 private sessions in his onlyfans page.
The rules are these:
The sessions last one hour each, no more than that.
Both people should have their cams on.
The sessions cost 300 dollars each.
Aside from *see list below*, he will do anything the patron asks him to do.
He knows the price for the cam sessions is quite steep, so he's not expecting that all slots will be filled, but he's hoping at least half will be. This way, he'll be able to buy the fans. But he is quite surprised when he sees all spots were cleared out in less than 20 minutes.
All of them bought by /one/ person.
The time comes for the first session to begin and Shen Yuan is quite nervous. He turns his camera on and is greeted by a shirtless man. His chest and abs are impressive, and Shen Yuan doesn't feel ashamed to admit he's staring. He can see the man is nervous as well.
One of his rules was both people with cams on.
Luo Binghe has no problems with this but hell if he'll let professor Shen find out he's one of his students. Luo Binghe always raises his head in class. So he asks to put on a mask, while they have their session.
Shen Yuan pities him. How cute. Surely the man is insecure about his face. He shouldn't be, not with a body like this, but he allows it. He must be shy.
But still the man has no problems lowering his pants and flashing out his huge cock in front of the webcam, just so that Shen Yuan can watch the tip of it dripping with precum, hard and red even before they start.
The man is a gentleman and always asks if Shen Yuan is ok with something he's asked him to do, if he wants to stop... But at the same time he'll tell him to suck on one of his dildos and pretend he's blowing the man's huge dick like the cockslut he is.
The session starts as something very impersonal, but soon they hit it off and the man has Shen Yuan moaning while riding a dildo, pretending it's his cock. It's great. It's fabulous. It ends in one hour, like they had accorded.
Their second session also goes like this. Except for when the man confesses: "I couldn't stop thinking about you since last time." Shen Yuan finds it very cute. He asks what the mysterious man does for a living.

"I'm a student," he says.
Shen Yuan pales. Luo Binghe is quick to ease his worries, "Don't worry, I'm in college. I'm already 21."
So they exchange a bit more information about each other, and only then do they start their session. Shen Yuan thinks it's only fair that this time it lasts 1h20, since they spent 20 minutes talking about themselves a bit. It's ok. It's only for today.
One school morning, he recieves a twitter dm. "I'm in class rn and I can't fucking concentrate. I can't keep thinking about how your ass swallowed that dildo last night. You're so gluttonous, so beautiful. I swear, I feel like I'm going insane."
Shen Yuan smiles, and shyly excuses himself from the teacher's room, going to the bathroom and closing the stall farther from the left. He lowers his pants and takes a pic of himself. He makes sure to spread his ass with his other hand, so that his pink hole is showing.
He sends the boy a message. "Get out of your class, go somewhere private. When you're there, tell me. (xx)xxx-xxx-xxx"

Not five minutes have passed when his phone buzzes with another message, this time on his private number. He sends the photo.
"I hope this helps you relieve yourself. Concentrate on your studies, my boy. xoxo"

The boy sends him a video of his hand fisting that huge fucking cock furiously. Oh, he'd make some damage in Shen Yuan's ass if he ever pounded him like this. The boy moans,
"Fuck, I wish I were inside you," he gasps, hands moving in a frenetic rhythm. "Qingqiu...," he moans, and cums. It never stops coming out, and he makes a mess of his cock and his hand and his pants. "Fuck...," Shen Yuan listens. "Fuck, that was so good..."
The video stops.
Shen Yuan is distracted for the rest of the day. He thanks God he's decided to wear loose sweatpants that day.
They start messaging each other, back and forth. Shen Yuan is actually a good teacher, and never checks his phone during class. So Luo Binghe waits for break time,
pretending to speak with one of his classmates. But instead he's carefully paying attention to Shen Yuan's spreading blush when he finally reads the messages:

"I'm in class rn and I can't stop thinking about you."
"I'm so hard inside my pants, please."
"Do you think my professor will notice if I pretend to fix my pants but instead touch my cock a little?"
"He's so attentive... He might."
"But I can't deal with this. I have to touch myself a little."
"God, I just did. Do you think he noticed? I don't think so."
"I wish it was your hand touching my cock."
"Fuck, I think there's a wet spot in my pants now."
"Will you lick it clean for me?"
"You're all I can think of, baby. I think I'm going crazy. I've lost what the last 30 minutes of lecture were all about."
The more the sessions go by, the more they talk about themselves and share things about each other. Their sessions end up being 1h30, 1h40, 2h, 2h30 long.

Progressively longer and more intimate.
Luo Binghe's dirty talk goes from, "yeah, bounce on that cock, think it's mine" to "fuck, you look so good, I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you are, I wish it was me there, I wish it was me making you feel good, I'd make it so good for you,
please, you'd never want anyone else's cock."

Shen Yuan's goes from "ah, fuck, this feels good," to "I already don't want any other's, just yours. You're the only one that can make me feel this good, the only one who can make me crave this like a madman.
I feel like I'm dying if I don't have your cock inside me, please use me, make me take it."

They actually start falling in love with one another. Shen Yuan confides in him, they have actual conversations that have nothing to do with sex, they find out that they have some things
in common but otherwise have very different tastes and both always sound very excited to try out the things the other likes. It fills in a hole in Shen Yuan's chest. He can't stop thinking about the boy. He knows he shouldn't. But he can't stop it.
Five, six, seven, eight sessions go by and Shen Yuan can't deny how very in love he is anymore. He already dreads their tenth session. He thinks maybe he can ask if the boy wants to go out with him sometime. He doubts he has the courage to, but he still has some time to think.
Meanwhile, he has to teach. His class is about to start. He settles his bag on his table and waits for the computer to turn on. Most students already have their notebooks open, except for one.

Luo Binghe.
The boy is texting on his phone, smiling sweetly at the screen. Now, Shen Yuan doesn't mind a little time-checking every once in a while, but he has to admit he's one of those old school teachers that don't like it when students text in his class.
So when he sees his favourite student doing so, he approaches, ready to give him the scolding of his life. Then he looks above Luo Binghe's shoulder and sees the number he's texting. He sees it when the boy hits "send" and the instant he does, his phone buzzes in his pocket.
He feels sick.
He stops answering Luo Binghe altogether. He doesn't even check his phone anymore.

After some time, Luo Binghe's messages start with "you must be really busy rn. It's ok, I'll always wait for you, my dearest." But when he realises he's being ignored, he becomes frantic.
"Is everything ok?"
"Did I do something to upset you?"
"Oh my God, I did do something. Right?"
"Please tell me what it is."
"Fuck, look, I'm sorry. Whatever it is that I did, I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean to."
"Please believe me."
"Please... please answer me."
"Qingqiu, my heart is breaking right now..."
"I can't take this silence..."

Shen Yuan cries himself to sleep that night, and when he wakes up, there are still dozens of messages unread, some sent at 2, 3, 4, 5am. It looks like the boy had no sleep at all.
If he were a proper man, he would send Luo Binghe a message, cancel their remaining two sessions and refund his money. But he isn't a proper man. He's a tired, lonely man. He's a professor who teaches ancient chinese history,
and loves things most people would consider weird or ridiculous. He has two cats, no wife, no husband, few friends. One of which keeps insisting he needs to find someone who'll fuck him into oblivion.
"Bro, please, look at me. I'm happily pounded into the mattress every night, and I feel the best I've ever felt. Mobei is a godsend. You should try finding one for yourself."
And the thing is: he did. He did find a friend and a lover in the mysterious boy, that now he knows is his student. Not only that, but also companionship. Confidence. Love, if he's being hopeful.

He isn't quite ready to part with this yet.
The time for their ninth session has come. The moment he turns his camera on, fully dressed for the first time ever since they started this... thing... that they had, he's taken aback by what he sees.
The boy still has his mask on, but his clothes are rumpled, his hair is a mess. He fidgets and bounces his knee. He's quick to speak once Shen Yuan's face appears on the screen of his laptop.

"Qingqiu, please..."
Shen Yuan lifts up a hand, and even if Luo Binghe wants to keep speaking, this puts a halt to his actions.

"Is it true that you're Luo Binghe, my student? Please don't lie to me."

The boy stops his movements, appearing surprised.
And then, very slowly, he lifts both his hands to the mask and undoes the knot. His eyes underneath are red, there are bags under them. He looks pitiful. He looks like he's cried for the whole night.

"Is this why you have avoided me?"
Shen Yuan tries to breathe in slowly. He wants to cry. "...How long have you known?"

Luo Binghe doesn't answer.

"Have you known for as long as we've started?," his lower lip wobbles.

Luo Binghe looks at him right in the eyes. "Long before."
Shen Yuan really starts crying then. "So what? You wanted to humiliate me? To shame me, ridicule me, make me do things knowing full well it was me?"

Luo Binghe swears, "Fuck, Qingqiu, I—"

/"Stop calling me that!"/
".... Shen Yuan. Listen to me. It was nothing of the sort. Everything... everything that we did, it meant so much to me. Fuck... I don't know how to make you believe me, but it's true. You're everything to me. I first saw you on cam when I was 19, and I couldn't stop
following you ever since. To have you as a teacher was a surprise, but I never... I NEVER meant to make fun of you, or anything of the sort. These sessions... they only showed me you're really the one for me, I'm in lo—"
"Please stop talking," Shen Yuan cries. He hides his face behind his hands. "Please... Please don't say that."

Luo Binghe's expression is pained. "Why not?," his deep voice trembles. "It's true."

"It's /not/ true! You barely know me, how can you love me?!"
Luo Binghe laughs, desperate. "Fuck, Shen Yuan... How can I /not/ love you? You're considerate, sweet, so endearingly uptight... I love making you melt in my hands, I love it when you give in to the pleasure I give you.
I love how witty and intelligent you are, how you spend hours awake trying to grade your students' tests fairly... What's /not/ to love about you?"

Shen Yuan cries harder into his hands. His heart trembles inside his chest. Can he really have this?
The more he hopes, the more his reason tries to find excuses for it not to work. His fear of committing, of being seen for who he really is... it's still with him, to this day.

"...It would never work out."


"I'm older than you...," he starts.
"We both knew that from the start."

"I'm... I don't have much money."

"We also both know I have more than enough money for the both of us."

"I'm so terribly boring..."

"I wish you would stop trying to find excuses..."
"It's true, though! One you realise how b-boring I am, you won't want to be with me. Why would you?"

Luo Binghe gets so desperately close to the screen it almost looks like he's trying to get inside Shen Yuan's house through it.
"Babe. Babe please, you're everything but boring. Fuck, I've been following you for three years, you're not boring at all."

"You say that because you like my body."

"Yes! I love it. You're the sexiest man I've ever seen, and I long to have you in my arms, but fuck...
I want to listen to you talk about those bestiaries of yours, about those huge yellowed books filled with ancient chinese poetry that only you understand. I want to hear you talk about your ancient fan collection, about your centuries-old tea sets...
I love everything that is you and I want you for the rest of my life."

Shen Yuan sighs, and allows himself some time to think. Luo Binghe respects it, and says nothing for a while.

"You're not... deceiving me?"

"I will never lie to you, ever again."
They spend hours talking. No sex this time. It's just them, opening their hearts to one another, about their insecurities, their hopes and their dreams.

"You know I can't date you yet. You're still my student."

"Fuck, I'll drop out of class tomorrow, if that's what it'll take."

"I'm only taking this class for extra credits. I don't need it in my curriculum."

"Oh," Shen Yuan stops, and giggles.

"I'll miss them, though," Luo Binghe sighs.
"You were indeed my most dedicated student," he smiles, and then laughs. "Well, I can always teach my boyfriend privately, if he wants."

He blushes. It's the first time he calls Luo Binghe his boyfriend, and by the looks of it, it's like he's just handed him the whole world.
He can see how wet Luo Binghe's eyes are when he says that yes, he'd like that very much.

A sudden feeling of overwhelming happiness engulfs Shen Yuan, and he lowers his head, laughing. He's just... so happy. Such good things like this don't happen to him often. They just don't.
And yet...

"Well... what do you say we have our last session in a different way? There's a tea house nearby that I've been meaning to visit."

Luo Binghe smiles softly, and in that moment Shen Yuan knows everything is gonna be alright.
The end! Wow, that was a long ride ♥ 🙈✨Thank you all for your patience! I now go hide forever ashdgfdf. Here is the beginning, if anyone wants it:

• • •

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