1/6 Happy #Juneteenth from a retired USAF historian!
Let's look at how Air Force bases in the south handled "Colored Enlisted Personnel" at the height of #WWII in 1944.
You'll learn a white officer can GO INSANE and it's no big deal, but if your skin pigmentation is… 😬
2/6 "Demotion or Separation of Unsatisfactory [White] Officers" begins on p.164. It was an issue, of course, but our young Air Force didn't see it as a terrible concern. It just … "was" an issue, if you know what I mean.
3/6 White officers' problems were such that in one case, "the findings of #insanity by a Medical Board were being considered in connection with another Second Lieutenant." Even cadets' problems were handled on an individual basis.
1/4 #TheBoys #FanTheory: we learn #Homelander has built up a truly insane cache of money
Homelander takes a day off from Vought to enjoy some "me" time. He flies over the Gulf of Mexico in search of narco subs. He finds one inbound to the U.S...
2/4 It reaches shore and narco team "A" unloads the cargo. Homelander watches patiently while carrying a strong cable. Team "B" loads the sub with money and it sets sail.
Homelander pounces on the sub! He kills the two-man crew and uses the cable to bind the water-tight boxes...
3/4 Homelander flies off with the money as the sub plunges to the abyss. He lands at some unknown desolate spot where he finds a huge metal hinged lid surrounded by shards of metal cables.
He turns over the lid to reveal a silo with 6' thick walls holding neatly stacked boxes...
Okay! It's #HappyVeteransDay and I'm about to bust a cap on a new bottle to make a Yukon Jack "Snakebite" mixed drink so I can toast all my military brethren.
So, let's talk about that time in 2003 in Iraq when the U.S. Air Force nearly went to war with the Dutch Marine Corps!
I'll tag @KimZetter, @Doctrine_Man, and @doctrinatrix_C2 because I did promise to tell this story one day.
So, it's 2003. Iraq. The "war" is over and we're basically the mop-up crew. I'm the 3H0x1 assigned to document all air ops in Iraq. POW Jessica Lynch has been...
retrieved, "Killer Chick" wiped out the ground forces who severed 1/3 of a wing from her A-10, and Saddam Hussein remains at large.
(Fun anecdote: contractors dismantled her A-10, packed it in boxes, and sent it home via Navy cargo.)
It's been a while since I talked about the BarnOwl case study vs. Hootsuite.
So, let's talk.
BarnOwl repeatedly proved its point in many different ways, showing how Hootsuite makes #unnecessary work for PR folks who do it to justify their paychecks.
…UI/UX disparity is unique in that its customer base would have fewer PR chairs in the office if they improved efficiency.
How efficient, you might ask?
I run (ran?) a half-dozen Twitter 'bots as a hobby and my personal & professional accounts sen[d|t] daily tweets…
And I had just created @Digits_Analysis for folks playing a still-in-beta game from #NYTGames. Writing the analyzer took some effort; setting up its 'bot proved trivial. FACT: it took longer to create its Twitter account than to configure BarnOwl to run it as a 'bot…
Welp, Twitter is dying and I just poured my first Yukon Jack snakebite to celebrate!
So, let me tell you about the time I (a Master Sergeant) argued with the aircraft commander (a major) to divert his C-130 to avoid a missile attack in Iraq!
It's 2003 and BUFFALO 28 is flying 40 soldiers to Kuwait for a funeral ceremony. It's part of a two-ship with BUFFALO 30 carrying seven caskets. ⚰️
Wing commander Col (BGen select) Gibson has stopped BUFFALO 28 on the runway so I can board as Historian. nytimes.com/2003/11/02/int…
BGen-select Gibson understands the gravity of the situation and he's tossing me aboard to document the mission. As the only 3H0x1 in Iraq, I'm something of a diplomat to the other military services when we do casket transfers. Our presence lends the commander's gravitas.