Ixchel/lamusadelils 👁️😈🍄 Profile picture
Apr 23, 2022 114 tweets 19 min read Read on X

(This is a "OmegaJi wants babies but he's single so he goes for artificial insemination" AU)

Lxc wants a photo session of heavily pregnant OmegaJi with his belly painted in a cutesy way. That's just how Lxc is. He insists until Lwj agrees.

AlphaXian is the artist.
After Lxc finally convinces Lwj, he's frantically trying to find a photographer to arrange the photo session. Eventually, through the friend of a common friend, he finds a suitable option.

But, on the day of the photo session, Lxc injures his hand and he can't paint Lwj's belly.
The photographer volunteers to paint something cute and very respectfully asks if he's allowed to touch OmegaJi's belly.

Lxc expects OmegaJi to just cancel everything but surprisingly, his brother agrees.

Maybe bc that's the most respectful Alpha they've met? Or the kind eyes?
Maybe it's the bright sunny smile the man throws at OmegaJi? Or the way OmegaJi's eyes have been tracking him since he arrived?

Anyway, the man sits at OmegaJi's belly level and asks what they'd like him to paint.

OmegaJi is silent but Lxc suspects this is not stubbornness.
And he's right. OmegaJi is actually acting shyer than usual. So he intervenes and mentions his brother likes rabbits so they had planned to paint a cute lil rabbit.

Lxc can paint a thing or two but he's no great artist, he was just going to paint a cartoonish silly thing.
Wwx just nods and starts to work. It soon becomes obvious that he's very talented.

With only a small set of paints he's managed to mix infinite colors and is laying out a breathtaking background.

He chatters while he works and occasionally asks OmegaJi questions.
OmegaJi only hums his responses, but the man seems to understand him easily and is not bothered by the nonchalance.

Lxc is amazed by both the artistry and the easy, no-expectations way the man treats his brother.

OmegaJi hasn't stopped looking at him since he arrived.
I'm gonna keep updating this thread through the weekend, folks!
In the end, the Alpha makes a beautiful painting on OmegaJi's belly. A landscape with a couple of very cute rabbits.

OmegaJi is obviously charmed with it, enough to be relaxed and accomodating during the photo session (tbh Lxc half expected him to flee at the first chance)
The Alpha is very kind and professional. He gives clear instructions, seems to be very aware of Lwj's comfort at all times and manages some very promising shots.

Lxc is frankly surprised this was such a success and wonders if he can push for more photos.
He needs to document his little brother's pregnancy!

When the session is finished, Lxc subtly fishes, mentioning the idea of subsequent sessions later (He's got a "Baby on board" shirt waiting for an opportune moment).

The Alpha smiles and says he'd love to.

OmegaJi nods.
This is very surprising... but perhaps less so after the last hour.

Lxc would try to arrange for a moment for them alone, but his brother is pregnant with another Alpha's baby and everyone knows it's not a good idea to spend a lot of time with unfamiliar Alphas during pregnancy.
OmegaJi seems to react fairly well to this man, but if they start interacting more intimately, the natural reaction of their bodies could affect them, particularly OmegaJi and the baby.

But Lxc could make it so they see each other a bit more, if distantly.
Just until the baby is born. Just until the smell and pheromones of a new Alpha can be safely introduced without blockers.

Then Lxc will ask for special photo session for the baby and if things happen then... Well. That's chemistry for you.
However, all his plans go to the gutter when they're saying their good-byes. They take the Alpha (who somehow during the last hour turned into 'Just Wei Ying' and started calling OmegaJi 'Lan Zhan') to the front door, passing next to Uncle in the process.
Uncle is aware of the photo session, and despite rolling his eyes at it, Lxc knows that he won't reject a copy of the cute pregnant belly photos.

That is not the problem, however.

The problem is that as 'Wei Ying' is ready to leave, OmegaJi suddenly turns a bit frantic.
In a blink, he's at the Alpha's side, holding onto him and scenting him. The Alpha is completely still.

Uncle is scandalized. Lxc is sure Uncle has never seen something so improper, and that it's coming from his own nephew must be absolutely torture for him.

Then OmegaJi just... He tries to bite the Alpha's scent gland!

It's just out of nowhere and nobody knows what to do.

Both Uncle and Lxc are trying to call out to OmegaJi, raised voices startling in their usually quiet house.
OmegaJi doesn't respond immediately, and Lxc has to hold him back from the Alpha, who is still and looks dumbfounded.

Uncle takes OmegaJi out of the room, surely preparing a scolding for the ages.

Lxc goes with them, not quite sure of what just happened.
In a more private room, Uncle is asking OmegaJi what just happened and OmegaJi seems to be coming out of... Whatever that was.

Uncle asks Lxc to escort their guest out and OmegaJi looks Lxc in the eye and pleads in a small voice "Tell him I'm sorry".
So Lxc escorts 'Wei Ying' out and offers their apologies. The Alpha still looks bewildered, and says it's nothing but it's obvious his mind is somewhere else.

They make arrangements for the Alpha to send the photos over email.

They probably won't ever meet again after this.
(I guess this will extend a lil bit more than just the weekend... Sorry for the cliffhanger!)
Let's continue this! Lxc POV just happened but we'll go with it for now.

From the top
The following days, OmegaJi is silent. He keeps to himself, barely exists.

Everyone kind of agreed the incident must have been some weird pregnancy thing, especially when OmegaJi did things a bit differently.

But OmegaJi is still acting as if he did something unforgivable.
Lxc finds him sitting in the garden, not exactly where the photo session took place but in a little corner that overlooks the rest of the space. OmegaJi is looking at the chair where he was sitting that day.

Lxc sits next to him and tries to find something to say.
But OmegaJi speaks first, which is proof in itself that he's thinking so much about the incident that he really needs to talk.

"I don't understand what happened". His voice is more subdued than usual. His eyes are somber. "I just could handle him leaving the house".
"It's fine, everybody understands it was an unusual reaction. Your doctor said you're going through some hormonal imbalance".

OmegaJi pouts a bit. "But he must be so angry at me. He was nothing but kind and I attacked him out of nowhere"
"As you said, he's kind. Surely he wouldn't judge you for just that".

OmegaJi is silent for a moment. He looks at the garden again as if remembering. "I barely spoke to him, he doesn't have much more of my normal behaviour to compare".

Lxc feels those words like a thorn.
His brother doesn't usually worry about what people would think of his silent and reserved nature. The man must have made an impression for him to anguish about that.

"Why did I have to meet him now?"

Lxc closes his eyes, finally understanding the issue.
OmegaJi has been perfectly fine alone all his life.

He's never liked an Alpha before, and it took a long time for him to admit that he'd like children on his own.

It took longer still for him to act on it, after Uncle and Lxc assured him they'd support him through it all.
And judging by it, this was the first Alpha he actually liked. Just when they couldn't spend too much time together, or risk a negative reaction from his body or the baby's to a strange Alpha.

After what happened that day, the man would probably refuse to ever meet him again.
So his brother wasn't just feeling out of sorts after the incident, or mortified by his own behavior and Uncle's public chastising.

He was mourning the loss of a possibility he hadn't ever considered before. And it was lost before anything could ever begin.
Lxc just hugs his brother and soothes him a bit. His beta smell is probably insufficient for the task but it seems to be enough for OmegaJi to relax a little.

Lxc knows this probably just needs time.
However, the following week the photos arrive. They're really good.

Lxc looks at them and sees his brother's shining eyes, the radiance of pregnancy but also something else. Maybe the root of something that would have grown beautifully if given the chance.
He has to choose one of the pictures for a physical print, and wonders if he should show them to OmegaJi or if it would be adding salt to a fresh wound.

He ends up showing him the pictures. It'd be absurd to keep them hidden forever.

OmegaJi looks, and looks, and looks.
"He's very talented" is the only thing he says in the end. Lxc wonders if he recognizes something in his own face in the portraits.

He says he likes all of the pictures, then smiles wryly at Lxc and mentions they turned out fine despite being so cheesy.

They laugh together.
Lxc chooses the one that will be printed without input from his brother. He sends AlphaXian an email with the details and expects another professional response.

However, the next message from AlphaXian asks about his brother. He very politely inquires if OmegaJi is doing well.
When Lxc responds saying his brother is fine, he assumes that will be all. Maybe it's just a courtesy, something to ask after an unusual incident.

But AlphaXian asks about him again, this time wondering if he's satisfied with the pictures.
Lxc feels something in the tone and the wording. He suspects that maybe it's not such a lost cause.

So in his next message he says OmegaJi really liked his work and implies they'd like more pictures, if AlphaXian were amenable.
The next email is very clear: AlphaXian agrees to a new appointment whenever they wish.
When Lxc asks his brother if he'd like another photo session, OmegaJi looks at him with such hope in his eyes that Lxc worries if he's setting him up for more heartbreak.

But they eventually settle on a date for a subsequent session, this time for OmegaJi to pose with Uncle.
AlphaXian (whom OmegaJi greets with a little breathless 'Wei Ying') arrives with even more professionalism than the previous time.

Lxc noticed he's wearing very strong scent blockers, not the usual ones for every day.

He even manages to impress Uncle with his manners.
But still, he smiles warmly at OmegaJi and never shows he was offended at the incident from last time.

When Uncle is distracted, he even jokes a bit, and OmegaJi smiles a tiny smile for him.

They don't touch this time, but communicate easily like they've known eo for years.
OmegaJi doesn't have many friends and though Uncle and Lxc understand him without talking much, it's not common to tease in their household (other than well intentioned brother-teasing, which is Lxc's right as an older brother and doesn't count).
But OmegaJi seems to react fairly well to the light teasing and even without answering verbally, his eyes dance around in an amused twinkle.

When he poses together with Uncle they end up looking serious but comfortable with each other.
It's like AlphaXian managed to capture the real essence of their relationship, which a lesser artist would misinterpret as cold or wooden, two stiff men without expression.

Instead, Uncle looks affable and wise, while OmegaJi looks radiant and calm.
This is noticeable with the poses AlphaXian directs and Lxc imagines that the final result will be stunning.

In the end, everyone seems to be really satisfied with the whole thing and the incident from the previous time seems to be forgotten.

All is well.
So Lxc arranges more photo sessions. He knows they can't be very frequent and AlphaXian can't get too close but just enough to keep them in contact.

The next session is with silly pregnancy shirts. He's got some cute ones that OmegaJi rolls his eyes at, but agrees to wear.
When Mingjue learns of the silly shirts, he gets a chestburster one that OmegaJi is about to reject until AlphaXian snorts at it.

AlphaXian coos at the cute designs and laughs at the funny ones, and that session is very pleasant for everyone.
So they get some nice pictures documenting OmegaJi's growing belly, and some with his family. AlphaXian mentions a couple ideas he's seen or done before for this kind of thing at it all seems to go smoothly.

OmegaJi keeps looking at him like he hung the moon.
One day, Uncle takes some things out of storage and sits with OmegaJi very solemnly. Turns out he kept some of their baby clothes and now they can be used again by OmegaJi's baby.

The three of them end up pretending they're not crying and unfolding all of the tiny pieces.
These are the first pieces of clothing OmegaJi has for his baby, so Lxc naturally suggests a photo session to have a nice keepsake from this moment.

OmegaJi agrees, of course.

When they mention the idea to AlphaXian, he says it's the cutest yet.
They arrange the session. Omegaji will be sitting, surrounded by the folded tiny clothes, and he'll be holding one of his old onesies in front of his belly, the blue one with bunny ears.

It's a very emotional shoot, and AlphaXian seems to grasp this needs a different mood.
So he's more silent than usual and speaks softly to direct OmegaJi to move here or there.

Everything's going well, until OmegaJi is getting ready to stand up and stumbles a bit, his big belly on the way.

AlphaXian is at his side in an instant.
They haven't touched again since the first incident, so when AlphaXian holds his hips, OmegaJi catches a whiff of AlphaXian's scent and pulls him down next to him. It catches everyone by surprise.

Again, OmegaJi scents him frantically and is already going for the neck.
AlphaXian manages to hold OmegaJi's hands lightly and keeps him at arms length. He looks a bit hysterical as he lets Lxc take his place and runs from the scene as fast as possible.

Omegaji seems lost when he's gone and slowly seems to come to himself again. He's miserable.
"I've ruined it this time" he murmurs sadly to no one in particular.

Lxc soothes him for a few moments and then goes to pick AlphaXian's camera (hoping it didn't break) to give it to its owner.
AlphaXian didn't leave the house, he's sitting in the garden, still breathing harder than usual.

When Lxc sits next to him he looks him in the eye and says "I can't go back there".

Lxc supposes that OmegaJi's pregnant scent and hormones are finally affecting him.
Stranger Alphas react strongly to pregnant Omegas. Of course the scent repels them, but sometimes they even feel headaches and pain, which makes them keep away from a 'taken' omega and their offspring.

OmegaJi's reactions haven't been standard, but surely AlphaXian's are.
It's a bothersome by-product of their biology and though society has moved past the need to forbid interactions between pregnant Omegas and the general population, it doesn't mean they don't get unpleasant side-effects sometimes with continuous contact.
Lxc can only assure him he understands.

It's not fair to make him suffer the usual reaction to a pregnant Omega and it probably won't make him want to stick around until the baby is born and then wait the long period until their bodies don't react negatively to each other.
But AlphaXian murmurs "No, even I don't understand it". Without waiting for a response, he continues: "He's pregnant. He should be making me want to be as far as possible but..." He doesn't finish that thought but Lxc gets the feeling he's not experiencing the usual reaction.
"I'm so sorry about Lan Zhan. He's delightful and deserves the utmost respect"

This confused Lxc. "He's attacked you twice".

"No, he wouldn't hurt a fly" AlphaXian dismisses at once "It must be me. I don't know what's happening to me" he says in a horrified whisper.
He keeps talking, faster and more frantic as he goes on "I keep thinking about him, since the first time I saw him. He's... He's just something else. And his scent! It gets to me even through the blockers, and I can't get it out of my head"
Lxc needs to make sure they're on the same page so he asks "Is it the pregnancy? Is he repelling you?"

"Are you kidding? He's the most beautiful person on earth, he's kind and witty and smells like ambrosia and the baby is... I don't know what it is about that baby, but...
... that time I painted on him I could feel the baby's heartbeat with my fingers, and it was the most peaceful moment of my life. It must be me, something is wrong with me. I'm causing whatever happens to Lan Zhan and I can't do this to him"
Lxc doesn't understand what's happening, but it seems less dire than what he thought. Neither of them seems to hold it against each other, so they just have to understand the cause.

"Don't blame yourself. We don't know what it is but we'll find out".
"There's no need for that, I can just leave. I'm the problem. Lan Zhan and his Alpha don't have to keep worrying about me".

Lxc feels himself frowning. "Wangji doesn't have an Alpha", he explains. At that, AlphaXian seems upset on Omegaji's behalf.
Maybe he imagines his Aloha left him when he learned he was pregnant, or didn't stay around after fooling around. Maybe he was abusive. In AlphaXian's eyes all the possibilities display clear as day, and he's not happy with either of them.

Lxc rushes to explain:
"It was artificial insemination. He's always been single but decided he wanted a baby even if he was on his own".

This seems to calm AlphaXian down, but then he looks into nothing, lost in thought. Then, he huffs, incredulous. "It can't be!"
At Lxc's inquiring eyes, he answers the unasked question. "I'm not very well-off, and for a time there I went through a rough patch. Rougher, I mean. I heard through the grapevine that fertility clinics would pay donors so I did it a couple times to get rent money fast"
He sounds hesitant, as if he doesn't want to put much stock into his own words, but Lxc feels the thunderbolt hit of a sudden realisation, when everything finally makes sense.

"Would you agree to a DNA test?" he asks delicately.
AlphaXian looks incredulous. "Why would you want me to...? He's a perfect man with a perfect baby. He's got a loving family and a plan of his choice. He didn't plan for me there and doesn't need all the hassle of what this could mean".

"What if he wanted it?" Lxc asks.
AlphaXian doesn't seem to have an answer for that, as if he couldn't conceive it, and Lxc understands that this man has been gone for his brother since the very start, and has been telling himself to keep away for so long that he doesn't dare to believe he doesn't have to.
"I'll ask him, and maybe he'll agree to do the test. What would you want then?"

The man seems lost, like he doesn't want to consider a possibility that will be taken away later.

"If he agrees, we can do the test" he agrees carefully, but doesn't mention anything further.
Lxc goes to his brother then. He explains the situation and even before he has to expand on the possibility that lies ahead of them, OmegaJi outs a hand on his belly and cries silent tears.

"Do you want to take a DNA test, brother" he asks softly.
"Why would he want to?" OmegaJi asks despairingly "He just made a donation because he needed the money, he wasn't expecting all this to fall on his lap!"

Lxc sighs. They're so alike. He wants to crush their thick skulls against each other, maybe then they'll see reason.
Finally, he convinced his brother too, calmly explaining that the test is just to know the truth and get an explanation for what's happening.

Once they know, they can keep deciding what's best for everyone.

Only then does OmegaJi accept.
We're almost finished! I'll probably update tonight or tomorrow morning ☺️
I confess I thought of the ending for this and was convinced I posted it but apparently it was only in my head. So let's go.

From the top here

OmegaJi and AlphaXian avoid any mention to each other while Lxc arranges for the test.

They're tense and easily distracted in their own ways and Lxc is more and more convinced they feel way more than he initially suspected.

So they wait.
When the results come back, Lxc offers to show them together but they refuse. He supposes they don't want to raise their hopes up.

He thinks they're being a bit silly, tbh. He's sure AlphaXian is the donor and all the weird reactions they've had were caused by it.
But he also knows that even if AlphaXian wasn't it, they truly like each other.

In that scenario, they'd only have to wait a bit more to get close! Just until the baby was born and OmegaJi's hormones settled a bit.
Still, he's there to give them the envelopes separately, and he sees their faces when they open it.

OmegaJi is the first, and he falls to his knees in a heap, holding the paper in one hand and the other clutched to his belly. He breathes hard and rests his head in the chair.
When it's AlphaXian's turn, he talks about everything and not so subtly stalls, until Lxc clears his throat and he finally opens the envelope and reads the results.

He doesn't seem to react, until he sobs and holds Lxc's hand.

"It's my baby! It's mine!"
He's crying but also smiling. There's some trembling.

"When I first went to donate I thought it'd be very impersonal, you know? I wouldn't know if a kid was mine, if I wasn't there from the start it wouldn't matter to me either way" He sniffs before continuing "But I was wrong"
"I can smell them sometimes, the baby. It's a different smell from Lan Zhan, and it's lovely.

I can feel when they're happy, it's contagious. Or I feel very calm when they're sleeping...

I thought it was all wishful thinking!
I never thought I'd get to see it, be present for it all... Are you sure I'll be able to see the baby grow up?"

"Of course, you'll be part of the family from now on", Lxc hurries to reassure him.

"But I don't want to force Lan Zhan. It was a strange coincidence and..."
"He wants you here. He wanted to be closer to you all this time and is happy with this result.

Why don't you talk to each other, now you know you can get closer without side-effects?" He offers.
They're both hesitant to meet and when they're in front of each other, they're both silent.

It is normal for OmegaJi in the presence of this alpha, but AlphaXian's silence is a bit unnerving.

After a bit of an awkward silence, OmegaJi gasps. AlphaXian is on his feet instantly.
"Are you alright?"

"Yes, it's only. The baby. They're kicking", explains OmegaJi, patting his belly with a watery almost-smile.

"Oh" AlphaXian seems lost for words. He stares at OmegaJi's belly but stays there, still standing.
"Would you like to feel it?" OmegaJi extends a hand.

AlphaXian hesitates but his feet get him closer, almost like he's unaware of it.

When he's close enough, OmegaJi takes his hand and puts it just where the baby apparently kicked.

Lxc is watching with growing fondness.
This is the first time, to his knowledge, that the baby has kicked. Omegaji is past the 24 month mark and they were expecting it for a while.

Both parents stay there in silence, with expressions of wonder and –probably unaware of it– breathing in tandem.
Lxc's beta nose can't perceive all of the subtleties of what is happening but he's aware that both their scents are reacting, more intense than they usually are.

He's worried Lwj will react intensely again, but maybe the fact that AlphaXian isn't wearing scent blockers helps.
Eventually, AlphaXian lowers his head and starts speaking softly to the baby.

OmegaJi looks at him adoringly for a while, but the longer the Alpha goes without paying attention to him, the more disgruntled he looks.
In the end he pulls AlphaXian's hand until he's sitting right next to him and buries his own face on the curve of the Alpha's neck.

He's not frantic like he was the previous times and AlphaXian slowly brings his hand up to pet OmegaJi's head.
Lxc looks into AlphaXian's eyes for a moment, both giving a blessing and a shovel talk, and leaves them alone.

He finds Uncle and they chat for a bit, as if there wasn't a momentous thing happening in their house right now.
In a display of indulgence and subtlety he didn't expect from Uncle, Lqr suggests they visit one of Lxc's cousins in their hometown.

She's a young omega and is expecting her first baby around the same time as OmegaJi's kid.

It's far. They'll have to stay overnight.
(**** Small correction: It was the 24 week mark for OmegaJi's pregnancy. I can't imagine what a 24 month pregnancy would be and wouldn't put OmegaJi through that!)
They spend a lovely day with Lxc's cousin.

They exchange amusing stories of her and Omegaji's pregnancy and find out that her baby is apparently far more rambunctious than Omegaji's. She complains of a lot of kicking and moving around. The baby doesn't let her sleep!
She's thinking of names and Uncle suggests Lan Jingyi, which apparently was an idea from a grand-grandmother they have in common. She hums and says she'll be consider it.

They spend the night at their own family home.
The next morning, Lxc wakes early like always, and expects Uncle to be ready to leave soon, but Lqr is taking his time and decides to take a stroll and chat with other distant family members until noon.

Lxc knows what he's doing, but says nothing. Lqr would never accept it.
When they get home, OmegaJi is placidly in the kitchen, preparing a plate to –presumably– bring to AlphaXian.

His brother looks radiant, if a bit disheveled, and sports a brand-new mating bite.

Lxc knew they wouldn't wait till OmegaJi's next heat, but is still surprised.
He decides not to voice his worries about OmegaJi's state and how careful they *weren't* about it, because his brother looks perfectly healthy and happy.

He thinks he heard him humming something before they got in.
Then, AlphaXian arrives, all sleepy.

Lxc immediately amends his opinion of what transpired, because the Alpha looks absolutely wrecked.

He's got bites everywhere and the soft blue gown he's wearing is torn on one sleeve.
Lxc doesn't want to imagine what AlphaXian's actual clothes look like, if even the borrowed gown is damaged like that.

He remembers OmegaJi's intensity on the previous incidents with the Alpha and decides not to comment at all.
He winces internally, though, because AlphaXian's neck looks like a murder scene and his mating bite is the most intense red he's ever seen.

OmegaJi preens when he sees it, and goes to AlphaXian's side with his food offerings like the cat who got the cream.
Uncle, wisely, went directly to his bedroom and stayed there until it was evident the coast was clear.
AlphaXian, it turns out, is the most doting Alpha in the world. If he was respectful and caring before, now he's at OmegaJi's beck and call all the time.

Uncle approves, in his almost reluctant but actually very supportive way.
AlphaXian also teases Omegaji endlessly. It was just a little, in the beginning, but as it grew evident that OmegaJi loves it, he turned into a menace.

Omegaji goes around with rosy cheeks and red ears all the time. He looks more radiant by the day.
OmegaJi, in turn, is adamant about having AlphaXian by his side whenever possible, so it's only natural that he moves in.

Lxc doesn't know if he regrets it. His brother is happier than he's ever seen him, but when those two are together there's always a risk to get an eyeful.
In the end, Lxc bears it all with good grace, his only retaliation being a request for more and more ridiculous photo sessions.

It's his right, after all, and no one will deny him now that he managed to facilitate this happy ending.
That's it, folks!

Reply in the comments which do you think is the next cutesy and ridiculous idea that Lxc gets for baby bump pictures (or newborn pictures, for that matter).

• • •

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More from @lamusadelils

Sep 20
I dreamed of a modern cultivation AU where WWX is a crime scene cleaner.

He usually appears when the cultivators have already left, taken all their samples and recorded evidence.

But LWJ often stays behind.

Cue LWJ listening as WWX solves all kinds of cases as he cleans.
He points out all the details of the scene and what they mean, speculating about what caused each mess.

He's always ridiculously accurate, far more than the average cultivator. Maybe more than an *elite cultivator*, considering he's not using any of the resources they have.
He does have his own resources, though. Mostly a lot of unusual talismans for all kinds of situations.

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Sep 2
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He can't.

The heat, the noise and people make him faint halfway through.

Luckily, RockstarXian notices and helps him!

RockstarXian stops the concert and directs his people to help LWJ, and the audience to make way. Everyone listens.

They bring LWJ backstage and he's fine not five minutes later, sipping water and being checked over by a very efficient doctor from RockstarXian's team.
He's a bit overwhelmed by it all, but even more when RockstarXian himself comes by during one of his breaks.

Wen Ning, the drummer, takes over the concert with a particularly energetic solo while RockstarXian is supposed to drink some water and change clothes.
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May 10, 2023
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WWX just flirted at her once, as he usually does, and she flirted back because he was funny, if a bit dorky. Cue both of them like 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽 "Oh, it actually worked... Now what?"

So now they do this thing together and become very close.
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Feb 5, 2023
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LWJ smiles at him when they cross paths, amused by his exhuberance.
He'd like a kid, sometime.

He'd even like *that* kid, as A-Yuan is delightful, but he's not really attracted to the dad, a kind and silent young man who is simultaneously goth and a cinnamon roll. A cinnamon goth.

(That's uncle WN, but LWJ doesn't know yet)
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Feb 1, 2023
Thinking of WWX bartending at a nightclub and befriending LXC, who frequently goes there to dance, flirt and more.

LXC doesn't drink, so WWX makes him fancy mocktails and they chat sometimes, before LXC is snatched up for the evening by some pretty thing.
You see, LXC is very popular. He's gay, but he usually attracts practically every eye in the club with his genial personality, love for dancing and devastating looks.

Not WWX though. He thinks LXC is good looking and a good conversationalist, but that's it.
Then the club gets a new bouncer and LXC turns to him like a moth to flame.

He dresses his sluttiest, dances his most provocative moves, has every single eye on him all night and yet, NMJ keeps doing his job, serious and distant.

WWX watches from the sideline, amused.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 29, 2022
WWX as a Wen bodyguard.

He's in the background during WX's awkward arranged date with LWJ.

WX can't see bc WWX is behind him, but WWX keeps making faces and smirking at every subtly bitchy sentence that LWJ says.

LWJ accepts a second date with WX just to see WWX again.
Listen, LWJ didn't have a choice on the first date. As many young people from elite families, he was publicly invited by WX on an 'outing' to get to know each other better and couldn't refuse, or else he'd jeopardize the fragile peace amongst the most powerful ole families.
As many other young heirs and heiresses, he was supposed to be arm candy for an evening, then he would make his excuses and make himself scarce for the following weeks, and that would be all. Hopefully.

However, that meant making small talk.
Read 37 tweets

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