@flipkartsupport Can you arrange a call from Senior Customer Representative/ Supervisor? To discuss/ elaborate System Bug(s), Technical Error(s) and System Loophole(s).
@flipkartsupport My @Flipkart#account has been #blocked since 11th April 2022. I don't know what's wrong going on. I don't know about it. I'm using #Flipkart since January 2016. I'm already Flipkart Plus Membership user. I had successfully placed the order of Sunscreen and Parfum on 9th 1/28
Between 09:05 am to 12:31 pm on 10th April 2022, I got 23 (twenty three) times Interactive Voice Response (IVR)/ Automated Voice call (from different numbers) from Flipkart regarding the #COD orders confirmation by inputs i.e.:- 3/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart "This is an important call regarding your Flipkart order. Priya upabhokta, hamne dekha hai ki aapne do sunscreen order place kie hai. Pehla order, jiskee raashi hai ₹572.00 dinaank 9 april ko order kiya gaya tha aur doosara order jiskee raashi hai ₹572.00 dinaank 9 April 4/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart dinaank. Yadi aap apne dono orders paana chahate hai to 1 dabaen. Yadi aap apne pehla order ko cancel karna chahate hai to 2 dabaen......" and "This is an important call regarding your Flipkart order. Priya upabhokta, hamne dekha hai ki aapne do parfum order place kie hai. 5/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart Pehla order, jiskee raashi hai ₹152.00 dinaank 9 april ko order kiya gaya tha aur doosara order jiskee raashi hai ₹152.00 dinaank 9 April dinaank. Yadi aap apne dono orders paana chahate hai to 1 dabaen. Yadi aap apne pehla order ko cancel karna chahate hai to 2 dabaen..." 6/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart I did 1 press in the inputs of all the IVR/ Automated Voice calls. On the evening of 10th April 2022 I got all above mentioned orders Cancellation email and Flipkart In-App notifications. But I don't know who canceled my orders. Then after I tracked all order's Tracking IDs, 7/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart it's shown Status: Marked RTO: ORDER_REJECT. On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 03:08pm I've received an email from Customer Support <cs@nct.flipkart.com> it state that "We'd like to let you know that your recent order has been canceled as our systems have observed a trend in your 8/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart purchase history that suggests that the items you've purchased are usually not intended for personal use. This would also mean that you will no longer be able to login to your Flipkart account". I don't know who canceled my orders. The mail does not explicitly 9/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart state who canceled the orders. Then I frequently contacted Flipkart Customer Care over phone calls. I got more than 10 times call from Flipkart till now (when I raised Call me back request). I elaborate my issue regarding account blocking, from there they told me that "Your 10/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart Flipkart account is blocked by our systems not a human. So, we can't do nothing. Please wait till unblock". Customer Support Team escalated the problem/ issue and forward it to the Technical Team. I also mailed cs@flipkart.com, but every time it reply with "The email ID 11/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart cs@flipkart.com is no longer in use". I already received 5 times mail from Flipkart regarding account blocking. Till now my Flipkart account not yet unblocked. On 14th April 2022 at 09:44 pm I raised Call me back request, I got a call from Flipkart +918068076100 The 12/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart representative told me to stay on hold for 1 minute to check the details in the systems, the representative never came back and put my call on hold for 1 hr 29 mins 57 secs and then disconnected the call! I also mailed Flipkart Support about the account blocking issue, 13/28
1) When I was ordering Sunscreen on 9th April 2022, after successfully placed 10 units in 4 orders, when I 14/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart try to placed next order, Flipkart App show an error message that "You've reached the maximum units allowed for purchase of this item". It's means that a Flipkart user can purchase that product upto 10 units and upto 10 there is no restriction/ limit. Therefore, I think 15/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart there is no reason/ argument/ logic to question whether this purchased are generally for personal use or not. Isn't it?
2) When I was ordering Parfum on 9th April 2022, after successfully placed 11 orders in one by one of the same product when I try to placed next order, 16/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart Flipkart App show an error message that "You've reached the maximum units allowed for purchase of this item". And also when I try to increase the quantity/ unit of the product in a order it's error show that "You can only purchase 1 unit of ENVY Bold Eau de Parfum - 60 ml 17/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart in a single order. If you have a higher requirement, please create a new order". It's means that a Flipkart user can purchase that product in one by one upto 15 times, 1 unit placed in a single order and upto 15 there is no restriction/ limit. Therefore, I think there is no 18/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart reason/ argument/ logic to question whether this purchased are generally for personal use or not. Isn't it?
3) There is no restriction/ limit to order placed up to 10 or 15 units of the mentioned above products, then why Flipkart algorithms detect that it is an unusual/ 19/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart abnormal activity? What is the fault of the user(s) in this regards? It is system(s)/ algorithms fault, not a user(s) fault. So, rectify the fault(s)/ technical error(s)/ loophole(s) and fixed the bug(s). Therefore don't blame it to the user.
4) Please note that matching 20/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart the name/ mobile number of the Flipkart account user and the person whose order will be placed is not mandatory.
5) When a Flipkart user purchases a product more than one unit(s), the algorithm deleted/ treated as it is not intended for personal use. So, when placing an 21/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart order, why more than 1 unit in quantity is available/ given in the drop down menu or enter quantity manually?
6) If a product is cancelled by the Seller or System algorithms, specify the exact reason for the cancellation to reduce/ avoid the huge System/ CS rush traffic. 22/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart Then the user will be careful whether to do or not to do in future/ never repeat the same mistake again in future. Give a one chance to the user to rectify the mistake, otherwise the user will move to another e-commerce platform.
7) If the order is automatically canceled 23/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart due to the fault/ error of the seller/ system/ algorithms, then why did Flipkart block the user(s) account? Is it the fault of the user(s)?
8) If any Flipkart user violates the any kind of rules/ policys, Flipkart systems/ algorithms should be immediately detect and 24/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart notify to the user by email or SMS or In-App notification or IVR call. Don't block the account directly without inform. Still systems/ algorithms want to block account, then block for 24 hours or 48 hours or 72 hours or maximum 7 days but not indefinitely. And also notify 25/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart user specific timeline to unblock account. So, I request to you please take cognizance on this matter and rectify the fault/ error/ loophole(s)/ fixed the bug(s). Therefore, I request you to please unblock my Flipkart account as soon as possible.
For more details please 26/28
@flipkartsupport@Flipkart check out the mail. I already sent mail to
with details on Apr 28, '22 at 11:07 along with 67 pages supporting documents 27/28
I ordered two books from @amazon on 25th Apr '22 (two different Order IDs) Pay with @amazonpay UPI. It was shown at the time of order that ₹23.00 cashback is eligible on both order. Cashback of second order was credited in my @amazonpay balance on the next day but cashback [1/8]
@amazon@amazonpay of first order is not received yet. I frequently contacted CS, the representative stated that "our system is reflect cashback worth of ₹23.00. It will be credited to your @amazonpay balance shortly or after product delivered" The product delivered on 5th May '22 at 09:52 & [2/8]
09:53. On 5th May '22 at 10:46:24 I contacted CS, the representative fill a cashback application form and stated that "cashback will be credited in your @amazonpay balance within 48-72 hours" Today at 12:10:56 I contacted CS the representative stated that "you will [3/8]