1) Thread on the links between the microbiota and sars-cov 2 infections. It aims in particular to prevent the propensity to maintain the mystery around the long covid. #longcovid#covidlong#afterJ20
2) The microbiota is impacted by the virus, the alteration by sars-cov 2 infection is a recognized fact and the virus attacks the mucosa, this contributes to the mechanism of the inflammation @h_sokolpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32649864/
@h_sokol 3) The virus causes an inflammatory state which - in cascade - will rarefy the bacteria producing butyrate and anti-inflammatory metabolites.
@h_sokol 5 ) The mechanism also applies to children with a share of PIMS linked to the presence of zonulin, a sign of intestinal permeability highlighted by Dr. Alessio Fasano: jci.org/articles/view/…
@h_sokol 6) This intestinal permeability explains the dissemination of the virus in the organism and the multi-systemic nature of the symptoms which baffles so many physicians, heirs of the butcher Descartes. biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
8) The underlying mechanisms are well described with the immunomodulatory role of the microbiota as described in this Indian publication: link.springer.com/chapter/10.100…
9) Inflammation and severity of sars-cov is closely correlated to the state of the microbiota, news-medical.net/news/20211101/… -19.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0ene82If5PhLOebTitRhu7IqPTBFmFykh_ZmFfI0dDIX vOeKAqR2jSgDQ
@TheWistar 12) This publication from Hong Kong demonstrates that the virus will alter the microbiota by creating a context opportunistic for latent co-infections: gut.bmj.com/content/70/2/2…
13) Another international study (India, Australia and Saudi Arabia) confirms the relevance of the approach: https:/ /www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000927972200103X?via%3Dihub&fbclid=IwAR2lUFKDA8mi8j0ZrYB9tVKpHmKXMdRyAfTNoGrFn1ZVxvG1JCsx9Z4K6Y8
15) A metagenomic analysis campaign could have made it possible to identify risk profiles. It's not too late for the next waves … and that would be of interest for the prevention of a large number of diseases.
16) The symbiosis is disturbed with a context that has become opportunistic for fungal infections frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
17) The issue is of interest from the acute phase, in India butyrate is considered because fungal infections cause damage: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
18) In France, a similar reflection is carried out by @manonjardou but it remains unfortunately, as too often in the field of fundamental research. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34385045/
@manonjardou 19) The intestine-lungs axis is correlated with the issue of microbiota and microbial translocation, the subject is also being studied in Brazil: frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
@manonjardou 20) The issue is also underlined in this American-Chinese publication, the presence of sars-cov in the intestine increases the severity of pulmonary involvement: frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
@manonjardou 21) They do, however, highlight the prevention this is for potential organ damage (and long covid ?). Prevention of long covid by taking oral probiotics at the time of infection (Universities of Bologna and Rome): frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
@manonjardou 24) Throat sprays with lactobacilli are also of interest:
https://www.news-medical. net/news/20220322/Study-evaluates-the-effectiveness-of-lactobacilli-throat-sprays-against-COVID-19.aspx?fbclid=
28) A good microbiota is obviously the first barrier against sars-cov, infections repeated do damage to this barrier. This is both a therapeutic angle and also a preventive one.
30) Should we be satisfied with the observation and regret it or rather make it a context of opportunity in terms of therapeutics? The mystery has a good back ... the Chinese are not mistaken. nature.com/articles/s4139…
32) The care to be taken in the selection of donors is however not to be neglected, it is a technique that brings hope on the condition of being rigorous.
33) Once again, the Chinese have identified the problem of dysbiosis while in France it is the psychosomatic smoking theory that takes center stage: gut.bmj.com/content/71/3/5…
34) Nutrition can play an obvious role even if it alone is not enough! In any case, it has more interest than cognitive-behavioral therapy. nature.com/articles/s4143…
36) should we emphasize that this is an open door to the development of neurological diseases -degenerative with @rudytanzi ? nature.com/articles/d4158….
@RudyTanzi 37) We are looking for markers of long covid but dysbiosis is not difficult to identify, the price of device for metagenomic sequencing starts at 1,000 euros.
@RudyTanzi 38) The overabundance of converging data raises questions. This seems all the more difficult to understand since - simultaneously - "specialists" are spending energy to demonstrate a psychosomatic pseudo-character of the long covid.
39) The absence of clinical trials in relation to the state of scientific knowledge in fundamental research also feeds the question. It can be seen that most of its data is produced by public research.
40) This is probably a symptom of the dysfunction of the health care system, with clinical research largely underfunded, which induces a form of private monopoly on the creation of new treatments.
41) it goes without saying that the persistence of the virus is closely correlated with the "dysimmunity" (to use the words of Prof. Salmon) caused by the alteration of the microbiota.
42) This produces wandering sick people, chronic diseases and much more expensive treatments than it could have been with major support from public research actors. The result for society = an expensive, inhumane and inefficient health care system.
1) Thread sur les liens entre le microbiote et les infections à sars-cov 2. Il a notamment pour but de prévenir la propension à l’entretien du "mystère" autour du covid long. #longcovid#covidlong#aprèsJ20
2) Le microbiote est impacté par le virus, l’altération par l’infection à sars-cov 2 est un fait reconnu et le virus s’en prend au muqueuse, cela contribue au mécanisme de l’inflammation @h_sokolpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32649864/
3) Le virus provoque un état inflammatoire qui - en cascade- va raréfier les bactéries productrices de butyrate et de métabolites à portées anti-inflammatoires.
Thread - demain colloque de la @SPILF_ à Nancy en collaboration avec @apresj20 juste avant - une étude Jama sort - tout serait dans la tête ... #troublesomatoformes or not ? la persistance du virus est pourtant documentée ... #apresJ20
@SPILF_@apresj20 Dès novembre 2020, une étude de l'Université Rockfeller fait état d'une persistance du virus au-delà de 3 mois au niveau de l'épithélium intestinal ... le journal @lemondefr semblait pourtant au courant lemonde.fr/blog/realitesb…
@SPILF_@apresj20@lemondefr Cela concernait 7 sur 14 personnes - 1 sur 2 ! A l'époque, la communauté scientifique est sous le choc, Man as a tank ! L'humain en tant que réservoir !