Argo owns lands rezoned by @SteveClarkPC via #MZO 171/21
Justified b/c of the 👻 #Bolton Go Line & Humber Go Station 🚉 that aren’t a @Metrolinx priority.
Here is another powerful lobbyist that we haven't heard about for #StopThe413. @LIUNA Joseph Mancinelli. Did you know that LIUNA invests their pension with Fengate Asset Management who specializes in investing in P3 infrastructure projects & real estate?
Fengate & LIUNA invested in the Walmart Distribution Facility in #Vaughan that needed an #MZO only to rezone 4 acres of #wetland to allow for 200 tractor trailer parking spots and is located just south of where the proposed #Highway413 will end.…
Community Value Plan #StopThe413 meetings @ONtransport admits noise studies aren't complete. They can't even talk to us about how the community will be protected from noise; can't tell us anything about a "major physiological stressor"! 1/x…
Attack on #YorkRegion's #Greenbelt ROPA 7 requests portions #Greenbelt prime agr. to be re-designated to rural in #Markham#Vaughan. Lipstick on a pig. ROPA 2, ROPA 3 brought lands into urban boundary & areas subject to ROPA 7 protected as Regional Greenlands System 1/x
Vaughan, Markham & York Region staff don't support ROPA 7 b/c it's premature. Areas called 'Greenbelt Fingers' part of ongoing Policy Direction review for #YorkRegion's #OfficialPlan2051. About protection of watersheds, habitat connectivity & corridors, urban agr. 2/x