When an animal experiences conflict or shock it will activate a Significant Biological Special program (SBS).
Let's say a wild animal eats something polluted and falls ill.
It will probably vomit to get rid of the pollution.
It will remember that place and will never ...
... eat there again.
Animals avoid new conflict wherever they can.
If 2 male animals have a territorial conflict, one of the males will probably leave forever after a good fight.
We humans are not so fortunate...
If you have a conflict with your neighbour, it will only resolve if any of you two move, or make up.
We can't run away easily from an evil colleague or boss. We need the job.
So every time we see that neighbour, our boss or colleague, we keep activating our conflicts.
This means that in Humans these SBS programs will often act longer than intended by Nature.
And if finally the conflict is resolved, we would experience mild to extreme symptoms in the Healing Phase.
You read that correct. Symptoms in the Healing phase. Remember that one.
So whenever we experience an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating conflict shock, it will act on the psyche, the brain, and the corresponding organ at the same time.
This is what we call a DHS.
(Dirk Hamer Syndrome. So named after the passed away son from Dr Hamer).
The content of the conflict determines which organ will be affected and from which area of the brain the SBS will be controlled.
Psyche --> Brain --> Organ
The SBS runs simultaneously on the level of the psyche, the brain and the organ.
the unexpected conflict (DHS)
which type of conflict determines which organ
SBS acting on psyche, the brain, and the organ at the same time
Is called the 1st Biological Law in the GNM
What most people call "Disease" is what the GNM calls a Significant Biological Special Program (SBS)
However we can get,
which would result in organ dysfunction without a DHS.
The DHS affects a specific part in your brain,
depending on the experienced conflict.
This can be seen on a CT Brain scan.
Extendedly documented by Dr. Hamer. We call this a "Hamerscher Herd" (HH) or Hamer Focus.
This also depends on being biologically Left or Right Handed
The 2nd Biological Law tells us about the Two Phases.
Every SBS runs in 2 phases, 1) The Conflict-Active phase (CA) 2) Healing Phase (PCL-A & B)
In the CA (Cold) phase you will enter a prolonged state of stress. Compulsive thinking, sleep disturbances, nervous restlessness. This is because you are trying to resolve a conflict.
In the PCL (Warm) phase you start healing.
Experiencing all sorts of symptoms.
This Healing process is full of symptoms, fever, headaches, pain, swelling, puss etc.
All depending on what kind of conflict and which organ is concerned.
It is in this Healing phase that most people go to see the doctor, unknown to the fact that you are already healing.
Often new conflicts (diagnosis shock) enter your psyche by visiting the doctor. Also many treatments will stop or disturb the healing process.
This doesn't mean that treatments are never good, but more often than not they are devastating to the patient and can be fatal.
16/ Microbes, Bacteria & Fungi (4th Law)
When a DHS hit, our body will grow specific Bacteria/Fungi.
These will not be active during the CA, but they will multiply as long the CA continues.
At the conflict resolution these Bacteria & Fungi become active. So what will they do?
17/ From the DHS, depending on embryonic germ layer (see 3rd Law), our body will grow tissue or take them away during the CA-phase.
When we enter the Healing phase, the bacteria & fungi will dissolve this extra tissue or make new tissue.
This means the bacteria & fungi don't ..
...mean us any harm. They are here to help. Surgically removing tissue.
If your body, entering the CA, don't have any of the specific needed bacteria, than the process in the healing phase cannot do a proper job removing tissue. It will then encapsulate this tissue.
Regular Medicine (RM) calls these tissues "Tumors".
Now you know why RM can be so devastating, not knowing about the GNM.
They think the bacteria are dangerous, they think the extra tissue is dangerous and never are they pinpointing the real cause, conflict/shock.
As a matter of fact the RM often adds new conflict/shocks to the patient.
The best for all of us would be doctors & patients knowing about the GNM, than RM can have its benefits, when used correctly. Now that is almost never the case.
"Every so-called disease is part of a Significant Biological Special Program of Nature created to assists an organism (humans and animals alike) during unexpected distress."
This means we shouldn't worry or fear our biological changes.
Your body is here to help you cope with your conflicts & shocks. Best way is to address these with practical solutions. And find a life philosophy where you can better guide your way through the emotional roller-coaster life gives us.
Go study the GNM for yourself.
I promised examples to better understand the purely biologically and logically nature of our system, described by the GNM.
So here it goes.
We have a Cat & Mouse. The mouse sees the Cat as threat, it is scared of death. It needs to run away from the Cat. It needs more ...
..Oxygen, so the SBS kicks in (CA phase), more oxygen to the Lungs. Mouse enters it's home, threat averted, conflict resolved. Enters a short healing phase.
In Humans our Fear of Death Conflict Phase can take much longer, weeks, months, years. remember the fear of C0vlD?
25/ It is a Fear of Death. Doesn't matter what is invoking the Fear, but it acts on the lungs. We need more oxygen. So our body will make more Lung Tissue in the longer CA-phase. If finally the fear is somewhat gone, we start healing. Coughing, Fever, Headaches, trouble breathing
We all know when that happens. Restrictions faded, people were relieved, and started getting symptoms again and then the whole PCR-scam continued.
Another example:
A mother has a grown up child living outside of her reach, this child is in some sort of trouble
..the mother is unable to help, so the CA-phase is longer than normal. Biologically it says "I need to feed my child, but can't". So the breast will make extra tissue so it can produce more Milk to help the child.
It is simple basically. However the Healing phase is
28/ ..not nice. It is painful, "disgusting" (this is potential for getting a defilement conflict, possibly resulting in what the RM calls melanoma's).
So you can support this process with the RM, but you should know about the GNM.
But also solve the conflict.
29/ A man losing a child or it's love partner. Biologically it says, make a new baby to continue your bloodline and DNA.
So the body will need more testosterone to find and court a new partner and make a baby.
RM calls this testicle cancer ;)
Having money problems? If DHS involved it could be a starvation conflict. That will affect the liver.
Having bone problems? Self-esteem conflicts.
Holding fluids like a balloon, might be an existence conflict, or hospital or refugee conflict.
The Ayurveda & Traditional Chinese Medicine also have a similar approach, though different. Worth studying too.
Dr Hamer did an extensive scientific study & documentation of the Embryonic Brain connection. Sadly he passed away a few years ago. Always attacked by Big Pharma
33/ Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed, please help me share this vital information.
Want to learn more about Health? Here is my old pinned tweet, with more gems inside.
1) Draadje.
IC cijfers 2013-2020 Nederland van Stichting NICE.
ICU data 2013-2020 Netherlands from Stichting NICE.
2) Vorig jaar vroeg ik Stichting-NICE of er wekelijkse/maandelijkse Intensive Care data was om te vergelijken met vorige jaren. Konden ze me niet geven. Slechts 1x per jaar wordt er een totaal rapport gemaakt. Deze data kwam afgelopen week online. Hier een deel van de data.
3) Last year I asked Stichting-NICE if they had weekly/monthly Intensive Care data to compare with other years. They couldn't give me any. Only once a year they have a full rapport ready. The data finally came online last week. Here I will present some of the data.