I've seen some folx claiming that opposing abortion bans as a #Jewish value is a lie and a leftist conspiracy, based on a reading of Genesis 9:7: Be fruitful and multiply. With thanks (as always) to @TheRaDR and @roripn and Rabbanit Leah Sarna, some reasons that is wrong. 1/
So, first-- there is the fact that while #Torah is our foundational text, it is not often the text on which we pasken (make halakhic decisions/decisions on #Jewish law). For that, we go to our interpretive texts. 2/
But, if we want to focus on פרו ורבו, the command to be fruitful and multiply--important to note that this command, in rabbinic and halakhic understanding, is ONLY incumbent upon men. It is not incumbent on women (we might today say people with uteruses, but not in these texts)6/
Why is it not incumbent on women? Because of another halakhic principle: You should live by the commandments and not die by them. Tradition says that we cannot obligate someone to a mitzvah that could threaten their life. 7/