Lots of great work in @NHSLanarkshire on #Frailty and their work as a community multidisciplinary team. 👏👏
There is research evidence to back up what’s being done. GPs and Primary Care Teams can do this, but don’t have time so having the MDT is working well.
The team visited older people at home identified using the electronic Frailty Index. A word cloud illustrates some of what they do but there’s a lot more to it even than this!
It’s interesting to read the responses to the piece.
A lot of very good palliative care already happens in care homes up and down the country.
We need to respect that there’s a lot of expertise in these settings.
GPs and care home teams are doing great things in many places.
It’s not universal, and part of the answer may be to resource properly the care homes and primary care teams, rather than necessarily import “palliative care” expertise at the end of life?
Geriatricians, community nurses & GPs are very used to the inherent uncertainties faced.
We know that supplementation of this vitamin during pregnancy reduces the chances of having a baby with a neural tube defect (NTD) eg spina bifida, which can cause significant disabilities.
But not everyone takes it.
“Women can get folic acid from their diet, but current diets are unlikely to meet recommended levels. This is because of low intakes of whole foods that contain folic acid, particularly among more disadvantaged groups that face systemic barriers to eating well…”