As I close out the first half of my first year as editor of #AHAPerspectives (we don't publish the print edition in the summer), here is a 🧵of articles I especially liked working on!
1. My first piece as #AHAPerspectives editor, having just come through a whirlwind-fast 3 week interview process, was by @TheOtherRBG . True facts: I had taught one of her relatives writing when I was at @BrownHist.
2. @lmansley was the primary editor on this #AHAPerspectives article, but Peggy Liss lives right by the @AHAhistorians townhouse and is a delight - we spent two hours talking over coffee just last week. It was a pleasure to meet her through this process.
3. The first #AHAPerspectives piece I commissioned to be published. @charsteinman (Precocious Charlie) was an undergrad in medieval history at @BrownHist, and is a fierce and fiery union organizer. @SW_Columbia is better for his efforts.
4. I keep returning to @VictoriaSWoeste's piece whenever I want to give a #AHAPerspectives author an example of an article that is the perfect balance of tone and content that I am looking for. Her argument is both disturbing and important, as well.
5. Shameless self promotion: this #AHAPerspecives piece was one of the most fun things I've written, ever. I've been working on cultivating my voice for a long time, and this felt like nailing it.
6. The #AHAPerspectives presidential column is probably my primary job responsibility and one which has a very strange power dynamic. Jim has always been unfailingly attentive and engaged in the process, and this piece came together so nicely in the end.