Risky Functionality - File Uploads:
- Test that acceptable file types are whitelisted
- Test that file size limits, upload frequency and total file counts are defined and are enforced
- Test that file contents match the defined file type
- Test that all file uploads have Anti-Virus scanning in-place.
- Test that unsafe filenames are sanitised
- Test that uploaded files are not directly accessible within the web root
- Test that uploaded files are not served on the same hostname/port
- Test that files and other media are integrated with the authentication and authorisation schemas
Risky Functionality - Card Payment:
- Test for known vulnerabilities and configuration issues on Web Server and Web Application
- Test for default or guessable password
- Test for non-production data in live environment, and vice-versa
- Test for Injection vulnerabilities
- Test for Buffer Overflows
- Test for Insecure Cryptographic Storage
- Test for Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
- Test for Improper Error Handling
- Test for all vulnerabilities with a CVSS v2 score > 4.0
- Test for Authentication and Authorization issues
- Test for CSRF
- Test Web Messaging
- Test for Web Storage SQL injection
- Check CORS implementation
- Check Offline Web Application
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