but the idea that "well of course the court won't overturn griswold (the right to contraception) because some justices said it was settled in their confirmation hearings" is absurd on its face.
(i won't link to it bc i don't do free p.r.)
and the idea that NOBODY will ask the court to overturn griswold is belied by (1) the LA bill that would criminalize some forms of contraception; (2) this OK bill that would do the same; ...
(3) the fact that conservatives elide the difference between abortion and contraception by insisting that some common methods of contraception (IUDs & emergency contraception) are abortifacients;
are the conservatives up in arms about the politico leak going to be up in arms about this too?
ted cruz, ron desantis, you up?
"three conservatives close to the court" feel emboldened enough to be identified (in those terms) in this WaPo piece saying the majority to overturn Roe is in tact. they don't care if the public, the chief justice, & everyone knows it's their side leaking
yes, this. when I said A3P (chamberlains org) putting me on their list of “possible Biden judicial nominees” was generating threats that prompted me to take my work email + phone off the school website, they were … unmoved & an A3P person seemingly proudly RT-ed what I had said.
(at some point you can and shoukd judge people based on who their fellow travelers are, and A3P is, well, … yikes).
It’s fine now! I spent over a year with my info unlisted and took myself off all school directories (making my email show up really weird). it died down enough where I put it back up.
1st - but not last -- SCOTUS op: Chief Justice (6-3) writes Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller that emotional distress damages are not available in suits under the Rehabilitation Act or Affordable Care Act
The Senate will also be hearing from future Judge Nusrat Choudhury (nominated to EDNY) AND future Judge Nancy G. Abudu (nominated to the 11th Circuit)!
I was proud to sign a letter supporting Judge Choudhury's confirmation (I can't seem to find it on the Interwebs), but here is @SenSchumer's nomination announcement:
And last month, the former public defender, Caryn Devins Strickland, testified to Congress about how inadequate the judiciary's response was when she reported sexual harassment.