Papa aapko kabhi mujhpar gussa nahi aaya ke aisa baar baar mujhe Bombay leke aana padta hai ? Yamuna was diagnosed with #CML when she was 4. The 9th grader today is an avid reader & full of a sparkling kind of energy . We’ve seen her year after year coming for follow up to Tata.
Her father has been so diligent never missing an appointment No matter what it took Leave of absence from his job included After all these years he says she posed this question to him - perhaps understanding only now completely what it means to manage her treatment & keep her
healthy . Papa, don’t you ever get upset because you have to bring me to Bombay again and again like this ?
Never ever have I been angry or upset with her and I never will be. I will do everything to make sure she studies hard and makes her life .
Why @chaiforcancer
It was with a heavy heart the team had to close his case . We hadn't heard from him in many months . Maybe well over a year even . Despite repeated calls & attempts to counsel and emphasise the importance of compliance we had not seen him nor been able to
make any contact . He was a farmer from the interiors of Maharashtra & his life had been a constant struggle . A small holding where he grew vegetables , struggled with the vagaries of Mother Nature & tried his best to provide for his family of six . He was proud of the fact that
he could send his children to school and even more proud that his young daughters as well his sons went to school . We had grown close to him , following up and being with him all throughout the eight odd years he had been with us. He was a role model for other patients and a
The stoic Ram Babu his pretty wife & young son were here in April for his periodic check up at Tata Hospital . Ram Babu is one of the reasons behind @chaiforcancer . Years ago when he been diagnosed with CML he was very non compliant skipping his medicines & irregular with his ..
follow up. Upon probing I found out he had lost his job as a truck driver because the thekedar did not want a cancer patient around him. He had no money to travel to Bombay from his village in Bihar . More over he was unable to swallow the capsule as it made him nauseous .
I asked him if he had shared this with his doctor . Yes he had and Doctor Sa’ab had advised him to have it with a glass of milk . So why don’t you do that I asked him never realising how very thoughtless that question was . And insensitive. Ammaji he told me looking away…
Post from May’19 #longthread
Lakshmibai & her husband Reshmaji left their village in Parbani Distirct last night to take an overnight train to Bombay & made their way straight to Tata Memorial Hospital so that they would not be late for her appointment with her Medical Oncologist
They came to our office after the long OPD procedure at the hospital tired thirsty & hungry. It has been a tough few months for them back in the village where Reshmaji tills his small plot of land. The drought marriage expenses of their daughter & fees for the education of one
their two sons ( the other helps his father in the farm) has meant he has had to borrow money from the Sahukar , the money lender , in order to arrange funds for travel and tests and other sundry expenses the periodic visit to Bombay for his wife's check up means .