HOW MUCH MORE CAN WE SPEND on police? Police were never “defunded.” The US spends more on its police than any country in the world but two spend on their MILITARIES—less than anyone else but the US itself and China!
They will let your baby starve.
They will say there is no money to test, treat or even vaccinate you against what seems to be the MOST transmissible virus humans have yet studied closely.
They will say you must breed babies against your will.
…there’s always money to stop you from portesting (against the Supreme Court or against racism or against ICE).
There’s always money to fly the president to an arms manufacturer to announce he’s sending bombs overseas.
There’s always $ for police. And MORE police. And MORE
Hey Democrats who voted for these warmongers and said they’d be much better on the pandemic than Trump…
Yeah, YOU who said you’d “push him hard” when Biden got into office…
What say you?
This has not been a good news week for American infants
“Tell your baby to call their doctor and ask if ‘food’ is right for you.”
“Does the doctor have baby food?“
“No. But If you steal some baby food, rest assured that there are more cops to respond and kill you and your baby.”
“We’ll hold them accountable!” my ass. Organized abandonment by those who think they’ll be safe (they may be quite wrong!) of the viral underclass—the uninsured, the elderly, the immunocompromised. Shame. Shame!
This will end in a comsically absurd way: even though it fucked it over royally since 2020, the US is going to go hat in hand begging for vaccines from…COVAX!! 😂😂😂😭😭😭
And they want us to think they have time & $ for cops at SCOTUS, cops in your ‘hood, and $40 billion for bombs to Ukraine—
but no $ for vaccines for something that’s killed one in every 300 Americans?!
This right here is what happens when you spend money on guns and prisons and cops and not on vaccines and masks and housing and health: A purposely produced viral underclass.
Remember when Biden promised $2000 a person as soon as he got in then cut out the $600 Trump had given? That’s when those of you who voted for him shouod have known these means testing penny pinchers would sell out your starving baby and your un-boosted grandmother for Raytheon
“Sorry suckers, $1400 only. One time only. Didn’t you read the fine print? Boohoo for you. You’ll take it and LIKE IT and I will laugh at your humiliation when you cash the checks. Hahaha it’s me or fascism. #Votebluenomatter who, see you in the midterms or you’ll lose abortion!”
Consider the priorities in spending and how likely you are to die from "crime" versus how likely you are to die from Covid…
“Fewer people died under me and we didn’t even have the vaccine yet! I built the vaccine! I made it! But it wasn’t ready until he stole the election. And then he had it to use, and he killed more people than I did!!!”
And @PatBlanchfield said something profound: That a way ppl “become white” is thru violence against people of color in America (mostly against Black ppl, but also Native, Latinx, Asian etc.) The Irish became white by becoming cops and shooting and locking up Black ppl. And
Ppl call me old (I am) bc I use checks and banks for business. There is a legal architecture to banks and checks. Banks are FDIC insured. There’s a record to checks. When you pay rent or get paid by a gig by check, you’re unlikely to be a victim of an unregulated digital scam
Every time you pay, get paid or transfer money digitally, you’re open to sometimes legal, sometimes illegal, and usually unregulated and uninsured scams. Ordering a $10 piazza? Would you like to pay over time ($60 in installments over 6 months that will ruin your credit?)
Getting paid—would you like to get paid faster by electronically in a Visa card rather than by check? Would you like that in crypto instead? Oh you didn’t read the fine print waiving any right to labor law violations by accepting the digital payment?
I read this entire article. There was no mention of the Biden administration. Why the defense of Biden? I will never understand how liberals' first defense of anything (Covid failures! BBB! Student debt! Baby formula!) is "NOT Biden's fault." Even when he's not mentioned. Weird.
Like, why are the Democrats in charge of anything? Why did they run for office to have no sense of urgency? Psaki was asked what parents should do if they run out of food for their infant and says their doctor or pediatrician (?!)
1. So today I want to write a thread I've been nervous to write.
In January and February, according to CDC data, 42% of ppl who died of Covid were vaccinated.
It's possible that in the near future, a MAJORITY of people dying of Covid may be vaccinated.
2. How can this be? What does his mean?
Well, it does NOT mean that vaccines don't work (though seeing many Covid deaths among the vaccinated will make ongoing vax efforts harder). The vaccines work, but they're being asked to do too much & their effects are not equally felt.
3. Different populations are more or less at risk for Covid death. Elderly ppl are, by age, VERY at risk. They are also highly vaccinated. According to the NYT, about 91% of ppl over 65 are vaccinated, compared to just 73% of 18-64 yr olds.…
1. Thinking back about how there is ample evidence that Omicron was NOT "mild." Yet for months, @mikiebarb and @DLeonhardt just blithely said Omicron was mild on two of the Times four "front pages," The Morning newsletter and The Daily podcast…
2. January 31 - @DLeonhardt - "Omicron is milder than earlier versions of the virus." How could he and Barbaro present this to millions of readers and viewers of The Morning and The Daily with any authority? Will they be held to account?
Alright America, how much longer are we going to pretend this ain’t happening?
The signs are everywhere. @JuliaRaifman and @gregggonsalves are screaming. We’re getting back to February levels with waning vaccination protections. We are in the red even by the CDC’s piss poor standards. What’s happening?