This is absolutely unacceptable that 4 people are competing for Seat 2 while Seat 1 only has a single candidate.
We need to be electing both seats using a single Ranked ballot.
Proportional-RCV would determine the 2 most popular of the 5 candidates. @FairVoteWA
Since there is no difference in the districts used to select Senators and House Representatives, we could elect all 3 Seats at one time from all the candidates who want to represent their district.
That would give us even more of a #ProportionalRepresentation
Each Seat would only need 25% of the vote - a lot more demographics can get a candidate of their choosing with that % vs 50% needed now.
One more great benefit of using ranked ballots is that we do not need to waste time and money on a Primary.
Taxpayers save money
Voters don’t have to vote twice for the same candidates/race - generally giving higher, more representative turnout