Lately, I've been reading a lot about parents/caregivers' perspectives of their children's communication disorders and their experiences around them.
For example, De Lopez, @Renagalway, et al. asked parents how they made sense of their children's speech and language disorders and how they described them across 10 countries…
Welcome to #ImplementationThursdays!!! Last week, we discussed a bit about what #ImpSci is and what it can do to improve uptake of #EBP. This week, I want to focus on implementation strategies - things that you do to change something in your context and facilitate implementation.
Usually, when you do #ImpSci work, you begin by examining what in your target context influences implementation and whether it is acting as a barrier or a facilitator. Identifying barriers to implementation is important because these are the things that you want to change.
And the way to change them, eliminate them, is by using implementation strategies: strategies that address barriers and enhance the adoption of a particular program. Here is a nice summary by @ImpSciUW…
A very interesting talk by @drbeatricehayes on children's social media presence, benefits, risks, and impact on well-being and mental health at #WorkingTogether2021.
Online presence is associated with both benefits - friendships, exploration of identify - and risks - misjudging trustworthiness, cyberbullying.
Findings show that adults (parents, teachers) are very concerned by the "stranger danger" element but it may take away from other risks that should be equally addressed.
Problem: about 20% of adolescents around the world struggle with reading preventing them to access the curriculum efficiently and demonstrate learning (e.g., exams)
Longitudinal data shows that "...consistent rank order amongst individuals (high stability), significant progress over time, and evidence that achievement gaps between the least and most able adolescents were narrowing."…
Welcome to #ImplementationThursdays!!! This week, instead of reviewing an article, I decided to introduce implementation science and compile useful resources for anyone who might be interested. Here we go! #ELAchat#ImpSci#DevLangDis#Dyslexia
Let's start with the problem. The problem is that high-quality, evidence-based programs do not always end up in routine practice like schools. For example, a review showed that it takes on average 17 years for only 14% of research to be integrated into practice.
17 YEARS AND ONLY 14%! This means that programs that we know work are not used in routine practice and do not benefit those who need them. This means that our children with #DevLangDis and #Dyslexia for example do not receive high-quality services.
I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but teaching spelling is not "unnecessary", "useless", or "outdated". Let me tell you why! #spellingmatters#EBP#ELAchat
1/ Think about the role that spelling plays in our daily life. Notes, homework, grocery lists, texting, tweeting, medical forms, job applications etc. Spelling instruction must be part of the curriculum so that no student feels incompetent and embarrassed.
2/ And by 'spelling instruction', I don't mean endless lists of words to memorize. This is a disservice to the richness and beauty of the English language and every language. I mean instruction that is explicit and systematic.