Years ago, I saw a pitch on one of those Shark Tank type shows for "watermelon straps". Pretty sure I'm not making this up. I dismissed it at the time, but for some reason, it has remained lodged firmly in my brain. I think about watermelon straps all the time. Let me explain:
Watermelon straps were some straps connected in such a way they'd let you easily carry a melon. My 1st response is: this is not a problem that needs a solution. However, it always gives me pause because I think... is this a *truly* unnecessary product? It feels right on the line.
Watermelons are *actually* a hassle to carry, so it's not a complete non-issue. They also don't fit readily into other carriers or containers due to weight, bulk, and shape. Like a regular plastic bag can't accommodate a watermelon. So there is *some* problem this solves.
In Victorian times, they believed fiction was unsuitable for a lot of children because they could not distinguish what was real and what was not. It was the biggest shock of my life to realize that they might've actually been right about this, but with respect to many adults.
There are, and I mean this extremely sincerely, a lot of adults--who are not even the especially stupid ones--who fundamentally fail to grasp aspects of what fiction is and how it works.
It is astonishing how many people cannot distinguish the difference between an in-universe and out of universe explanation for things that happen in a work. They sometimes seem to honestly grapple with the idea that these are not real people.