The problem with marrying someone who doesn't genuinely love you as a man is that you can't be certain your death would come at an appropriate time
It could come faster than God-willed because of your spouse
You see, nothing kills faster than cheating wife...
a woman who married you for money & cheats on you with her lover
She's an assassin in waiting. You can't tell when she would act on her impulse & do away with you, after all, you are not her "orgasm-giver" & she stands a chance of inheriting everything you own...
Plus she has a perfect alibi—she would cry the loudest at your funeral—that relatives won't suspect that she played "god" in your death. So why not carry out her plan?
Yes it's true that men die earlier than their wives due to exposure to risks but...
what has not been said is that sometimes that "risk" is not far from home
Some cheating wives corroborate & plan their husbands' death. This is not fiction. Because it's not well talked about doesn't make it any less truthful. If you've watched #bloodsisters you'll understand
Some men have gone to early graves because of the women they married.
And when their deaths are orchestrated by their wives, it's usually to cover up their tracks of disloyalty & unfaithfulness—death before dishonour
Which is why as a man, you need understand what's at stake when you decide to marry someone who doesn't love you, someone who married you because of your money
And if she didn't go that route, then be prepared to father another man's child—it's almost inevitable...
So what's the way out of this?
It's simple:
And how do you know a woman who genuinely loves you?
The notion that women are better at cheating is outrageously FALSE
Women are not.
It's just that men they cheat with respect boundaries esp if they know that the woman is in a serious relationship
They just fvck the woman & move on with their own life. They don't hope to wife
or marry her esp if she's already married or in a SR
Sex is all he wants & as long he's hitting it, he's cool. He doesn't need to win you over for any other benefits or PDAs (Public Display of Affection) that women crave esp when they are cheating with a famous married man...
Even if you are a rich & famous married woman, men are respectful of boundaries when they know what they are doing ain't cool (Men have more shame than women)
Women on the otherhand are not.
Their neurotic & narcissistic selves won't allow them to respect boundaries...
When a woman starts to cheat on you,you'll notice it in her attitudes—there's no way she can hide it
You'll notice it when you talk to her on the phone—she's eager to end the call. Unlike before when she'll complain that you don't call her enough. That you are being selfish..
You'll notice that she's always irritable when you are around, as if you're a pain in the neck
You'd call her on the phone. She won't take the call & won't call you back until maybe you text her later & she won't apologise for missing your calls...
She would start denying you sex. Telling you that she's tired. (exception are married women—those ones are on some special case I'm yet to diagnose but you can always watch out for the other signs)
The reason a woman plays hard to get is to make you think she's high value
And by doing that, she lowers your value & makes you think you don't deserve her
It's a psychological & manipulative tool you must have come across in your dating life as a man
This is how it goes:
She increases her value so as to beat away other girls who are competing for your attention. She makes you think she's the best of the best, the most valuable girl you'll ever meet, de creme de la creme.
The result:
In your infinite wisdom, you tell yourself:
"there must be other men competing for her attention. That's why she's divided & seem not interested but I must get this girl before them. Getting her will be the best thing that has ever happened to me. So I must win her heart!"
A man's life should improve as he ages, like fine wine.
And by that, your knowledge of finance, savings, business, health & most importantly sex & women.
You can't be stuck in one place for years, saying "fear women" "what do women really want?" "All women are bad/evil"...
All these statements are defeatist & show that you don't know a whiff about women.
They also signal that you've relinquished your masculine authority which natured bequeathed to you as man...
You see, just as there are good & bad men. That's how there are good & bad women
But because you are still blinded by so much negativities of the female gender, you don't know which is which. You can't separate the beans from the chaff.