giving #sugarbabyjiseason #sugarbabylwjseason a shot 😅

starring 20 year old uni student lwj & 28 year old tech developer wwx 😊 because older wwx is so dear to me okay?!?!
lwj goes to the mall to buy some school supplies when he passes by a beautiful blouse on display. he stops to check it out, looks at the price. he very well can afford it, IF his uncle didn’t decrease his allowance when he moved out for uni so he can learn how to budget.
so he walks away. he finds a seat to arrange the supplies he’s bought when a store attendant hands him a paper bag.
“this isn’t mine, you must be mistaken.” lwj says to the staff.
“a gentleman asked me to give this to you, sir. he says he’s sure it’ll suit you well.”
confused, lwj accepts the bag and looks around. he then sees a man by the exit who already has his eyes on lwj. the man winks at him.

ah, this must be the ‘gentleman.’
lwj motions to approach him but the man just waves and then exits the mall.
well, lwj has no choice but to open the bag, and of course. it’s the sheer blouse he was eyeing. he doesn’t know what to feel, it’s the first time he’s received a gift from a stranger, an expensive one at that.
“wei-xiong! what’s gotten you into such a good mood?”
“ah, nei-xiong! nothing much. just did a random act of kindness to a struggling student!”
“oh, interesting. what did you do?”
“i was at the mall finding a birthday gift for jiejie, when i saw this man looking at a blouse, he checked the price tag then walked away. it was such a sad scene for me! mind you, he’s attractive as well so that blouse would’ve suites him very well! what a waste!”
“so…you decided to buy it for him?”

“of course i did! i was a broke uni student once, i know how it feels!”

“and you’re sure he’s broke because…?”

“c’mon, i just know he is. poor him, he was carrying a bunch of school supplies. i bet they cost a lot….”
“lan wangji, i thought you were only buying school stuff, what’s this?”

“a gift, i think.” lwj replies.

lqy opens the bag.

“oh! this is beautiful! now you have something to wear at the gala!”

perfect timing, lwj thinks.
•saturday night•
“wei-xiong! you made it!” nhs waves at wwx.

“yeah, i’ll probably go home after making some donations, galas bore me.”

“have a seat, the orchestra is about to play! i think the charity thing comes after!”

wwx takes a swig of wine then focuses on the stage.
the orchestra starts playing, wwx scans the stage then sees HIM. the man from the mall has his eyes closed, playing the violin.
wwx’s mouth falls open.
he’s even wearing the blouse wwx got him. so beautiful.

wwx nudges nhs.

“nie-xiong, help. where can i get flowers ASAP?”
“like, right now?” nhs turns to him, confused.

“yes, RIGHT NOW. quick.”

nhs taps his phone a few times.

“it’s gonna be here in 15 minutes. what’s it for?”
“you see that, gorgeous man on the left? the one playing the violin?”

“uh, yes?”

“that’s him. that’s the man i was talking to you about! and he’s wearing the blouse! look at HIM!”

“oh, you’re right. he’s not my type, but he’s really pretty.”
“that’s why i needed the flowers. he’s probably joining the orchestra for extra money. juggling his studies and playing in the orchestra, so hardworking, so admirable!” wwx watches lwj almost teary eyed.

“so, you plan on making him your sugarbaby or what?”
wwx slaps nhs’ shoulder.
“huaisang! you think i’m so shameless i’ll hit on a student?! he’s probably 10 years younger than me! i’ll just ask one of the waiters to hand the flowers. i’m not a creep.”

“whatever you say, wei-xiong. whatever you say.”
after their performance, lwj immediately packs his things in the dressing room so he can leave early. he doesn’t want to miss the bus.
as he exits, a waiter hands him a bouquet of flowers.
“you’re probably mistaken.” he says.
“it’s really for you, sir. the gentleman pointed and described you. stage left, beautiful man in blue sheer blouse, beautiful hands playing the violin. he said you played very well.”

that leaves speechless.
strange that this happened to him twice in a week.
he accepts the flowers and heads to the nearest bus stop.

lwj has been waiting for nearly 10 minutes when a car pulls up, the window rolls down.
“oh, it’s really you. hi!”

the driver greets him enthusiastically, which confuses lwj. he moves a little to get a clearer view of the driver.
it’s the man from the mall. the random stranger who got him the blouse.
“you recognise me, right? from the mall? like 4 days ago? the blouse suits you very well!”

“mn. i’m sorry, i never got to thank you for your kindness. may i repay you?” moves closer to the car.

“please don’t! are you waiting for the bus? i can give you a lift you’d like!”
lwj hesitates. he doesn’t know this man. he can’t just get into a stranger’s car. even though said stranger appears kind, and also very… attractive.
“thank you for offering, but the bus is fine.” lwj declines.

“i promise i’m not a creep! oh no, that’s what a creep would totally say. but seriously, it’s late and you have a lot of things. you can send my plate number & driver’s license to someone you trust if you want!”
lwj contemplates. his uncle would have his head for even considering riding with a stranger. against better judgement, he concedes.
“would it really be okay if i took a photo?” lwj asks.

“of course! whatever makes you feel safer! here’s my license!”

Wei Wuxian.
even his name is sexy, lwj thinks to himself.
lwj takes the photos and sends them to lqy.

wwx gets out of his car and assists lwj in putting his things in the trunk, wwx also opens the passenger door for him.
“thank you. i’m sorry for bothering.”

“you’re not a bother! i offered! honestly, i was so happy when i saw you. i couldn’t pass up the chance to see you up close.”

“upclose?” lwj asks.

“yeah, at the mall you were a few feet away, and at the gala you were upstage!”
“oh, you were there?”

“wait! i’m not a stalker! it’s a company thing—the gala! i’m a developer at Yin Tech! i have my company ID here somewhere-“

“Mr. Wei, it’s okay. i did not think you were a stalker. i was just surprised.”
“ew, don’t call me ‘mister’ i’m only 28, not pushing 50. wei wuxian is fine! wait, i still don’t know your name!”

“lan wangji.”

wwx hums.

so lan wangji, do you like the flowers?”

“mn. they were unexpected. i don’t know who gave them.”
wwx smiles and clears his throat.
lwj turns to look at him.

“are these from…you?”

“aha, you caught me. you played so beautifully onstage, i can’t not give you flowers!” wwx smiles bashfully.

lwj feels his cheeks & ears blush.

“thank you, wei wuxian.”
“you’re welcome! wait, i just realised i’ve just been driving straight, is this the right direction? i’m just following the bus 246 route.”

“mn, this is correct. just make a turn after the station, my place is nearby.”

after a few minutes, they finally reach lwj’s place.
“thank you again, wei wuxian. drive safe.”

“wait! what time do you leave for class?”

“eight. why?”

“nothing! good night, lan wangji!”
that night, the word ‘sugarbaby’ keeps repeating in wwx’s head so he reads about it. he reads that it doesn’t always have to be sexual. he finds the thought of spoiling lwj appealing, he recalls lwj blushing about the flowers, it’s a pretty sight. he wants it.
the next morning, lwj finds wwx in front of his apartment.
“wei wuxian?”

“lan wangji! good morning! get in, i’m driving you!” wwx chirps.


“well, why not? the university is just on the way to my office. you skip the commute, i get to work. two birds with one stone!”
wwx is just so…charming. and he’s totally lwj’s type, plus the fact that he’s older makes lwj feel…things.

he gets in the car.
“so, what are you studying?”

“education & management.”

“oh, two programs? harder and more expensive right?”

“mn. i’m on scholarship.”
wwx heart’s melts. poor lan wangji, a working student on scholarship. his life must be very hard. it makes him want to spoil and protect lwj more.
✨SORRY i will have to pause here. i have my wedding gown fitting and other errands, but I WILL FINISH this today.✨
“that’s really impressive. do you even have time for yourself?”

“mn. balance is important.”

“what time do you finish class?”

“classes finish at 5, but orchestra practice ends at 7 pm.”

“then…can i take you to dinner?”

lwj shouldn’t. he cant afford distractions.

“hmm, lan wangji. something’s different with you.” lqy observes.

lwj just gives him a nonchalant look.

“ah, you aren’t gonna tell me? i’ll figure it out.”

“qingyang,i’ll be going ahead. i still have rehearsals.”

“you’re suspiciously in a hurry…”

“i have rehearsals.”
when lwj finally leaves the campus, wwx is already waiting for him.
“lan wangji!” wwx rushes to help him with his things.

“you don’t have to.” lwj tries to stop him, but wwx looks straight in his eyes.

“i want to.”

that makes lwj loosen his grip and lets wwx help.
“how was your day?” wwx asks when they’re in the car.

“busy, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. how about yours?”

“long. i swear this was the longest work day! i was so excited for our dinner.”

it’s a cliché line, lwj knows that.
but he can’t help but blush.
lwj feels wwx’s eyes on him, it’s unnerving.

“fuck, you’re so pretty when you blush.”

swearing is frowned upon, lwj has always known that, but hearing wwx swear… it has quite the effect on him.
wwx brings him to Yu Tian, which is a delight because it’s one of his uncles favourite restaurants. it makes lwj nostalgic.
“lan wangji, you’re quiet…is this okay? am i making you nervous? i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
well, it’s lwj’s first date after all. and it’s with a handsome, polite, and older man. it’s making him nervous, but at the same time excited. if that makes sense.

“this is all just new to me. that’s all. you’ve done nothing wrong.” lwj answers honestly.
of course, wwx misunderstands.
‘aw, it’s his first time experiencing something nice, he probably doesn’t get to eat at restaurants often. :(‘

wwx reaches out to squeeze lwj’s hand.
“you don’t have to worry about anything when you’re with me, okay?”

lwj squeezes back.

the waitress approaches them.
it doesn’t take lwj long to choose, he picks his favourite. there’s a look of surprise from wwx when he orders.
wwx talks about his job during dinner, lwj is amazed by how animated wwx is, everything about him feels electric. it should scare lwj, but it only makes him want more. a moth to a flame.

this is exactly what his uncle warned him about ‘distractions’.
wwx pauses mid sentence. “oh no, i’m completely hogging the conversation, am i?”

“no, i like listening to you. please continue.”

“enough about me! what made you choose your majors?”

“family duty.” he answers directly.
wwx gives him a frown.
“family duty? but what about what you want?”

“i like music, it’s why i joined the orchestra. i would also like to teach someday, hence my education major. management is just to prepare me for future leadership roles i might be taking on.” lwj explains.
wwx gapes at that.

“wow. you just continue to impress me, lan wangji.”

“that is not my intention.”

“i know! that’s what amazes me, it’s just who you are. i’ve never met someone like you.”

something about wwx just emboldens lwj.
lwj leans forward and looks meets wwx’s eyes.

“i’ve never met someone like you either.”

wwx’s breath hitches.
it’s nice to know he’s not the only one affected.

wwx seems to be rendered speechless and fumbles with something in his pocket.
wwx places a small velvet box on the table.

“for you. open it.”

lwj unravels the box.

a necklace, with a music note pendant.


wwx waves him off.
“none of that ‘you didn’t have to’ stuff!
i saw it, it reminded me of you, i got it.”
“i—thank you, wei wuxian. it’s beautiful.”

“you’re welcome. but really, it’s my pleasure.”

they talk some more, manage to actually exchange numbers, and when wwx sees lwj’s sleepy eyes, he takes him home.
“i really had a good time, wei wuxian. thank you.”

“me too. can i pick you up again tomorrow? and maybe the day after that? and the next?” wwx pushes his luck.


luck is truly on his side.
they settle to a routine.
people around them start to notice things.
“wei wuxian, i noticed you’ve been coming in early, and your work has been extra neat. whatever it is your doing keep it up.” his boss compliments him.

“or WHOEVER it is you’re doing, i suppose.” nhs whispers.
wwx elbows him.
“c’mon, wei-xiong. you know you can’t keep things from me. spill.”

“nothing to spill. get back to work.”

“you’ve been coming early, and always so quick to leave. you always have this almost permanent stupid smile on your face. you’re seeing someone. who is it?”
“alright fine, but don’t give me hell for it, okay? remember that broke college student?”

nhs gasps.

“you got a sugarbaby?!”

“god, shut up!”

“oh my. you’re totally his sugardaddy. who knew you had it in you?”
“can you stop saying that please! i just drive to school, we get dinner, sometimes i give him gifts. that’s all!”

“you’re leaving the sex thing out. tell me all about it.”

“there’s nothing to tell. we’re not, you know. it’s not like that.”

“so it’s like a companion thing?”
“i don’t know? it’s not like i don’t want to. i just, don’t know how to cross the line. what if he thinks i’m just wooing him for sex?! i really like him.” wwx huffs.

“i see. how long have you been seeing each other?”

“uh, 3 weeks?”

“have you kissed?”

wwx shakes his head.
“hm. take him to a romantic dinner, the whole candlelight thing, set the mood, whatever. then at the end, ask for a good night kiss. that should be a start.”

“you really think it’ll work?”

“i KNOW it will work.”
“who are you and what have you done to my grumpy friend, lan wangji?” lqy eyes him.

“i have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“are you getting laid? you’re glowing.”

“i wish i was.” lwj mumbles.

“I HEARD THAT. c’mon tell your bestie everything.”

and he does.
“so he keeps getting you things and takes you on dates, but never seems to make a move? what if he’s scared he’s ‘corrupting’ you because he’s older? in this case, you’ll just have to make the first move.”

“i can’t. i don’t know how.”
✨stopping here for tonight!✨
“you have your credit card for emergencies, right?” lqy asks.


“this is one. we’re going shopping.”
lwj looks at the mirror, his hair is on a high pony, his cheek is shining (to accentuate his cheekbones, lqy said), he’s wearing a see-through long sleeved mesh blouse with a bow on the neckline, paired with pants that completely hugs his waist down and heeled boots.
he’s nervous, he hopes he doesn’t mess this up.
the doorbell rings.
he takes a deep breath before opening the door.

“good evening, wei wuxian.”

“lan wangji! h— oh.” wwx’s eyes widen, then travels all over his body.
lwj wants to hide, but he’ll take this as a good sign.
“wait, i just. lan wangji, wow. you look amazing.”

“thank you. i could say the same about you.”

wwx holds his hand out, “shall we go?”
when they get to the restaurant, so may eyes are on lwj. it irritates wwx, but at the same time thrills him.
he places his hand around lwj’s waist, and lwj is quick to lean to his touch.

a frisson of thrill buzzes in the air over dinner, evident in both of them.
eventually, there’s a pregnant pause.

then both of them speak the the same time,

wwx: would you like dessert?
lwj: would you like to take me home?

both of them startle, then:


they meet each other’s eyes, it’s wwx who breaks.

“i don’t really want dessert.”
wwx pays the bill, then almost drags lwj out.
when they get to the car, wwx quickly fastens their seatbelts then drives. like, DRIVES.

lwj has to put his hand on wwx’s thighs,
“slow down, there is no need to rush. i’m not going anywhere.”

when they get to wwx’s place, wwx wastes no time pinning lwj against the wall, he cups lwj’s jaw and starts mouthing at his neck,
“you know, i was going to ask nicely, but you really threw me off my game. but just to make sure, you want this right?”
lwj guides wwx’s hand over his crotch,
“you tell me, wei wuxian.”

wwx grabs lwj’s thighs and lifts him off, throwing him on the couch.

“you fucking menace, you’re driving me crazy.”

“too much talking.”
they exchange fervent kisses, wwx sucks on lwj’s neck,
“god,even your neck is pretty,i think a choker would fit here perfectly.”

lwj moans,“mn. perhaps wuxian would get me one.”

“say my name again.”


wwx rips off lwj’s clothes.

don’t worry i’ll shop for you, baby.”

wwx starts licking lwj’s nipples, while caressing his waist, lwj can’t help his whimpers now.

“god, lan wangji. who knew you could be so loud?”

wwx moves further down, trailing kisses. he pulls lwj pants off and starts stroking him.

“pretty cock, pretty everything.”
“wei wuxian, please.”
“please what?”
“i don’t know. anything. i’ve never done this before.”
wwx pauses.
“you’ve never—god, i’m losing my mind. are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“mn. i’m sure. i trust you.”
“okay. i‘m gonna eat you out. just tell me when to stop.”
when wwx’s tongue dive into him, lwj shudders.
wwx eats him out like his life depends on it.
lwj revels on how obscene it is.
“taste so good,baby. i can’t believe i get to have you.”

it’s so good, but lwj wants more.
“will you fuck me?”
“you don’t have to ask me twice.”
wwx gets the lube, coats his fingers.
“i’m gonna start slow, baby. it’s your first it might hurt.”

wwx takes his time fingering lwj.
he could listen to lwj’s moans all night, or all day.
“i’m ready. please. wei wuxian, will you fuck me now?

“ah, my baby ever so polite.”
wwx lifts lwj’s hips, spreads his legs. moves into him slowly at first, just to get lwj used to him.
“this okay, baby? tell me if it hurts, okay?”

“mn. you can move faster. i won’t break.”

wwx kisses lwj’s inner thigh.

“patience, baby. we’ll get there.”
wwx picks up his pace, breathing getting deeper.

“god, you’re so tight. i wanna stay here forever.”

“harder, please.”

so wwx starts ramming into lwj.
he manhandles lwj, turns him around and goes even deeper.

lwj’s whimpers fill the apartment.
“i—i think i‘m going to—“
lwj can’t form coherent words now, wwx can feel him getting close. so he fucks lwj even harder through his orgasm.
wwx strokes lwj.
“come with me baby, c’mon. fuck, lan wangji. shit.”

wwx spills inside the condom while lwj spills on wwx’s hand.
“my god. that was insane.”
“mn. i’ve been missing out.”
wwx chuckles, “you’re funny even poist coitus. c’mon let’s clean up together.

they shower and get to bed.

“cuddles after sex…you’re a dream, lan wangji.”

they fall into blissful sleep.
the next morning, wwx cooks breakfast for lwj before bringing him back to his place.
“oh, i forgot to tell you. i’m going on a work trip tomorrow. i’ll be away for 3 days. is that alright?”

“mn. i’ll be waiting.”
later that night, wwx hands lwj a shopping bag.

“open it tomorrow. i hope you’ll like it.”

lwj kisses wwx,
“it’s from you, i already like it.”
with wwx away, lwj is alone in his apartment. he gets the box, and opens it.

a choker.
and a pair of light blue lingerie.

lwj’s mouth dries.
he washes them, excited to try them on.
he texts wwx.

lwj: i love it, thank you.
lwj: i’m excited to wear them.
wwx: i’m imagining you in them… WHAT A SIGHT. wait for me, okay?🤤🥵🥰
the next morning, lwj tries the choker & lingerie on.
he can’t deny, it looks good on him.
he takes a photo and sends it to wwx.

lwj: i couldn’t wait.

it takes wwx an hour to reply.

lwj: are you alone?

lwj’s phone rings.


“baby, hi. god, you’re so sexy. i miss you so much. are you still wearing it?”

“i am.”

“can you turn on your video? i wanna see.”
puts his phone on the table and gets on the bed.

“do you like it?”

“LOVE IT. i wish i was there right now. you’re hard, can you touch yourself for me?”

“what about you?”

“don’t worry, baby. i’ll join you.”
lwj starts caressing the choker on his neck, then moves to touch his nipples over the lace.

“so gorgeous, so sexy. keep going.”
wwx breath stutters.

lwj palms his cock, he looks at wwx on video, waiting for permission.

“yes, baby. we can do it together.”
they both chase their high until they find release.
“i’m so glad i got them for you. great return of investment.”

“mn. go clean up, you’re going to be late. i’ll see you soon.”
that afternoon, his lwj’s uncle calls him informing that he and lxc will be coming to the city for a business proposal. his uncle asks him to come to the meeting so he can start learning more about running the academy.
its a bummer that it’s the day after wwx comes back from his trip.
the next day, wwx calls him.
“hi, baby. i’ll be arriving tonight but it’s gonna be really late. i don’t want to keep you up.”

“it’s okay, we’ll see each other when we can.”
“and the next morning, i also have to on board a potential big client. i guess we’ll have wait. i’m so sorry.”

“my uncle and brother are coming over tomorrow morning, i will be joining them, don’t worry.”

“OH, your family’s coming over? that’s nice! i’m happy for you!”
lwj’s family arrives.
they exchange greetings & hugs.
“is it okay for me to join the meeting, uncle?”
“of course. we are increasing the digitalization of the academy. it will be a good learning experience for you.”

“who are we meeting?”

“people from Yin Tech.”
“wei wuxian stop looking like a lovesick fool we have a pitch in 20 minutes.” nhs scolds him.

“shut up, why did Gusu Academy schedule a meeting in the morning anyway?”

“you didn’t have a problem driving your boyfriend every morning. what makes this different? let’s go.”
wwx and nhs start setting up in the conference room.
nhs sees people starting to arrive at the lobby.
he sees a familiar figure, he squints.

“wei-xiong…isn’t that your… boyfriend?”
wwx’s head snaps.

“what’s lan wangji doing here? he said he was with family.”

they watch the receptionist usher lwj’s and his companions to the…conference room.

“unless…his family is…” nhs starts.
it suddenly makes sense. lwj’s exquisite taste, his understated elegance. oh god, he’s got it all wrong.
“wei-xiong? can you handle this pitch?”

“of course! give me a minute. i’ll show his family i’m worthy of lan wangji.”

“uh, we have a deal to close?”

“oh, yeah. that too.”
when the lans enter, both parties shake each other’s hands. when wwx gets to lwj, wwx sees lwj’s uneasiness so he squeezes his hand.

‘it’s okay.’

then gives him a wink.
wwx puts his best foot forward during the presentation. showcasing just how efficient and effective this deal could be.

little does he know lwj is doing everything he can not to get hard while watching wwx present.

(this energy) Image
at the end, they impress the lans, close the deal.
when the lans exit the room, lqr speaks.
“very impressive. that wei wuxian, however, he kept glancing at wangji.”

“uncle, i can explain. he-“

lwj gets hugged from behind.
he sees shock in his uncle & brother’s faces.
“i missed you so much, did you like my presentation?” wwx says against his ear.
lwj stiffens. there’s no beating around the bush.

“uncle, brother, meet my boyfriend.”

wwx offers his hand out, “nice to meet you again! i’m so glad to meet you. lan wangji is very special to me.”
lqr looks unimpressed.
“uncle, wei wuxian didn’t know until today that i come from Gusu Lan. so there is no conflict of interest here.”

his uncle’s expression improves at that.

“wei wuxian, would you like to join us for lunch? you’re my didi’s FIRST boyfriend after all.”
aight im taking a nap i only slept for 2 hrs lol hope yall liking the story brb
lunch is lovely. lwj is amazed with how at ease wwx is around his family.
a true charmer.
wwx tells them about their first encounter, where wwx thought lwj was a struggling uni student. which uncle approves of.

“i’m glad wangji is learning the value of saving.”
after awhile his uncle tell them it’s time for them to leave.
“visit us during your break, wangji.”
then he looks at wwx, “you can come along if you’re free.”

lwj sees wwx’s eyes widen.

“i would love to, uncle.”

“don’t push your luck yet, boy.”
later that night while cuddling in bed wwx teases lwj.

“so, turns out my baby is richer than me…”

“i’m not.”

“i can’t believe i’ve been spoiling a literal HEIR.”

“i’m really sorry for the misunderstanding. i promise it wasn’t on purpose.”
wwx kisses lwj’s temple,
“nah, it’s fine baby. besides, i really like spoiling you. hell, i get off on spoiling you.”

lwj climbs on top of him.

“round two?”
after they’re done, wwx holds lwj close.
“lan wangji,i want you to know this isn’t just sex for me. i don’t know if it’s too soon, and you don’t have to feel the same,but i’m in love with you.”

lwj turns to face him,pushing a stray hair away. lwj gives him the fondest smile.
wwx finds the answer he needs.,

✨the end✨
tidbit :
when wangxian visit lwj’s family together lqr finally lets wwx call him, “uncle.”

✨wow this was so self-indulgent, i hope you guys liked it! THANK YOU FOR READING!✨
here’s to more #sugarbabyji content! #bottomji
yes Image

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Apr 16
pls can someone write a meet-cute like this

actor wwx getting chased by fans & paparazzi ends up hiding at lwj’s bakery. lwj gets startled by a panting man who appears to be crouching behind the shelves.
wangxian romcom style 😭
lwj clears his throat. “welcome. what would you like?”

the man turns to him, still crouching.
“hello! sorry! uh…” the man looks around.
“oh, a bakery!well… croissants? if you have them?”

“we have different flavours you can choose from.”

lwj gestures to the display counter
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