HAPPENING NOW: I’m at @Shell_UKLtd AGM where a choir has disrupted the chairman’s speech singing a rendition of “we will stop you” 🎶 #RallyAgainstShell
One by one we’re hearing powerful statements from activists echoed in a ‘mic check’ style by other attendees. Ben van Beurden is facing a sea of protesters telling him #ShellMustFall
This has been going on for 10 minutes now…
One protester is ASSAULTED by another member of the crowd. This is getting rowdy. These are @Shell_UKLtd’s shareholders!
One brave protestor has got up to address @Shell_UKLtd CEO Ben van Beurden directly 📢📢
Another protestor is giving a statement to @Shell_UKLtd CEO and directors. We’ve had about 40 of these so far, each ‘mic checked’ by the rest of the crowd.
HAPPENING NOW: @Shell_UKLtd AGM has officially been ‘paused’ due to the climate and racial justice protestors disrupting it. How long till the whole thing is cancelled?
Absolute chaos in here now. I’m seeing more and more men (ordinary shareholders, not protestors) get aggressive and lashing out. One female protestor has already been assaulted.
@Shell_UKLtd chair Sir Andrew Mackenzie and company secretary Linda Coulter are now hiding under their desks?? Lol
Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell, has now left his own AGM. Incredible.
Shareholders are now being told to leave the room and process into another part of the building. Protestors are being sectioned off and held by security.
Big crowd of protestors outside that we can hear inside though! #ShellMustFall
How they’re sectioning off protestors from the wider crowd seems partly arbitrary. I’m seeing ‘proper’ investors get refused entry!
This can’t be a sustainable model for AGMs going forward. @Shell_UKLtd totally didn’t predict this much disruption.
Sadly I’ve been refused entry into the alternative room (rude) BUT there’s now a massive crowd outside welcoming protestors as they leave @Shell_UKLtd AGM 🌞 ✊ #ShellMustFall