Carryl🌻 Profile picture
May 24 64 tweets 13 min read
Finally have the spoons to watch the @itv #BritainsStrictestHeadmistress which I realised I also pass on the tube when I use the met line. Hearing more, I’m glad I usually use the Bakerloo and overground to avoid paying for zone 1 and walking Waterloo concourse with my stiff back
Loading her up…

Nice shot of the arch over the town. Poor borough, doesn’t mean we need strictness as such. Teacher haranguing her form for behaviour, it’s embarrassing to the whole form, standard stuff tbh. Don’t punish them all, but take pride in representing your form 🤔
Aha, the teacher with the line waiting to walk inside was barking at them to stand up straight, not holding his hand up like training a dog, that didn’t come across in the clip I saw. Posture is good. I guess a short ‘go!’ isn’t the worst way to give an instruction 🤔
Oh dear fricking gods of inaccessibility we have our first disgrace. Girl in detention for not making eye contact. Maths teacher, get in the bin.

Standing for a teacher, nice, we did that in primary school for every teacher entering a room. I don’t mean to be biased with 🌹 👓
I love this kid with his arms crossed and not quite a smirk, but not loving her. Disappointment in his behaviour, pointing it out, fine. Also she surely realises a kid can want to improve but need time, it doesn’t change just like that, and fitting in can mean squashing yourself
Wanting to raise poor kids into better futures with high expectations is a great thing. Passionate people, unusual method, they’re often not liked at the time.

Death threats are gross indeed. People thinking the staff have joined a cult, well, look at yourselves, teachers.
Vast difference between wanting kids to achieve and the methods used to get them there. Don’t conflate the two. She shouldn’t have to explain it at all but why do I read that they all learn by rote? There are many methods to teach with. Using them is accessible and allowed.
Nice green stair barriers, good bright cheery colour, also like the white walls, I just love a good light, bright wall. The building looks old and boring enough on the outside. Everyone holding up a board with their answers - great lesson engagement.
Happy and well-rounded, also a great goal. Feedback in the playground, 1-1 not right in front of peers, very good, maybe she did it there to be quick? Detention for work not good enough? Ouch. He could do it at home that night. Don’t need detention for that, it’s not intentional
Someone said chair of governors looked like a kid? He does not. Late 20s minimum. Discipline is important, along with many other things, and not overdone. So far the detention reasons are ridiculous. Man shouts at child in front of whole class 🙄 Hallway 1-1 at speaking volume.
Or just next to the one kid, also at speaking volume. Shouting is gonna lead to fear of shouting in some of these kids, ask me how I know. It’s why I can’t do customer service work. Autism and anxiety, whoops. So use decency, sense and respect, trained adult man.
He can learn a lot from the way the chair of governors is speaking. We insult children when we underestimate their intelligence and their emotions by things such as shouting every time there’s a negative thing to say. Maths teacher good (she of the offending lack of eye contact?)
Arms folded all the time - regimented and robotic. Hope none of them have muscles that need to not hold a position like that. Or need an understandable fidget to help them focus due to autism or ADHD, for example (I have both so I know of those best, I know there are other needs)
Silence while teacher’s talking, of course. Everyone needs to hear. While working, for ADHD there are some great audios for boosting the brain to focus.

Good grief, a 3-step sequence for taking seats. It’s cute, but it doesn’t have to be performance art. They’re also not six.
Meaning her bouncy countdown and ‘who’s going to be the fastest?’ idk that they need that at this age. Positive engagement does encourage them to keep with you on what you want, though. Lovely lots of space in the classroom. Good bright orange chairs, orange good for focus.
People are going to judge from what they hear. I didn’t realise one could visit. I don’t have kids, why else would you. Detention for no 2nd pencil. Good fricking grief again. Being prepared is great. All offices keep supplies in their stationary cupboards. Be realistic and kind.
Made a silly face to his friend in the corridor. No fun aloud, only serious school faces and constant vigilance in case of policing expression, friendship and fun. I’ll keep it polite, but frick again. I, glad they’re smiling about it here. Yes, kids, keep your personalities.
Frick, now this one forgot her rubber. She had to leave the lesson? So she misses the full experience of the lesson. I have a stupid amount of rubbers, honestly they’re quite cheap, just go to bloody Ryman or WHSmith, I don’t show preference to which chain, and keep a few to lend
Kids understand why it’s strict, that’s cool, they usually do when it’s reasonable and a lot of this is, but not the forgetful, face-making, no eye-contact detentions. It’s far easier for everyone to learn and teach if things run smoothly and calmly, sure.
No talking in corridors, oof. They’re walking beautifully calmly, I’ve seen this in a local primary school too, also in Wembley, I helped in the nursery for a while, lovely school. But silence is sad. That’s a lot of the day staying silent with silence in class too.
Teacher presence to limit bullying - yes. I remember the corridor mush of kids that helped one get stabbed despite reporting to staff that he was unsafe, had been threatened. This lot are lovely kids, occasionally one is not. I don’t want to compare, but yes to adult supervision
Focus and no pushing, clearly silence means no insults shouted, good good. Reminded of Daniel Howell’s childhood-long bullying, and my own which was at least only a year and then intermittent, but again, adult presence and kids more focused. They feel safe, that’s obviously good.
Kids can indeed get papers into folders in 5 seconds, though I’m clumsy and I might have struggled. It’s a silly thing to expect of them all to do the same speed every time. My year 3s could get from tables to carpet in 5 seconds, but there was no issue if a slower kid was slower
Sitting up straight, my chiropractor would also agree. There’s a neck ‘laptop bone’. No adjusting for height on the tables and chairs, I don’t know if the kids lean over the tables as they work. In 6th form I often sat up at the end of a lesson to feel my back click. Issues now.
Be kind, work hard, even when it’s difficult. Nice messaging. Bright blue and yellow, I’d go for that but those colours are that strong. I’m amused cos the local tube station painted its stairwells like that and it’s so much. The old brown and cream fit so much better.
Adults have authority - yes, duh, it’s a school. Same at home. Kids should still be heard and listened to, and that input acted on, though. Adults are not infallible and don’t need to rule like an army either. Ah, difference between authoritarian indeed, good. Blue chairs now.
Purple chairs. Good rainbow so far. Adults’ leadership in the classroom is hugely important in many ways. The vibe they lead with creates the mood, they have a huge influence, hence my dislike of the shouting men. Taking away laptop? Standing over while practising violin? BIG NO.
Reminds me of the Go Compare adverts’ singer in the Only Boys Aloud documentary giving feedback on their week of rehearsals trip. He stood in a kid’s face as he sang, and gibbered at him to mock his low volume or lack of diction. Personal space, respect and kindness. Step back.
Loving intent does not excuse every method. Clarified not being mean, glad to hear. Why are some of your men shouting like that, then? I’m hung up on the shouting. No teachers in my years at school or brief year of teaching shouted. I did, though, overwhelmed, and it was awful.
Yay, a friendly positive interaction, smiling. I like her, nothing seems unkind etc. So far I’m mostly not liking the very petty and inaccessible-to-autists detentions, silent corridors or the shouting. Oh, Zeus and Poseidon, cute names. Oh, comparing teachers to prime ministers
Dear, sweet summer children, our prime ministers have been donks since the 90s, otherwise yes, we get you. The kids are lovely. Bullies in charge in adults are not, not 100%, but louder kids would be, obviously teacher is in charge in a classroom, but she makes a good point.
Taking her time to greet them in the morning, very nice, engaged, present. If you’re going to be the boss, be a presence indeed. They’re allowed to talk, thank goodness. Oh yes, too much authority now, no independence later. Heh, that took me years to undo due to kids and adults.
Gratitude, indeed. There can be more to sadness, lack of motivation etc in life, though. Poor things having to twist a neck to gaze up at her like sheep. Could she stand in front, not in the middle, tell them to turn the chair around to face her fully. Don’t make them twist.
It would take time every time she wants eye contact, but one can listen without it. Making notes needs you looking at the page or screen. Yellow chairs now, there were red with the orange, got the whole spectrum, cute. Explaining why gratitude is important yeah, like any teaching
Don’t start me on the expectations of osmosis at my so-good private school in subjects. History, art, good grief, had to give them up at 14. Maths and physics were better when I got the clearer teachers in the lowest sets. Educating parents too, good, share the info.
That primary school did that too, had a leaflet with info like ‘don’t call a child naughty’ cos negativity and ‘you are this’ labels are counter-productive. Omg they’re folding their arms at lunchtime. Arm nerves in elbows 🥴 Shouty woman has a good volume, being heard, not ott.
Lunchtime with teachers, sharing appreciation, this is lovely. Cripes, does the kid have to shout. Teach how to support voice properly. Oof, reminded to do homework early to put more care and effort into it, cute. My adhd brain didn’t do that for everything, was a longterm stress
Ah, we gain merits too, of course. Why is tiny mop-haired cutie hugging himself to ensure he keeps his arms folded. Let the kid rest his arms. I have such arm pain now, I don’t know that this helps. Good old mums, all thanks to them. They do all look smart as can be. Nice uniform
Both of them shout so high, it’s screamy, but good to teach them to speak up. I was so quiet, didn’t put hand up after one snippy teacher comment, and spoke quietly, didn’t get far in teaching interviews with that either. But diaphragm, people, teach them to use it.
Aww, the shy one gives it her all and gets merits for it, cuteness. Ah, a lesson on painting tones. That’s what we didn’t get in all that elitist osmosis at my school (not a method of teaching).

Ordinary not standing a chance? The kids or teachers? Kids can’t be ordinary?
Choice is allowed, but if the kid’s being a nightmare, change it up, don’t leave it to get worsen. Aww, he’s cute. Asked if he’s got naughtier, that’s a friendly way to ask him.

Good that she talks to him, indeed his choice should be considered. His desire essential for success.
You can praise good things along the way to higher achievement. I had to do it once when my brain was so negative during burnout, I couldn’t function. Praising tiny things builds it up.

Reasons are not excuses. If a kid has a difficult home life and you stick to your rigidity…
It doesn’t seem kind. I get you want to keep high standards and that we all have things to deal with, but it’s not a level starting point. Empathy is allowed. There are ways to help a kid rather than punish instantly without question.
Oh, new boy is late. Call the fire brigade. ‘Here’ - he is not a puppy. This man is barking. His voice is raising and speeding up. Don’t be a dick, man. I’m worried cos you’re at least bordering on bullying. I do not like. Finally, praise. Be nicer, man, you’re not cutting it.
If it’s so hard being a parent, stop after one. It’s an unpopular thing to say, I’m sure, but give it thought before churning out more. Read books, watch and listen to educational stuff, have therapy if you can. Parenthood isn’t such a right to leave it to chance.
Let them do the work, indeed. Parents don’t do homework. They can help, though, just sit with them at least, don’t make it harder.

Racism isn’t eradicated by everyone being good at life. It’s far more than that, and responsibility of the racists.

Why do kids give phones in?
Voluntary, huh. Otherwise the phone is their property and can be used at home for a while. I find dopamine and community on twitter, cos I can tell people might judge how much I’m on here.

New kid takes a while to adjust = he’s a human child indeed. He sighed? The audacity.
Green-bloused woman speaking 1-1 with him quietly, thank goodness. Come on, Ms B, give him time to adjust, don’t say his desire to be there doesn’t sound true. Head of Malory Towers had faith in Darrell Rivers despite repeatedly losing her temper wildly a few times over years.
Oh, Jeremy Paxman. When I was little, we watched him and a fellow presenter of the tv show Watch.

Why did that person shriek from the front of the classroom?

Keep simple things done well and they don’t get worse, good point.

No time to be bored, how will they be later, indeed.
Appropriately dirgy national anthem, it’s not an easy song to make sound good.

Laziness doesn’t exist imo. There are reasons for it eg not caring, having ADHD and your hard work not paying off in ways that are not seen.

3-A offers, good luck. I got an A in the wrong subject 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you are good at the subjects and what the exams want, don’t have anything in your way like the anxiety and adhd were for me, and do the work, it is a heck of a lot easier to get those As. Halfway through and we’ve heard nothing of accessibility.
I’ve heard Ms B is not great on autism. I don’t know the source of that, but I’d be intrigued to know more.

A motivated kid knowing he wants to do well and to choose the better school, yes, I wouldn’t want to send my son halfway around the world all year either, ye gods.
Bless this mum, the anticipation of the phone call about his place. I’d want the woman on the other end of the phone to say the important bit first.

Aww, 7 weeks before the new one spent all day in lessons. I don’t think taking them out seems good, but disruptive. Google helps!
See, smartphones are useful. Hence being smart.

Good on him sticking through seven weeks of punishments to settle in more.

Any kid can fall in line with adults’ regime, though, I feel worth saying. Actually being happy, thankfully they do seem to be.
I saw awful reviews from parents whose kids felt bullied by the staff, though. One reason I don’t like the shouting and how Mr Bullock escalated his barking to make the kid fall in line.

A-grades. Are any asked to leave if they’re not matching up? I’m guessing not, but asking.
This isn’t rocket science and a lot of schools are also good.

Pettiness over the slightest forgetfulness, taking kids out of lessons that often, shouting loudly, telling off in front of everyone, barking commands as if to a dog, and worst no accessibility shown, I don’t like.
I saw Ms B’s pinned tweet reminding us all that a short tv documentary is edited to show the most attention-grabbing stuff. There’s expectation of differentiation in every lesson for every child, unless my memory has gone that hazy. It should have been included.
This did just deal with discipline, though, and that’s on the documentary-makers. It’s not overly innovative or new, I heard of schools doing much of this years ago.

Wikipedia tells of the bootcamp first week of year 7 teaching all the rules. What a missed opportunity.
Perhaps it’s not literally all that because there’s no way an entire week needs to be used for that. My school gave us the rules as a print-out and I, worried child as I could be, read them. I wasn’t perfect and I didn’t always care overly, but I’d also be upset to be told off.
That sounds contradictory. Maybe I was more worried in anticipation than the reality 🤷🏻‍♀️ I focused on the teachers and listened in lessons, and noticed them look directly at me occasionally as if I was a rare one doing so. I did well, had a range of grades A*-D, but mostly good.
The ADHD in the way, by gods the procrastination, causing anxiety, and autistic overwhelm leading to burnout and, have a guess, anxiety again, had me less focused on my degree though I got a 2:2 and speak Spanish fairly okay still 😏 (forgotten some sadly). Work since, ye gods…
I had a lot of jobs, first primary teaching went the way of overwhelm, then so did few permanent IT support jobs, and the jobhunts were less fun. Finally it was too much and my brain literally said no, and then NO. So I was glad to hear one girl say that being pushed was okay.
I don’t even want to know how many tweets this has come to. Shoutout to my ipad for continuing to work, and to my fingers for making it through despite the typos. And my mum for having half of this on while doing her crossword. It took so long to watch, I sped up a way in.

Ah, one more - the first week of year 7 could be used so much better. A while after I started high school, so we didn’t get to do it, they had a week away in half term for year 7 and it was adorable. Activities, team building, teachers on the zipwire too. So much more than rules.

• • •

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More from @itscarryl

May 24
I was feeling smug that I might finally have sent the #UniversalCredit wanks off to think on my feedback but then I noticed it was 5pm and they’ve probably just logged off instead. Mandatory reconsideration made no difference though at least they decided quickly this time.
So now I get to wait 6 months for an appeal to go to tribunal. I’ve got the local disabled support group and maybe citizen’s advice to help, but probably don’t need to double up. Still, the ‘fairyland says unicorns exist so jobhunt through your suicidal anxiety’ part, um, no.
Unicorns being the job and/or employer that will take my anxious, overwhelmed autistic brain that freezes in the face of any rudeness, they don’t like that cos they can’t improve themselves or accommodate me, of course. Or my can’t walk, stand, bend or lift much 22-year back pain
Read 11 tweets
May 24
Have a hope that when the hormones calm down perhaps next week, I might still feel interest again to try digital art. Also again cos I’ve been trying for 10 years and it doesn’t entirely suit me, I don’t draw as well onscreen and take ages to find the right shape of brush.
With watercolour or anything else on paper, I can make the soft, harsh, light or strong mark as intended with far more ease. I have a variety of paint brushes and they’re all obvious in their use and easy to grab from the pot they live in.
Seeing amazing digital work inspires me to keep trying, at least occasionally. I can’t yet recreate the same kind of looks, though I work far more simply and quickly anyway cos it’s either fast and done, and done well or otherwise, or not done. Adhd brain just wants fun and done.
Read 5 tweets
May 24
CW - mention of pet death

You know what, I’m feeling that sappy, have some photos of my darling departed best cat Onyx who had a good year, but only that.

My love, my best tabby boy, my wildest food thief, my foam-ripper, my white-pawed softest-furred cuddly friend. I miss him.
And his brothers Sapphire and Jasper have just flopped down to kick each other in the head. Live your lives to the fullest, boys 😏

Yes, I went all out on the gemstone names. Sapphires can be black as well as blue, you see, and onyx is also when a gem is cut to show layers.
He’s been gone 8 months. They were born outside somewhere near us to a fluffy grey lady called Poppy who’d been stolen a few towns away to end up here, had 3 grey kittens then 7 more after these boys, and was taken in by a neighbour. All 13 kittens were homed, hopefully snipped.
Read 4 tweets
May 23
Sorting through my pile artwork, damn it’s bigger than I realised. Loads I’ve done on only one side of the paper, can re-use those. A lot I like enough to put on the wall. One I hadn’t seen for so long, I’d used it as an avatar everywhere and the original faded, but good colours.
The cat interference, though. Started off with Lola on the bed, I was on the floor. Then she’s on top of papers and Sapphy comes along, also on some paper. Can’t pull thin sheets of marker paper out from under them so move them. Lola sits on another thing looking grumpy.
Partly cos she’s too close to Sapphire, but when I try moving him to the bed, he ends up in the desk drawer I’d emptied, because of course.
Read 4 tweets

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