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May 26 85 tweets 13 min read
#bingliushen au

cw // breeding , mpreg , pwp , abo dynamics
Luo Binghe, as Shen Qingqiu has come to discover, has certain… urges. Urges that, he’s sure, are entirely Shang Qinghua’s fault, with his hack writing and hack world building and never taking criticism on anything, most especially demon culture and customs and- well.
Airplane didn’t create a lot of Heavenly Demons. Didn’t create more than a handful, really, because how else would his little stallion protagonist shine, right??? Right????? So now, Binghe is one of the last of his kind, regarded as a treasure and miracle amongst other demons.
This… worship… brings unfortunate side effects. Such as… Such as…
“Shizun,” his husband moans, “I’m going to put a baby in you.”
Such as Binghe’s unfortunate… b-breeding kink.
He can barely bring himself to think it. It really is too embarrassing. Even like this, with Binghe’s pillar deep inside him, bringing him to the edge, he can’t bear the thought. He still has his pride! Unfortunately, Shen Qingqiu has married the biggest degenerates
in the United Realms, because next to him, his /other/ husband lets out a similarly affected whine. It’s nearly inaudible, as everything is with Liu Qingge, but they’ve both come to know this by now and Binghe, with his (OF COURSE) perfect Demon hearing, turns towards their third
with a wolffish grin and dazed eyes. He wraps his hand (that big, gigantic, Demon hand, /fuck/Airplane that little monsterfucker) around their husband’s dick, engulfing Liu Qingge’s hand at the same time and continuing his assault on Sheng Qingqiu’s prostate.
“Does Shishu, ah, like that? You want that too?” he purrs, not even awaiting the response Liu Qingge would’ve undoubtedly denied him. “Binghe is so, h-haa, so lucky, to have two Consorts willing to have his children, to bear his heirs.”
Sheng Qingqiu is not turned on by that idea. HE IS NOT. The only reason he’s clenching down around his husband’s dick is because he just happened to hit a good spot is all- He’s not some, some, some PERVERT straight out of PIDW-
Liu Qingge, though, is. All it takes is Luo Binghe leaning over his trembling body, whispering in his ear: “Don’t worry Shishu, I’ll breed you next” in that threatening promise way of his, and his eyes are rolling back as he spurts ropes of cum all over his chest and their hands.
It’s only the arousal, the unrelenting pounding and the incredibly, incredibly attractive view of his husbands that gets Shen Qingqiu to follow after. There is no deeper meaning behind it. At all.
Outside of their bed, they don’t talk about it. They generally don’t talk a lot about anything that maybe they /should/ talk about because, as Shang Qinghua has told him many times, all of them are emotionally inept and socially stunted, but Sheng Qingqiu refuses to
listen to someone who needed nearly four decades to find a husband when it took him three years to get TWO. But… still.

He thinks about it. It is… disgusting, to be sure. And demeaning. And humiliating. Surely it’s just nonsensical dirty talk from Binghe, a leftover from
the original goods he wasn’t able to squash. Maybe a boosted a little by his Alpha nature, his instinctual needs to provide and care for a family.

Yet the idea doesn’t leave him alone.
It’s not /that/ unlikely, really, he reasons. What with Binghe being an extremely virile alpha and both him and Liu Qingge being Omegas… They’re bonded too, and have certainly spent more than enough heat and rut cycles together.

Shen Qingqiu freezes in the middle of turning
a page. He hasn’t been reading any of the words in this (truly well put together) bestiary in favor of- of- entertaining such absurd thoughts???

Abruptly, he stands up. This will not do. His library’s been long overdue a proper cataloguing anyway.
The next time he’s hit with the thought, he’s for once taking part in Binghe’s demon court. He doesn’t usually like to, mostly because a) Binghe himself is barely present and b) when he is, it tends to get bloody. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t deny his husband’s nature, but he doesn’t
need to take part in it himself.

But as he’s sitting on his throne (placed to the left of his disciple, Liu Qingge’s seat on Binghe’s right empty) he can’t help but think that Binghe /does/ indeed need an heir.
I mean, it’s common Demon politics, really. Everyone knows what happened when Tianglang-jun left his throne empty with seemingly no heir, there’s no need to repeat all of that, really.

And surely, a child (/children/, his mind supplies) born from the three of them has other
advantages as well- It would solidify Binghe’s standing in the eyes of the court and the citizens. And it would teach those mouthy elders to hold their tongue in front of him and Liu-shidi. Who in their right minds would oppose the bearer of a Heavenly Demon?
Shen Qingqiu’s heart calms as he considers the original goods and his harem. If Liu-shidi and him had a child- children- WHATEVER, surely, the risk of Binghe falling into such a habit would be even smaller? What would he need a harem for with them right there, anyway?
As he watches his disciples training a few weeks later, he considers the… economic aspects of it all. Shen Qingqiu isn’t eager to leave his Peak, most of the time. He enjoys leisurely and scholarly activities, so a pregnancy would be… It would be doable, no?
He’s well cared for at all times and there’s no limitations to their coffers, really.

Now Liu-shidi is a different story, dedicated to fighting and adventures as he is. Shen Qingqiu ponders on this for a few minutes, until his mind strays to the image of Liu Qingge, heavy with
child, coyly refusing their affections as always, yet clearly desperate for them. He swallows harshly. No… he doesn’t think convincing Liu Qingge would be much of an issue at all.
The question of what /Binghe/ thinks doesn’t even cross his mind. Shen Qingqiu and Liu-shidi may both be dishonest with their words, but Binghe surely isn’t. He’s always meant everything he said to them.

Those requests and fantasies of getting them pregnant- Those were for real.
In the end, it’s only his own consciousness that stands between Shen Qingqiu and what he wants.

And- Alright. He wants it. He wants to have Luo Binghe’s child. He wants /Liu Qingge/ to have Luo Binghe’s child. He wants to watch them grow up together, and teach them
to play the guqin- wants to watch as Liu Qingge corrects their sword stances, as Luo Binghe takes them into the kitchen to prepare meals, as they slowly, but surely, become their own people, brilliant and beautiful as he has no doubt they will be.
Their children.

Shen Qingqiu’s heart pounds painfully in his chest. He wants it. He wants /them/. He wants them so bad, he doesn’t know where to start telling his husbands, fear and excitement and yearning making his hands tremble and mind blank in a way it rarely is.
Shen Qingqiu doesn’t even have to bring it up.

A month of internal torment later, the Demon Realm celebrates: Consort Shang of the North has fallen pregnant with the heir to the Mobei-Jun name.

Binghe, of course, takes this as invitation to demand much the same.
“Shizun,” he begs, Shen Qingqiu on his hands and knees in their marital bed, “won’t you let me knock you up? You’d look so beautiful, so perfect.”

And Shen Qingqiu wants to say yes so badly, wants to just give in and bare his innermost desires but-
But Liu Qingge isn’t there. He’s away on a mission, fighting who-knows-what, who-knows-where, just for the thrill of it.

He can’t do this without him. They both need to be there.
So Shen Qingqiu hides his face in a silk pillow, muffles sobs and pleas and tears in the fabric to keep from crying out “Yes, yes, Binghe, do whatever you want, fill me up, make me pregnant-“ even as Binghe keeps babbling, as his cock keeps /just/ hitting his womb-
So he endures. He waits.

Liu Qingge comes back.

A week passes. Two.

In the middle of a Sect Leader Meeting, Shen Qingqiu enters his pre-heat.
Immediately, he is whisked away by Liu Qingge, to the little heat hut Luo Binghe built near the Bamboo House.

He hasn’t entered heat full force yet, but his heats have always been unpredictable, and with the three of them bonded, it’s possible for Liu Qingge of Luo Binghe to be
triggered at any time. So once his disciple arrives in a flourish and begins tutting and fluttering around, Liu Qingge watching on in stern nervousness, he takes a deep breath.

He can’t lose his mind, or have them lose /their/ minds, before this is cleared.
Another shaky inhale, exhale.


Immediately, both of their eyes snap towards him. His inner Omega preens under their attention, but he shakes his head, clears his mind and avoids their eyes. He will not be distracted!
“I-“ he swallows. Luo Binghe sits next to him, draping himself all over his shizun.

“I want to… discuss. What Binghe has been saying… lately.” he grits out. Silence.

Liu Qingge’s eyes widen in understanding at the same time as Luo Binghe’s fill with panic.
“Shizun,” he begins, crocodile tears already welling up, “whatever this disciple did wrong, he’ll accept any punishment!”

“I- Binghe, no, that’s not what I meant.”

He turns a desperate look to Liu Qingge, but his husband’s soul seems to have left his body. All right.
He’s on his own then.

“This shizun was referring to… your wishes. Regarding… regarding. Children.” He forces the words out, fan nervously fluttering in front of his face as silence once again fills the room.
“This husband has been… weighing… the pro’s and con’s. And it seems… well.” Shen Qingqiu falters, at a loss for words. He turns his eyes up to Binghe.

He can’t say it!! He really can’t!!!

Luo Binghe is blinking rapidly, glancing at him, then Liu Qingge, and back again.
“What conclusion has husband come to?” His demon husband asks slowly, a greedy glint in his eyes.

Curse him! He’s really going to make him say it, isn’t he?!

“It- I- I want it. I want to. Have Binghe’s children.” Shen Qingqiu stammers out, eyes forcefully closing.
Twin gasps sound through the room.

“I see.” Luo Binghe’s voice is strained and heavy with meaning. Liu Qingge’s silence says just as much.

“I- That’s not all.” He forces himself to say.
“I want… Liu-shidi to as well. I want to have them at the same time and- and see them grow up together, and to- to- you see, to stabilize the political situation in the Demon Realm, and- If husbands are amendable-“ he rushes out, stumbling over his words as the fan in
his hand gets turned around again and again.

He first risks a glance at Luo Binghe after the silence grows too heavy. His husband’s eyes are dark and endless, filled with fire and lust that makes Shen Qingqiu’s stomach clench.
“I see,” his husband repeats, and turns his gaze towards their second husband, “and what does Shishu think about this?”

Shen Qingqiu turns his eyes towards Liu Qingge hesitatingly.

He knows he is- asking a lot. It is selfish, to demand this of his husbands. It- really, he
shouldn’t have asked at all-

The sight of Liu Qingge stops his mind short in its tracks. His martial brother is practically panting where he stands, cheeks flushed a charming red, hands clenched tightly in his robes.
That is when it hits Shen Qingqiu. The scent of another Omega- of his /mate/- in heat. Immediately, his head begins to swim with his own.

Had that talk really- had it pushed Liu Qingge into a premature heat? Surely, that’s ridiculous, that can’t be right. It’s wishful thinking.
Except all signs are pointing to it, clear as day. Shen Qingqiu shifts forward in his seat and croaks: “Liu-shidi-“

Luo Binghe next to him is tense. Every line of his body spells predator observing his prey, holding back, holding out. He is hanging on by his last thread.
His disciple doesn’t move a single muscle, eyes pinning Liu Qingge in place where he’s leaning against the wall in support.

“Husband,” he commands, the Alpha voice he only uses rarely making an appearance, “answer your Alpha.”
Liu Qingge wobbles. He looks overwhelmed and halfway to insanity already, opening his mouth to stammer: “I- I-“
The arousal, the /want/ in his scent is evident. He whines low in his throat, unable to get it out.

Still, he needs to say it. Shen Qingqiu will not move ahead without agreement, and neither will Luo Binghe.

Liu Qingge stares at them in open mouthed for a few more seconds.
Then, he opens his mouth again. No sound comes out, only a desperate moan from deep within. He wets his lips, clears his throat. All he manages is a broken, yearning: “/Please/.”
For his husbands, who have come to understand every single signal, it is enough.

Perhaps it was still too unsafe. Perhaps they should’ve talked about this more, still. But Shen Qingqiu, sinking deeper into the frenzied haze of heat every second, truly can’t care.
Not when Luo Binghe looks so ravishing, growling low in his throat and catching Liu Qingge with one gentle yet strong arm seconds before his legs do finally give out.

Not when both his husbands join him in their heat nest, well and truly lost to pheromones in the air.
Not when this, this tiny admittance of agreement is all he needs to get his hearts desire.
As always, he doesn’t remember much of his heat.

There’s the distinct feeling of Liu Qingge kissing him, desperate bodies moving against each other. Luo Binghe’s cock splitting him open, the experience jaw dropping even with slick easing the way. The almost painful arousal as
he watches his husbands fuck, rutting against each other as he watches, as he jerks Liu Qingge off. The sight of Luo Binghe knotting his shishu, the feeling of Luo Binghe knotting /him/. The marks littered around his body telling a story- deep, purple marks tracking Binghe’s
journey accross his body, lighter marks with the occasional teeth dents showcasing Liu Qingge’s imprints. The smell of their scents mixing, amplifying, clouding their senses.

What’s new is the addition to Luo Binghe’s dirty talk.
“I’ll fill you up, Shizun, make you swell so round with my child-“ “ah, Shishu, you’re not leaving this bed without my knot-“ “-wish I could fuck you both at once, get you pregnant at the exact same time, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
It is… effective. And very vivid. His disciple was always blessed with a colorful imagination.

The pictures he paints- Shen Qingqiu will not forget the imaginary sight of Liu Qingge round with children, in his old wedding robes, tied to their marital bed.
Neither will he forget the vision Binghe painted for him- splayed across his work desk on his back, Luo Binghe fucking him as Liu Qingge sucked him dry of all the milk his body would be producing-
Not that he will ever, ever say this out loud. At least this shred of dignity, he’ll keep, thank you very much.

Their heat lasts around a week, maybe shorter, maybe longer. At the end of it, their hut is positively covered in pheromones and cum.
It would be disgusting if it wasn’t so comforting for his Omega, to be so perfectly and wholly engulfed in his mates’ scent.

Liu Qingge, it seems, recovered before he did, already waiting for him with a glass of water and a blush high on his cheeks while Binghe cooks them food.
Shen Qingqiu still has the muddy leftovers of heat brain, so there is no shame or pretense, only bliss, when he says: “Out with it, shidi.”

Liu Qingge turns his head away. The blush, impossibly, intensifies. “I-“ he begins.
Shen Qingqiu suppresses a fond sigh. Ah, his emotionally constipated husband. How he loves him.

He lets him stew on his thoughts for a few minutes, content to nurse his water in silence. Eventually, Liu Qingge presses out: “I- I wanted that too.” before promptly fleeing to the

Shen Qingqiu, too, blushes and smiles unabashedly. He relaxes back into the sheets to the sounds of his husbands cooking (/Binghe/, anyway. His poor shidi is probably causing more mess than help). A little smug and satisfied, he pats his flat belly.
If that didn’t get either of them pregnant- Well. He’d be shocked by the realism mechanics of the system.
Three months later, both him and Liu Qingge are decidedly /not/ without child.

He uses the rare opportunity of both husbands out the house (a miracle, these days, not that he’s complaining) to visit Shang Qinghua, who is nearly six months along himself.
“Bro,” his friend chatters as he eagerly devours the melon seeds Mobei-jun had generously peeled for him beforehand, “don’t you think it’s crazy that all the heirs of the Demon Realm are gonna be born within the same year?”
Shen Qingqiu hides a pleased smile behind his fan.

“What a pleasant coincidence.” he says.

Shang Qinghua looks at him like he’s full of shit. He is. He still gets a whack over the head for it, anyways.
Luo Linmeng and Luo Meiyi are born within 27 hours of each other. Shen Qingqiu going into labor had triggered Liu Qingge’s own causing Luo Binghe to nearly fly off the rails if it hadn’t been for Mobei-Jun and Sha Hualing dutifully sacrificing themselves to distract their friend.
Shen Qingqiu knows it’s biologically impossible and probably hormone fueled delusions, but he swears A-Lin has Liu Qingge’s beautiful mole, while little Yiyi shares his own haughty nose.
They both have Luo Binghe’s thick, black locks, which has got to be the most adorable sight on a baby.

Shen Qingqiu thinks of a different Luo Binghe, a small, mistreated kid, looking so similar to his daughters, and nearly weeps with relief at the different course
his husband’s life has taken.

He blames it on his hormones. He blames much on his hormones these days, but how is a poor father meant to hold it together when he has the most beautiful and precious daughters in the world?
When Yiyi and A-Lin are two years old, Luo Binghe gives his husbands a considering look.

“I think,” he says, uncharacteristically deliberate, “that the Demon Realm is in dire need of more Heavenly Demons.”

His husbands are only too eager to agree.
(finish!!! thanks to everyone who read up until the end, to get to the beginning of the thread click here~)

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