The fact that the #BradfordBypass has become such a key election issue is a testament to the power of grassroots organizing. Just over a year ago, community organizations, activists, and residents came together to campaign for an updated environmental assessment. And here we are.
We’ve been called liars and “downtown ideological activists” by Mayors and Premiers. In reality? We’re people who live in Simcoe County and York Region and want better for our families and communities. Most of us volunteer our time.
In 2016, 85% of the 600 BWG residents polled supported the Bypass. Today, more people polled in #YorkSimcoe oppose the Bypass than support it.
Over a year ago, we could barely get media to pick up a story on the Bradford Bypass and now it’s being discussed at provincial leadership debates, with more media coverage than we could’ve dreamed. (Shout out @PointerSauga, @NatObserver, @thenarwhalca, @TorontoStar for leading).
All of this to say, please vote, but know you have power beyond voting day. You can make a difference.
The #BradfordBypass might get built, but we have sure put up one hell of a fight. And the fight isn’t over yet.