@shiniidekulove and i did a lil thing bc y’all deserve iidayama content n bc i have no self control it went from a lil to 6k ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

so pls enjoy our contribution to #pissweek ✨💛🧵

tenya gets dragged out to the a night at some clubs and yuuga drags a lil more out of him.
|| tags: very nsfw, iidayama, face fucking, facials, dirty talk, claiming, degradation/praise, public, human toilet, piss drinking, sloppy blowjobs, jealousy, dacryphilia, breath play, ql!au, bckgrnd tetsumina n seroroki, tenya lowkey feral, alcohol n drug use (coke n weed) ||
going out has never really been tenya’s thing. there’s far too many people in far too small of a space, where everything is tight and hot but not in the way he enjoys. sometimes he’s able to get out of it, passing off the babysitter position to someone else:
tetsu makes sure they get home and get their makeup off, and eijirou gets on the dance floor but always punches out any dirty guys who try them.

hanta isn’t allowed to babysit anymore though, because last time he did yuuga came home at 4am with a sobbing shouto on his arm and +
a story that took way too many twists and turns.

tenya still hasn’t let hanta live it down, especially not after bailing him out and scrubbing the sharpie off his skin.

the only upside to those long and drawn out evenings is the alcohol;
he doesn’t mind paying for it considering it’s the most bearable part. and yuuga’s…behavior often gets them more than a couple free drinks.

this club in particular that mina has brought them to is his least favorite kind: dark and dirty, black lights everywhere,
tightly packed with thumping bass. found downstairs in a basement, which automatically means it’s going to be stuffy. the line to get in wrapped around the building and down the block, which automatically means that everyone and their mother was inside.
it’s their third stop of the night. mina had already made tetsu give her the backup shoes she always brings, a sure sign that this was the last stop. shouto had dragged hanta to “the bathroom” with him a while ago; tenya can only imagine what corner they had disappeared to and +
what lewd activities they were doing. and with the fact that tenya had been throwing back shots of whiskey like yuuga was throwing back ass ever since their first stop, his need to use that same bathroom was growing slowly but surely.

but it’s not a big deal really;
tenya just decides to wait it out. the line for the bathroom will get shorter eventually, and yuuga will get sick of the venue sooner or later.

unfortunately for tenya, neither of those things happen.
he’s sitting in their booth, watching yuuga dance and sway to the music, grinning softly as mina’s long fluorescent nails slide all across the tight black dress the blonde was wearing.

the two look good together, they always have, and tenya isn’t the only one staring.
men have had an eye on yuuga all night long. tenya knows it, because he watched them walk up and talk to him, or slide him a drink across the bar, or try to get behind him and grind. all of it. yuuga doesn’t do much to ward them off either, laughing at jokes or taking the drinks,
soft smiles and lingering touches on their arms. it’s part of his fun whenever they go out, and tenya doesn’t get worked up because he knows the blonde always comes home with him.

so he’ll let yuuga dance away and flirt away. it works out for both of them,
especially when they buy yuuga whole bottles or food for the table.

though they always sputter and turn away when they see tenya sitting there. all 6”5’, 250lbs of pure muscle, hard gaze and intimidating aura. sometimes they’re stupid enough to try him,
but it’s only a matter of time before yuuga crawls into his lap and shoos them away.

and even though he loves him, yuuga’s the kind of person that likes to push boundaries and play games. 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 if it meant he got tenya to act rashly. he knows it,
they both know it: most importantly they both know how good the sex is afterwards.

but there’s something about tonight that’s a little different.

maybe it’s the fact that he hates this club in particular. maybe it’s that the high from the last +
blunt he, hanta and tetsu shared has worn off. maybe it’s the pressure in his gut that has gotten...all but obvious.

really it’s a combination of all three.

he tries to ignore it, he really does, but there’s only so long he can go dismissing the growing tightness.
he’s kept drinking to help cope w the mess that the club is in the first place and while he’s sure it doesn’t help, but there’s not much else he can do.

“you okay dude?” testu asks him, eyes questioning over the foam of his beer.

“fine. just…not a fan of this club, is all…”
his voice is unusually tight, but tetsu just grins.

“listen, if you need something to take the edge off i got you…” he grins pulls a small metal case out of his pocket, unscrewing it and passing it over. the lights are flashing all around them so the pretty white powder +
inside looks more baby blue than anything else. tenya laughs and not a moment later, long dark fingers and even longer nails are tapping their way up the table and across tenya’s chest.

“c’mon now, you can’t pull that out 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦! where are your manners??”
mina’s voice is barely audible underneath the rumble of the speakers, but they both know her well enough to know exactly what that grin on her face means.

“let me help you big boy.”

her pinkie flicks out, dipping into the case and pulling a nice lil bump onto the underside +
of the nail. it looks extra pretty like that; stiletto nails have always been tenya’s favorite, mostly because it was mina who convinced yuuga to get the same. he chuckles softly before leaning his face down, holding his nostril and taking the bump. it hits his brain like a shot,
pupils dilating wide and entire body lighting up.

suddenly, the music inside the club is booming straight into his chest. every light looks brighter and more vivid, and the heat that spreads through his body makes him sigh with pleasure.
whether it’s for minutes or a second longer, tenya doesn’t know. he lets the 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱 take his body, bright lights flashing all around him. tetsu is talking about…something, he’s sure. he can see his lips moving, can see the flash of his teeth and the +
glint of his earrings as he chatters away, but not a single word reaches tenya’s brain. he does however see and accept the blunt that tetsu slides across the table with a grin. mina is back in the crowd, dancing between hanta and shouto, both of whom appeared out of nowhere.
speaking of nowhere, tenya’s lost sight of his own blonde. honestly it’s not like he can pick out much of anything, with all the colors and shapes and people pulsing across his body so intensely. but some deep seated, innate part of him recognizes that yuuga isn’t there anymore,
and the jealous part he keeps buried 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 that yuuga gets into trouble easily, both when supervised and not.

tenya slides out the booth and goes searching.

if he gets a lil distracted on his journey, that’s no big deal.
he ends up at the bar, buying another round of shots for their table. he gets roped into dancing by mina, her curvy body pressed against him, glittery lips yelling in his ear about how shouto smelled too much like sex and hanta smelled too much like sin for her to +
want to stand between them. just like with the club itself he’s not a fan of dancing, but mina takes the lead and sways and grinds on him to the music. tenya doesn’t mind it much, especially when she places another bump on her nail for him.
he doesn’t know how long he’s been there on the dance floor either, but a very unfortunately placed elbow into his gut sends a bolt of panic through him, immediately cutting through the ease and euphoria he had been feeling. he hisses sharply, peeling him away from mina +
and turning to make a beeline for the bathroom.

only problem is that the line seems to be the longest it’s been all night long.

and near the end of it, pressed against the wall and between two big men, tenya finds yuuga.
he’s swaying back and forth with them, smiling as their hands roam and roll all over his body. one of them is whispering something in his ear, assumedly something dirty, and the other is mouthing and sucking at his pale skin 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴. yuuga’s lips open to a +
soft gasp when one big hand slides it way up his skirt. it doesn’t make it any further though, because tenya is there and snatching his boyfriend away.

the guys begin to protest, one of them moving to grab yuuga’s arm, but before he can even reach it the blonde is +
is practically climbing his way up tenya’s body. he sticks out his tongue and flips off the pair, giggling wildly as tenya grips his waist tight and stomps out the side door.


the alley was dark and the air was cold,
but the heat radiating off of their bodies was more than enough warmth. the thump of the music is secondary, muffled by the walls and the rush of blood to the head.

yuuga wrap his legs around tenya’s waist, kissing and sucking all along his jaw and neck as he’s held up +
by nothing but his boyfriend’s thick arms around him. his gasp turns to a giggle when tenya presses him against the wall roughly.

“you let them touch you. 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶.” his voice is heavy, fire burning in his eyes behind his glasses.
big hands hold yuuga tight, one eventually coming up to run his fingers across the creamy white skin on his neck, brushing gently over the bruise that tenya didn’t put there. seeing it, up close…another man’s mark on yuuga’s skin…it makes tenya 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘭.
and that just makes yuuga giggle even more.

“don’t tell me you’re mad over something like this, tenya. what, are you feeling extra sensitive today?” yuuga’s grin grows wider with every word, pulling their bodies closer.

“if you care so much, why don’t you just mark me instead?”
yuuga was pressed against the wall, quite literally caged in, his delicate hand trailing down tenya’s abs to reach underneath him and brush over his cock. the bigger man lets out a soft hiss, suddenly remembering just how badly he needs to piss.
but unfortunately for tenya, his boyfriend is way too smart and 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘺.

the blonde releases his legs from tenya’s waist, eyes sparkling w mischief, pink nails ghosting across the tight fabric and outline of his tits and abs on its way down.
he drops until his knees touch the pavement with a soft thump, muffled by the leather of his boots. as yuuga moves he unzips tenya’s pants altogether and slips his cock out from the jeans. the cool air is refreshing against tenya, but it’s a fleeting sense of relief as yuuga +
presses a soft kiss to the dips in tenya’s hips before wrapping around one throbbing cock and squeezing gently.

“yuuga. let go, 𝘯𝘰𝘸.” tenya’s teeth were gritted and his face was hard, tensed all the way up.

the look on yuuga’s face tells tenya he’s in trouble.
the buzz from the alcohol and from the bumps he had taken on the dance floor had nade the blonde bold, unconcerned about how dirty it was, what he was asking for. he gave tenya a grin, his nail flicking to rub along the slit of the head +
and savoring the sharp hiss and soft dribble that tenya let out.

yuuga’s favorite spot to be is on his knees, but especially so when it’s with tenya’s cock in front of him. bright blue eyes look up, at the heaving chest and muscular arms above him.
the blonde knows how close he is, knows how tenya 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 using the bathrooms in the clubs. he can see the sweat beading on tenya’s brow and how wide his pupils are, both from the blow and the damn near panic that’s growing with the pressure in his gut.

it’s electrifying.
yuuga could tell it was taking every ounce of self control he had to hold it in and keep from pissing all over the two of them.

tenya was certain he couldn’t control it for a second longer. if he didn’t move right now, he was going to piss all over them both and the +
panic in his eyes was obvious, growing each moment.

too bad yuuga wants nothing more than to push him past that panic and into relief.

“please tenya…you know you need my help, mon cher…”

he says, blue eyes looking up with so much eagerness and mischief +
as his tongue licks his lips.

“or…are you going to piss yourself like a little bitch?”

tenya’s hand cracks against the brick loud and threatening. but yuuga doesn’t jump at all: if anything, his grin grows wider, tongue sticking out and mouth dropping open.
“𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘵?”

he can see it so clearly, in his face and his eyes. yuuga’s all but directly asked for it, eyes burning just as bright as he nods, mouth open and pliant. his pretty little hands even come up to cup underneath his chin, ready to catch whatever spills over.
tenya would be lying if he said he didn’t shiver at the prospect. and honestly, yuuga had been acting bratty all night. bratty n slutty, in the way that tenya loves…but only when it’s for him.

he’s standing there, hovering over him, brain bouncing around when he sees it again:
the marks on yuuga’s neck, splotches of purple and blue left by another man. it’s that sight that causes a fresh wave of jealousy to wash over him, eyes darkening this time.

with lust, with anger, with determination. all of them emotions that tenya keeps tight to his chest.
and all emotions yuuga can pull out of him 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵.

“you want me to 𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶? you want me to mark you and claim you don’t you, like the slutty little bitch you are.” tenya’s voice is deep and husky, almost a growl.
he pushes his palm into the wall harder, the tip of his dick inches away from yuuga’s waiting mouth. the look on the blonde’s face is nothing short of desperate, pleading.

it’s a look tenya hasn’t ever been able to say no to.
“here you go then. drink up.”

|| okay i know i’m blue balling tf outta y’all but im stopping here for today 🤪🤪🤪 all the juicy stuff comes next AND you get shinii’s art so like u can’t be ungrateful 😌 ||

🔝 weemp womp back to the top 🔝
it’s a slow trickle at first, mostly because tenya is still unconsciously trying to hold back. it’s disgusting, what he’s about to—what he currently is doing. but seeing how excited yuuga’s eyes are makes him let go. makes him grin wider and breathe deeper, relaxing +
enough for the piss to start rushing out of him.

the smell is bitter and acidic. it cuts through the night air and assaults his nose, even making him scrunch his face up and tenya can only imagine how it smells from yuuga’s vantage point.
his stream speeds up quickly, splashing against yuuga’s mouth, his forehead, his eyes, his hair: 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺. a deep sigh falls from tenya’s lips, the pain and panic from having waited so long finally subsiding.
honestly it’s a little bit euphoric; the sheer relief is something in itself, and with all the coke and liquor in his system it’s a recipe made to feel extra good.

when he looks down at yuuga, he knows he’s not the only one.
the blonde is there underneath him, eyes fluttering wildly as his throat works overtime to try and keep up with the flow. his hands are overflowing already, the pale yellow liquid falling from them and trailing down his arms, his neck, the rest of his body,
pooling onto the concrete below them. tenya knows all too well how yuuga likes to be on his knees, and this seems to be no different.

“christ yuuga, look at you. wanted nothing more than to be my toilet, didn’t you?”
“i can’t believe you’re enjoying this so much, it’s goddamn filthy. 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺.”

the blonde only whines and nods in response.
“can’t even drink my piss properly either, look at how much you’re wasting.” tenya sucks his teeth in disappointment, eyes narrowing. “if you can’t do it right, i’ll go find another toilet who can. i’m sure there’s plenty of whores in that club who would love to take your place.”
he’s being so foul, 𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴, but at the same time he can’t bring himself to care.

maybe it’s the fact that he hated having been dragged around all night. maybe it’s the combination of drugs and adrenaline running through him.
maybe it’s because yuuga looks so happy like this, 𝘴𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴…maybe it’s all three…who knows what it is.

tenya just knows that if he’s already on some shit, he might as well commit fully.
“hmph. i thought you would be better than this. like a dumb fucking whore you just begged and begged, but maybe if i plug that slutty mouth up you’ll make better use of it.”

tenya takes his hand off the wall and uses it to press the tip of his cock inside the blonde’s mouth,
humming softly when yuuga immediately locks his lips around and starts swallowing all his piss straight from the source. it feels good like this, like it’s always meant to be like this: his dick buried inside that warm hole he loves so much, not having to worry about shit +
other than relaxing more and trusting that yuuga will take it.

yuuga always takes what he’s given.

“glad you’re finally doing it a little better. keep drinking, yuuga, and maybe i’ll give you another treat.”
yuuga smiles around the head, his dainty lil hands squeezing tenya’s massive balls softly, a silent 𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘳, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘳, reflected in his eyes.

christ he could get used to this.

it’s a freeing feeling, knowing that whatever he lets out will go straight down +
his boyfriend’s throat and to his stomach. it’s addicting really, for both of them. the blonde’s eyes had fallen shut some time ago, but at the promise of another reward they flutter softly and tenya sees how he shifts to rub his thighs together.
it’s a small, simple gesture, but it makes tenya grin wide.



tenya slides the blunt from behind his ear, pulling out a lighter and sparking up. the flow of smoke into his lungs n the flow of piss out his half-hard cock is a delicious combo.
he feels himself unwinding even more, breathing deeply and letting the smoke seep into every pore of his body. it’s like all the stress and tension of his day leaves his body doubly quickly, both in the form of a liquid and a gas.

it’s a 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 feeling.
a long couple minutes pass as he stands there…or maybe it’s just a minute. feels like the stream is never ending and time is bending slowly; one thing for sure is that he likes this 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 than using the club bathrooms.
yuuga keeps the entire head of his cock in his mouth, sucking and swallowing diligently—the 𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘱 𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘱 𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘱 is loud in the otherwise quiet alley. tenya isn’t even paying attention to him really, just smoking his blunt and enjoying his release.
the stream does eventually slow down, but the blonde doesn’t stop working his mouth around the head. the soft suction of it is convenient, like one of those self cleaning devices or a rope that automatically retracts:
tenya doesn’t have to do anything but stand there and keep pissing and smoking.

yeah, he could 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.

forget the club bathrooms; he’s not sure 𝘢𝘯𝘺 other bathroom will ever compare.
the blunt is halfway gone before he even realizes he’s done. he got lost in the moment, in the feeling; more than anything else just enjoying and vibing. yuuga had done the same thing, no longer swallowing but still working his mouth and to the around the head, cleaning it +
of every single drop. all the effort has worked out for both of them, because now tenya is fully hard.

“enjoying yourself aren’t you? you did a decent job for a toilet…and you made sure i’m all clean too.”

it’s like yuuga doesn’t even hear him though; there’s no +
indication at all that he does. he watches the blonde for another minute, pulling on the blunt and blowing smoke down into his face to gauge the blonde’s reaction. tenya smirks when there is none.

“yeah, i can’t say i’m surprised. you wanted my piss +”
“so bad, of course you weren’t going to waste it once i put you in your place.”

the hand not holding the blunt comes up to wipe yuuga’s forehead, brushing the wet and sticky hair back behind his ears.

“but it’s time to let go now. you’ve had your fill.”
his voice is gentle at first but his face turns darker as yuuga doesn’t listen. the hand that was in his hair slides down, moving to grip yuuga’s jaw and leaning forward.

“yuuga. 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘨𝘰. don’t make me repeat myself for the 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 tonight.”
as bratty as the blonde likes to be, he knows quite well how much tenya hates repeating himself.

with a quiet whine and a loud pop, yuuga releases. tenya’s cock nearly smacks him in the face as he does, but that just makes yuuga whimper and lick his lips.
“you really aren’t satisfied, are you?” tenya stares down at him, red eyes meeting blue as he watches that stringy and soaked hair shake side to side.

“use your words whore. it’s the least you can do.”
yuuga moans slightly, his voice soft. “i want more, please. please give me a treat, sir.”

tenya’s mouth splits into a grin, pulling hard from the blunt and blowing all the smoke into yuuga’s waiting mouth.
“one thing you’ve always been good at is begging. or maybe it’s that i can’t say no to you.” he leans back up, resting the blunt on his lips and taking his dick in hand. the quick 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘬 of the head against yuuga’s cheeks is loud in the quiet of the alleyway:
nothing else exists in that space save for the two of them. yuuga licks his lips again, placing a soft kiss to the head before opening his mouth obediently.

|| i’ll finish tonight i promise but im finna take a quick power nap first !!! ||

🔝 weemp womp back to the top 🔝
|| what’s that ??? it’s a day later ???? me not sticking to deadlines ???? who would’ve thunk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ||

the speed with which tenya shoves himself inside causes yuuga’s eyes to shoot open wide, but they flutter closed just as quickly as he submits fully.
they’ve done this way too many times for him to even try to fight it—most of all, tenya has taught him better than that. his throat relaxes in the blink of an eye, offering no resistance. and tenya takes full advantage.

yuuga is 𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺; barely comes up to +
tenya’s chest half the time at 5’3”, and that’s true about every part of him. even though he’s loud and knows how to use it, his mouth is small; barely could take the head of his cock inside when he and tenya started dating, let alone the whole thing.
that was another thing tenya had taught him; they both thoroughly enjoyed those lessons. and because they were so thorough, tenya’s cock is buried deep on the first go.
“god, i’ll never get sick of fucking your throat. i’m glad that smart little mouth of yours finally has a proper use: drinking my piss and swallowing my cock.”

he can feel the way yuuga’s lips try to pull upwards, the softest smirk even as he’s used like this.
he’s content to be nothing more than a toilet, a hole, but only if it’s for tenya’s pleasure.

the thought makes the bigger man grin wide enough for both of them.
tenya isn’t soft or gentle by any means; there’s a time and place for that kind of sex. they’re in a trashy alley outside a trashy club, zooted as all fuck, surrounded by a puddle of piss, dirt and god knows what else— this is neither the time nor place.
it’s fast and rough, heavy balls slapping against yuuga’s chin with a hard 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘬 every time. the blonde just holds his mouth and throat open and relaxed, not bothering to fight it, or to swallow the obnoxious amount of drool sliding out and down.
after a while the drool isn’t the only liquid on his face, because yuuga has a steady stream of tears rolling down his cheeks. tenya pulls out, gripping the blondes jaw hard and looking down at him.

yuuga’s eyes fly open when tenya stops, big blue irises so shiny and wet,
filled with want and need. his tongue is lolling out the side of his mouth as more drool drips down. yuuga gasps for air, coughing so much and barley given a chance to catch his breath before tenya thrusts his cock back down all the way and holds it there.

really holds it.
…and holds it…and holds it…

𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘴 𝘪𝘵.

yuuga’s nose is buried into his pubes as tenya’s hand grips his hair so tightly, pushing his face closer, as if it isn’t already pressed as close as it can go.
he keeps the blonde there way longer than he should, pulling the very last hits from the blunt, smiling when yuuga’s throat starts spasaming and his chest starts convulsing. only after he lets out the smoke does he release yuuga’s head, savoring the wet hacking that follows.
“you look the best like this my love. wet and messy on your knees, choking on my cock. gonna have to make this a more common occurrence, cause i don’t think i’ll ever use a toilet without thinking about how you’re a better one.” tenya leans down again,
gripping yuuga’s jaw so tight it’ll probably leave bruises.

not that either of them would mind.

but the way the blonde looks up at him makes him fall in love even more. stars in his vision and hearts in his eyes, tenya 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘴 the moments like this.
even in all their depravity and disgusting activities, there’s no one else he would rather be with.

tenya lets yuuga know with a kiss. soft and sweet at first but quickly turning dark and dirty just on principle. there’s nothing better than those kind of kisses,
he pulls away and smirks when yuuga whines and tries to follow him, but tenya holds his jaw tight.

“open up, yuuga.”

before he’s even finished speaking the blonde’s jaw is dropping, pretty pink tongue +
coming out to lick his lips in anticipation. so tenya makes sure to spit directly inside.

yuuga doesn’t need to be told to swallow.

“god you’re perfect. my perfect little toilet, perfect little whore.”
“let me keep using your mouth baby, cause i’m close.” he stands up back to his full height, taking his cock in hand and slapping it across the tongue that’s sitting there for him so prettily.

“daddy’s gonna give you the reward you deserve.”

he slips his cock back home.
that tight wet heat surrounds him once more is intoxicating and familiar all at once. this time he just rests his hand on the back of yuuga’s head and guides him up and down, tip to base in long and smooth motions. yuuga lets himself be led, throat loose and tongue working +
the underside with every movement. occasionally tenya will feel him swallow or see his thighs press together. he knows how turned on blonde must be—there’s no way he’s not leaking through his underwear. but yuuga’s not allowed to touch himself until tenya gives permission,
so his hands stay still.

𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘦.

tenya’s grin is dark but his eyes shine brightly as he looks down at his boyfriend, taking in all his beauty. he’s the only one who can to see him like this…
…who gets 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘳 of seeing him like this. tears streaming down his face, eyes fluttering wildly, tiny mouth stretched wide around tenya’s cock.

yuuga makes 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘩 a pretty picture.

he always has, really. tenya’s never cared about that sort of thing,
but he certainly enjoys 𝘩𝘪𝘴 pretty thing.

“you’re gonna look even prettier w my load all over your face, sweetheart.” tenya’s voice is the softest it’s been all night long. there are hearts in his eyes n love in his tone; yuuga hopes that his whimpers reflect his excitement.
tenya cups the base of yuuga’s skull, tilting it back slightly. his other hand comes to grip the length of his cock, jerking once, twice before he lets out a looong groan. yuuga watches the entire thing, blue eyes flicking up and down +
until he sees it, until 𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘪𝘵, the warm spray in thick waves splattering against his skin. it falls all over: the first couple spurts are so strong they miss his face entirely, landing in his hair and dripping down as the rest, as rope after rope land n cover him.
it’s takes less than a minute really, but the moment is long n euphoric for them both. yuuga loves the feeling; tenya loves the sight. there isn’t a part of the blonde’s face that isn’t touched: his lips, his tongue, his cheeks n eyes n forehead n 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 +
get covered with it. tenya groans and swears lightly the entire time, staring heavily as he just paints his boyfriends face.

when the last of his orgasm subsides, tenya sighs happily and smiles down at the blonde.
yuuga’s eyes are closed —they have to be considering there’s cum all over them— but his tongue moves eagerly across his skin, tasting whatever he can and swallowing it down with a pleased little hum. tenya swipes his thumb across yuuga’s eyelids,
collecting most of it and slipping his thumb inside those pretty lips. he blinks slowly as he sucks all the liquid off, staring as tenya drops to eye level in front of him.
even on his knees he’s still so much bigger than the blonde, that feeling only amplified as tenya pulls his thumb out and cups yuuga’s face with both of his hands.

“you’re perfect yuuga. my perfect little hole.”

yuuga’s giggle is soft but it +
quickly turns into a moan when tenya presses their lips together, the softest and sweetest moment shared between the two the entire night. the kiss tastes like cum and smoke and piss and god knows what else, but it’s nothing if not the most loving thing.
when tenya pulls away yuuga’s lips chase him, and he can’t help but smile.

the blonde’s voice is choked out and raspy, a telltale sign that he’s been properly throat fucked.

“𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺…”

tenya thinks it’s when he sounds prettiest.
that, or when his voice is high and lilted, breathy and gasping and moaning in pleasure.

he’s a huge fan of both.

“anything for you my love. 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭.”
tenya scoops yuuga up into his arms, pulling him close n kissing him once more.

it’s time for them to get back home, as they’re both in desperate need of a shower…and because tenya doesn’t very well want to wait any longer to hear yuuga’s voice in the way other he loves most.
💛✨ end ✨💛

aaaand she’s finished finally whew lmfaoooo it’s fine so fine !!!!! thank y’all for reading as always i do it for u 💛💛💛

🔝 weemp womp back to the top 🔝

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Jun 7
hello everyone i would like to put an image in your head: skater boy hanta and roller girl tfemme shouto who frequent the same outdoor park or rink or whatever who develop a healthy rivalry that totally isn’t just thinly veiled lust bc i mean really now who do u think i am 😎🪡
it’s like, well known that sero is a skater and a delinquent who is on the streets more than he’s in class

shinseroiida trio as besties because FUCKING DUH and no one knows how or why the class president is best friends w the delinquent and drug dealer but hey whatever works ???
hint: it’s bc shinsero are like the only ones who see and treat tenya as a person and a /real friend/ 🥹🥹🥹

shouto on the other hand just moved into town and has been having trouble finding her place 💔💔 she had to give up pretty much everything she knew after enji got a +
Read 22 tweets
Mar 26
sighs dreamily bc thighs…

sighs heavily bc iida tenya’s thighs…

thick thicc thiccque thighs, massive n muscly n manly from years of running n training n treating his body like the temple it is

a temple that aoyama yuuga visits and worships at every day that ends in y

he’s so sweet and stupid he doesn’t even know what they do to yuuga (and everyone else tbh)

he’ll be moisturizing after he gets out of the shower (bc yuuga refuses to touch him if his legs are ashy), one leg bent up on the dresser and hips pushed forwards into a lunge
not even mentioning his massive fucking cock that swings back and forth

but his thighs are so chiseled and muscled, a beautiful tan from when they finally took a day off to go to the beach, and even from his spot on the bed yuuga can tell that those thighs need to be worshiped +
Read 8 tweets
Mar 22
mirio wakes up almost every night feeling very cold bc tamaki loves to sleep with the ac on blast.

tamaki is there beside him, the huge blanket hiding his torso n arms, barely covering his slim legs and those tiny shorts.

good thing mirio knows how to warm them both up 😏🧵⬇️
|| nsfw, miritama, est. relationships, fingering, fisting, dirty talk, feminization, rimming, gaping, spit as lube, praise kink, handjobs, belly bulge, dacryphilia, afab terms for amab parts, consensual somno, soft n sensual, they’re in love ur honor ||
mirio spends a long moment looking at tamaki’s face, bc when he’s asleep is really the only time he can stare. they’ve been together for a while but his boyfriend /still/ blushes a deep red whenever mirio gazes lovingly or compliments him, so mirio dials it back during the day.
Read 91 tweets
Feb 20
oh hey my name is renee 😝n this is my lil corner of this godforsaken app !!

psa: my page is not minor or anti friendly n imma beat ur ass if u come at me crazy so don't lmao😇

thread below 💛

here are all of my threads and drabbles :)

here are all of my stupid hcs and ideas that are fucking bangers :)

Read 7 tweets
Feb 19
okay imagine: hanta goes into sho’s tired as shit and just wants to sleep but shoto the little whore wants to fuck so hanta just flops on the bed and says “don’t touch my dick but you can use my hands however you want”
cut to 20 min later and sho has four of hanta’s fingers stuffed inside him and is bouncing up and down on his wrist like it’s a fucking dildo and hanta couldn’t sleep even tho he wants to sooo bad

as payback tho the next time sho lifts up he tucks his thumb 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
sho doesn’t realize it until he’s going back down and feels it get so much thicker and wider and moans like the WHORE HE IS as hanta’s entire fucking fist is sucked into his pussy 🥵🥵🥵

he has to stop because fuck fuck fuck but once he’s used to it he starts bouncing away +
Read 6 tweets
Feb 4
okay y’all can blame sneaks for this one every1 go cyberbully her 😒😒

|| iidayama, afab language, pillow humping, thigh humping, dirty talk, orgasm delay, d/s dynamics, est. relationship, feminization, coming untouched ||

yuuga is normally really, really good about listening.
he prides himself on it, on his self control and discipline in all contexts, but especially when it comes to sex.

having a boyfriend like tenya, one who will reward him so well he forgets his name and sees stars (plus having the mother of all praise kinks) also helps.
but that was before he left for two weeks on some sort of “annual iida family retreat.” and tenya had made it /very/ clear that he was not allowed to touch himself at all during his time away.

‘i’ll know if you do,’ he said, ‘and i know you’ll be a good girl for me, yuuga.’
Read 77 tweets

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