'Baby' - Rapper YG is getting ready for the first leg of his tour, and finds himself distracted by the tall, buff, dimpled stage-hand that keeps knocking things over.

The stage-hand, NJ, explains that a recent break-up left him full of nervous energy. YG offers help. #NamgiAU Image

Out of breath, YG threw his head back to gulp air into his lungs.

Rehearsals for tour were always so damn exhausting, not to mention distracting. They were quieter than a show, obviously, but something about HOW they were different just stuck out.
Like the clumsy stagehand that kept knocking into things as he carried things out.

He was big, at least a head taller than YG, and had a stern looking underbite. He'd thought, at first glance, the man was intimidating.
And hey, maybe he could be, but after the 17th time knocking over a set of floodlights, or reflective panels, he just couldn't be scared.

A loud crash brought YG's attention back down, landing right on that very man as he bowed & apologized profusely to the irate stage manager.
Big Man looked red as he was chastised, eyes nailed to his shoes.

Curious, YG walked over.

"What's all the fuss over here Hyung?" He asked the manager, eyes on the big man.
"The fuss? THE FUSS? THE FUSS IS THIS GUY CAME HIGHLY RECOMENDED AND YET WE'RE 45 MINUTES BEHIND SCHEDULE BECAUSE HE KEEPS KNOCKING SHIT OVER. I can't-" He runs a hand through his hair "-I just can't right now. I'm taking 10 to have a smoke."
YG tsk'd, "TH-hyung you know you told your boy you'd quit, right?"

Leveling a dark-eyed glare back at him, TH responded, "And if you tell him anything to the contrary I'll tell him what you did last spring in my pool."
Raising his hands defensively, YG laughed, "Hey, that would be just as embarrassing for you as me, so by all means let's keep it quiet."

Alone with the Big Man, without a clue what possesses him to do it, YG reaches an arm out and rests it on his arm, squeezing gently.
"Yah, you good man? Don't worry about Hyung, he's a grumpy pants right before a show every damn time. Quitting the smokes and all you know?"

The man smiles sheepishly, sending a jolt straight to YG's heart when that motion reveals the deepest dimple he's ever seen.
"I'm... I'm okay, thanks. Just, I'm- No, it's okay, I'll figure it out. Thank you for the concern, truly, and again I'm so so sorry. If there are damages, please, allow me to pay."

"What's going on? Let's sit down yeah? Talk to me buddy, I'm good at listening, shit at advice."
They both laugh as YG guides them to sit on some equipment cases on the side.

"How 'bout you start with your name, yeah? Real easy. I'm YG, and you are?"

Looking up at the bigger man expectantly, YG put a hand on his knee for comfort, which caused the man to jump slightly.
"Uh... Nam-NJ... I'm NJ"

YG chuckled low, and moved his hand up and towards NJ's, shaking it firmly and tracing his thumb over the top of the connection. He couldn't help it, this man was proving to be far more charming than YG expected and now he was curious if he realized it.
"Pleasure to meet you NJ. So, is there something happening to cause you to be ah... A bit...?"

NJ smiles softly and finishes for him, "More destructive than usual? Hah. I guess you could say that yeah..."
Instead of pushing, YG just waits, letting the silence hang open for NJ to continue on his own.

A sigh, a glance away, and then NJ does, softly. "My boyfriend and I broke up last week. I- Idk this is probably way more information than you're actually asking for, but... We...-"
"-Had a certain dynamic. It let me... You know, work out nervous energy. I've been... honestly a hell of a mess all week without him. And I- You know something?" He turns to face YG now, an empty laugh on his face that doesn't meet his eyes. "I don't... -"
"-I don't even fucking miss HIM. I should, right? I should be aching right now, in my heart, not... Not elsewhere."

His head drops, hanging on his shoulders. "Sorry, just. Yeah. I need to figure my shit out, bc it's obvious I'm not going to have that outlet for a while... So.."
YG speaks then, gently. "So, this outlet... If you had it, you think you wouldn't be making as many mistakes?"

NJ nods, confidently, prompting YG to continue out of sheer curiosity.

"And... mind if I ask what this outlet is? You don't have to, of course, if you aren't comfo-"
He's cut off by NJ's clipped response, far more direct than YG expected. "Sex. Well, a specific kind of sex of course but yeah."

Silence hangs over them as they process the conversation, but NJ breaks it by standing up to walk away, refusing to look at the other man.
He's stopped with a hand on his wrist.

"What uh... Fuck how do I... I'll just say it... What kind of sex is it you need? Like, you say it's specific, so...?"

Leveling a look of disbelief at the seated man below him, NJ arches a brow. "Why do you want to know?"
Blushing, YG glances at the floor and softly replies, "I dunno, just... Figured maybe... Maybe I could help or something. It's dumb, forget it."

NJ squats down into YG's vision, posture alarmingly confident suddenly, and lifts the man's chin in his long fingers, gently.
"You sure you want to know?"

The blushing YG nods and licks his lips. "Y-yeah. Yeah I do."

The dimples are in full view as NJ smiles, tilting his head curiously.
"I would own you. Every inch of you would be mine, to do with as I please. That's what calms my nerves, having full control and responsibility for the welfare of someone else, their whole life and pleasure right under my hands and care. Brings out the best in me, honestly."
If YG was blushing before, he was putting that to absolute shame now, toes even prickling in anxious sweat.

"O-oh... I see..."
"Yes, well. As I said, clearly I'll be without that outlet for a while, so-"

"So, you're a... A Dom, right? That's what you need? A Sub to ah... care for?"

NJ nods, slowly, humming an affirmative.

"Is there, I don't know, a trial period or something? Like a... a test drive?"
NJ's laughter, YG decides, is even sexier than his dimples and broad chest. It's full, and intoxicating.

"I can't say I've ever been asked for a test drive before, but sure. I'm sure I could think of a few ways to offer a... taste of what I want. Do you want that, YG? A taste?"
Eyes shimmering and lips parted, YG slowly nods. He's scared, of course, because he's never even been a bottom before, let alone a Sub... But something about this man is calling to him like a Siren's song.
And he doesn't even care if he's a ship about to crash, as long as he can hear that sweet melody a little more.

Taking YG's hand, NJ leads them away from the stage, to a less trafficked series of cubbies that were stacked with equipment boxes.
NJ arranges one onto its side, and pats his lap after sitting on it.

"Well, here's your test ride. Come here and let me hold you."

YG fumbles a bit before sitting hesitantly on the proffered lap, choosing to straddle the man's thick thighs.
This felt right, even as YG's jeans strained at the stretch. His hands loped gently around NJ's neck and shoulders, back stiff as a board.

NJ chuckles, sliding hands onto YG's thighs gently, tracing his thumbs in circles.

"Relax, baby. I've got you, okay?"
The pet-name sends a shiver down YG's spine.

"Mm. Okay. I just... Don't let me fall, okay?"

Broad hands, hot against his skin, slide up to his waist and pull him in closer. Their lips are a whisper away from each other as NJ's hooded eyes bore into YG's own.
"I would never let you fall baby boy. Can I kiss you?"

Nodding, YG holds his breath and waits. NJ's lips first find purchase on his shoulder, plush and warm.
An arm wraps around YG's waist as the other rises to slide his shirt collar to the side, another hot kiss pressed against his collarbone. Kisses are trailed across his neck, up to his jaw, down to his chin, and finally, FINALLY to his lips.
YG's breath hitches, brain dizzy with the feelings hitting him all at once. Cold air hitting his perspiration, warm breath ghosting across his lips, strong legs and arms holding him like they were made for his body.
He's so intoxicated by this man's mere touch, that a soft whine escapes his throat before he can stop it. His eyes widen, and NJ just chuckles into his mouth.

"Feeling good, baby?"

"I-I guess so, yeah. So this is... what you want?"

Another chuckle.
"Not even close. We haven't even started. You want more?" His lips slide down YG's jaw, back to his neck, before he licks a hot stripe up his throat. He feels YG's hum as he nods.

"Mm, you should use your voice while you still can. Do you want more?"
"Yes, more. Want more, please" YG whispers, hips starting to roll on their own.
"Mm, good boy. Turn around for me, okay?" NJ moves his arms to grip YG's waist again, gently twisting to emphasis his request. YG obliges, awkwardly, and when he re-settles on NJ's lap he feels a distinct bulge pressing firmly against him. He tries not to squirm against it.
NJ reaches around YG and pulls him to rest on his own chest, gently holding his shoulder with his chin as his arms reach down and make contact with the man's knees. His fingers find purchase against the inner seam, and slide slowly up the thighs, swirling as they go.
He avoids the apex, where he knows YG wants him most, and trails over the top of the thighs, then underneath to cup the flesh of his ass. He squeezes and spreads the cheeks through the jeans, nestling his own clothed arousal between them before returning to the front.
Hands on his hips, squeezing, he draws YG's attention to his neck and shoulder with his teeth, nipping gently. He won't leave marks... for now.

YG's head drops further against NJ, mouth parted and wet as his tongue darts out repeatedly.
When he whimpers, NJ chuckles against his back and slides one hand up his body, cupping his chest as he goes.

"What's the matter, baby, are you feeling okay?"
"Mm yes... no... not enough..." YG turns to try and capture NJ's lips in a kiss, but he dodges with a hand pressed to YG's open mouth.

"You want something in your mouth?" When YG nods, NJ smiles, nips the back of his neck "Whatchu want baby? You want my fingers in your mouth?"
YG's eyes pop open to look at NJ's long fingers, before slowly nodding.

"Open your mouth then sweet thing." NJ says with a tap to YG's lips.
His lips part softly, a bit unsure, then wider as NJ's fingers coax then apart with a press of his thumb to his jaw. He instinctively flattens his tongue to allow more room, and wraps the tip of his tongue around the intruding fingers.
They're hot, salty, and so long that YG imagines for a moment they're something else. His tongue slides between them, and around them, and flicks on the fingertips briefly before they're shoved back into his mouth even deeper.
He's never had his mouth finger-fucked, but he's absolutely enjoying it. He wonders briefly how NJ's cock would feel on his tongue instead, and moans wantonly.
"Fuck baby you can't be making those noises, someone could hear us. Here, we have to be quick this time, but I promise I'll take care of you okay? Just be a good boy for me."
He pulls his fingers out of YG's mouth, to his protest, and leans forward slightly to wrap his arms around him again. His hands find YG's zipper and slide it down carefully before curling his fingers around to find leverage with his boxers.
He easily pulls YG's erection out of the peep-hole he's made before using YG's own spit on his fingers to stroke him slowly.

YG keens softly, hands grasping the thighs underneath as a pleasurable electricity shoots through him.
His hips start rutting again instinctively, causing NJ to groan behind him.

"That's it baby, take your pleasure. Let me make you feel real good." NJ encourages him with faster strokes, and a grip on his hip that gently moves him back and forth.
YG drops his toes to the ground and lifts to really grind on NJ's lap, now focusing on NJ's own arousal beneath him. He reaches a hand back to grab NJ's head, pulling him closer. He isn't sure what he wants, but he knows he needs NJ closer... closer...
"Closer... please closer" YG whines. NJ chuckles again, biting gently before wrapping his free arm around YG's stomach and yanking him against his own body tightly. As YG's feet leave the ground, NJ takes over and thrusts against him from below,
timing his thrusts with the motion of his hand. YG starts to pant, hands squeezing into NJ's hair as he inches closer to orgasm. NJ's panting into his ear, tongue flicking out to taste the salt of his skin, & everything around YG just feels... Hot, and sweet, & so fucking RIGHT.
His legs start tingling, then his arms, and the heat in his belly coils tightly, ready to spring.

"Please... Please I'm clos-close please don't... hahh... don't stop" He whispers between breaths.
NJ growls lightly, tongue licking every inch of YG he can reach, fingers and arms tightening around him. "I gotchu baby, I'm right here. You're such a good boy for me, all you have to do now is cum... Can you cum for me YG?"
YG can only whimper and nod his head frantically, hips desperately trying to fuck into NJ's hand. A moment later, and his body arches, head slamming against NJ's shoulder, mouth parted wide.
His throat releases a guttural cry as he releases across the floor and dribbles onto NJ's hand, which continues lazily stroking him as he rides it out.

Kisses are peppered against his neck and face as NJ talks him down, whispering praise into his ear.
"Good boy, there you go. You were so good for me YG, that's it, so good. Breathe baby, you're such a good boy"

YG hums, catching his breath. When he opens his eyes, he finds NJ's flushed face gazing at him with fondness.

"Mm... That... wasn't what I expected if I'm honest..."
The gentle laughter he's already come to love rumbles against his body as a dimple takes over his gaze.

"You did ask for a taste... Ask and you shall receive baby."

"What, uh, what about you? Did you...?"
NJ shakes his head against his neck, nuzzling deeper and inhaling his scent.

"Nah, I'm okay. I'll take care of me later, this is what I wanted... Wanted to take care of you."

YG shifts, not sure how to accept a one-sided deal. Just didn't seem fair...
And he was still curious about a certain weight on his tongue.
"Mm... what I want, right?" NJ nods and hums "Then... I want... I wanna taste you... Can I?"

Eyebrows up, NJ takes a second to respond. "You don't have to baby... you know that right?"
"I know... I do... I just... I really do want to... Taste you. And, you know, when your fingers were... Ah shit." He cuts himself off, face flushing.

Fingers prod his side, urging him to continue. He sighs, and then does.

"I... pictured your cock in my mouth. Wanna feel it."
NJ hums as YG slips off his lap, onto his knees, and turns around.

"Please? Can I?" he licks his lips as his eyes fall on NJ's lap. When NJ nods, he wastes no time lunging forward with eager hands to free his erection.
His mouth pops open when he does.


A hand finds his cheek, thumb stroking his lips. "Like I said baby, it's okay. You don't have to, really."
"No I... I do. I want to. Wanna make you feel good too... But, I wanna... How would we do this? If, you know..."

"If you were mine?"

A nervous gulp, and a nod is YG's only reply.
"Well... If you could take it, I would fuck your throat... But I don't know if that's a good idea for you right now. Could hurt your voice you know?"

"M-My voice?"

"Mm. Could make it raspy, and a little sore to use."
YG thinks for a moment, and leans forward with hands on NJ's thighs.

"Do it. I want to try."

"But your show?"

"I'm a rapper, if my voice is raspy... they'll probably fuckin' love it."
"Mm... Okay... but if it gets to be too much, you need to tap my leg okay? Tap it hard baby okay?"

YG nods and licks his lips.

"Okay. Open your mouth and hold your tongue out... just like that, good boy" NJ praises him immediately as he follows his instructions.
NJ slides forward, tapping his cock on YG's tongue briefly before rubbing it in small circles. Leaning his hips forward, he grabs YG's head with one hand and guides it closer, slowly, until his cock is engulfed in YG's mouth.
YG's lips seal around his girth, encasing him in wet heat and he groans, head back in pleasure.

"Fuck baby that's good... Stay just like that okay?" He feels YG nod around him, and slowly fucks his hips forward.
Inching towards the back of his throat, he gently eases himself into the heat, trying to be careful of YG's capabilities.

YG senses his hesitation, and whines, vibrating against him. When he looks down, he chuckles at the pouty eyes looking back up at him.
"Okay, okay, I get it baby. I'll stop holding back. Remember, tap my leg okay?"

YG nods, pleased, and closes his eyes again as he rubs his tongue against the underside of NJ's cock.
NJ inhales, lifts up a bit, & fucks slowly against YG's throat. YG gags the first couple of times, but soon makes fists in the material of NJ's pants, & opens his jaw wider, tongue pressed flat and wide. It's enough to let NJ slide down into his throat, surprising both of them.
"Fuck, baby, that's... there you go... so good, hold just like that... Gonna..." He grips YG with both hands, and fucks into his throat as gently as he can. YG's hands busy themselves as they grasp the back of his thighs encouraging each thrust.
His eyes are tearing, his nose is snotting, and there's drool sliding down his neck but he doesn't care. Because when he peeks up at NJ, whose head is thrown to the side and is staring back down at him like he's the most beautiful thing in the world, his heart clenches.
Whatever this man wants to give him, YG realizes, he wants to take. Especially his cock. Fuck, he especially wants to take every goddamn inch of that.

He moans as NJ pulls back to thrust again, causing the man to curse once more.

"Fuck baby... fuck... m'close, can I?"
YG nods and tries to hum but it gets choked with a thrust, making a lewd gargling sound. He can't find it in himself to be embarrassed about it, though, because NJ's fingers squeeze the life out of his hair as soon as he makes the noise.
He must like it, so he tries to hum again and times it with NJ's thrust so that half of it is choked again.

Then, heat is flung against the back of his throat, and he faintly tastes saltiness with a hint of sweet.
He moans, and NJ pulls back enough to finish cumming on his tongue, which YG collects with a cupped tongue and open mouth.

When NJ's done, he pulls out of YG's mouth and straightens himself, gaze locked with the other's.
He sits back down, pulling YG onto his lap again, and strokes his cheeks with his thumbs.

"Baby that was so good, thank you. Thank you so much for making me feel good too... Are you okay?"

YG speaks, but his voice is scratchy & pops a bit. "Yes... good... Was I good? For you?"
NJ's beautiful laugh rings out again, softly, all teeth and dimples and fondness.

"So goddamn good baby. So good."
They cuddle for a little while, before NJ moves them to standing, reminding YG that he has a show to prepare for. He suggests he get some tea for his throat, which YG agrees to do, alongside a promise to talk more about... Getting another taste. YG wants more, so so much more.
And if this becomes a pre-show ritual for the rest of the tour, because YG finds twisted pleasure in knowing his new signature vocal tone is the result of his boyfriend's special throat treatments?

No one needs to know.
- END -


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