adarksweetness Profile picture
Jun 3 101 tweets 18 min read
while the writing juices are flowing, a threadfic~ 

Sex///Education - #bingliushen, getting 2gether, being disasters, zero recommended behavior
Picture it: LQG checking into an tiny inn after a remote night hunt. Bingqiu arrive soon after w/ SQQ showing all signs of sex pollen. Binghe hurries right past LQG but given the urgency, LBH can be forgiven for not noticing. (Or did he?)
bc he is Concerned Shidi, LQG gets the room next to bingqiu & quickly regrets everything as he gets to hear his shixiong being railed by his disciple for the next two hours. It's…a lot, hearing the xiu ya sword pant and moan and beg just on the other side of a flimsy wall.
And LQG is just a man. He yearns - curled up in bed, body hot, arousal breathing down his neck- but he keeps it respectful. Not like Binghe, who's roughly demanding that shizun spread his legs wider, open his mouth more & then the squelching...when will this end 🥲
By round 3, LQG gets suspicious. The pollen must SURELY be gone by now yet they’re still going at it.

By round 4 SQQ himself confirms he’s cured but the brat is still whining about being all hot & bothered & unable to stop himself - right by the shared wall in this stupid inn.
This leads to rounds 5 & 6 (6!!!), & rn what’s worse is LQG picking up a pattern: a cycle of grumbling, whining, & indulgence. SQQ doesn’t to want to or doesn’t know how to ask, so LBH provides an increasingly concerning erotic menu, at which SQQ grumbles but always gives in.
Liu Qingge would be angry about this if he didn’t witness Shen Qingqiu stop a rampaging heavenly demon in his tracks multiple times. Luo Binghe would *never* hurt his shizun, but he's clearly happy to be as unruly as he wants and SQQ gets his rocks off by obliging.
Interminably stupid: yes. LQG’s business tho? No. so he slams a pillow over his head & tries to sleep.

Unfort, he can’t ignore the sound of SQQ's desperation, so he wakes each time there’s another gasp or noise. Inevitably, it's bingqiu boning. It’s a terrible night.
LQG drags himself out of bed at the crack of dawn. By now, he’s rested enough to head out. Instead of prolonging his stay at the inn to eat breakfast, Liu Qingge stops to buy something at a stall just outside when a familiar voice calls out.

For a moment, Liu Qingge considers muttering an excuse and just leaving, but they would recognize Cheng Luan and in any case, he can't just run away.

So he turns around and finds Shen Qingqiu hurrying towards him, Luo Binghe following more leisurely in tow.
SQQ grins. “What are you doing here?”

LQG, dying inside: “Night hunt. Going home now.”

“You were at the same inn?” SQQ realizes. “Ah, we didn’t know.”

LQG shrugs. If SQQ didn’t remember, then he wasn’t going to make a fuss. LBH, however smirks. wide.

“Did shishu sleep well?”
LQG knew it! Binghe knew he was there, and knew exactly what he was doing last night. LQG is so furious that he forgets to spare SQQ’s feelings. “I didn't. Kept hearing some demonic bovine trying to mount a cat.”

SQQ's jaw drops. “Wha..”
“Is shishu jealous that the local animals are getting more action than he is?” Luo Binghe returns. 
“More isn't better,” LQG replies acidly. He looks @ SQQ. “Is it?”
SQQ looks even more embarrassed. “Shidi,” he says weakly. “There’s no need for all this, please forget it.”
LQG rolls his eyes but Binghe is staring at SQQ, tearing up.

“Shizun, is this disciple really so bad? 😭😭”

“Oh, stop that,” SQQ says. “Binghe is the best.”

That Liu Qingge cannot take because if he had to put up with them all night, they might as well get his real opinion.
“Why do you lie?” he demands. “Shen Qingqiu, if your disciple lacks skill, say so & teach him better.”

Shen Qingqiu looks mortified. “Liu Qingge! There’s nothing to teach, Binghe treats me very well!”

LQG looks skeptical. “Compared to who?”
LBH: “Shishu is quite subtle 😏, do you think you're an option?”

LQG's heart seizes. How dare LBH mention the thing he’s sensitive about!

“You're the only option,” he says coldly. “Which makes it worse that you’re terrible at sex. Next time, soundproof your room."
Liu Qingge walks away, regretting his outburst. It makes him look foolish & weak, which he is for Shen Qingqiu but c'mon man have some pride.

No matter, this is not worth remembering & thus letting the demon win.
All LQG has to do now is head back to Cang Qiong, take a bath & relax by running the new disciples into the ground. He’s almost about to take off on his sword, when SQQ catches up.

“This shixiong would like to apologize,” SQQ huffs. “Binghe…implied he knew you were there. That was inexcusable, I’m sorry.”

He’s not the one who needs to apologize, but LQG won't prolong this nonsense. But because he’s weak for SQQ, he asks: “Are you really happy with him?”
“I am. Please don’t worry about me.”

“Happy with all your activities, too?”

Shen Qingqiu’s fan unfurls again. “It’s new territory for both of us. There’s nothing wrong with a couple learning as they go.”
“Fine,” LQG agrees. He pulls a small special issue medicine jar from his bag. “Take this. It’s better than oil for larger organs."

“What?” SQQ squeaks, holding the jar like it’s a bomb. “How..why do you have this??”

“In case of emergencies,” LQG replies. “Try it."
When Shen Qingqiu continues to gape like a fish, Liu Qingge takes the cue to mount his sword and leave.

Forget Cang Qiong. He’s going to find something snarly, spiny & awful to maim before going home.

Liu Qingge gets a week of peace after the incident. He returns triumphantly to Bai Zhan with Lots of Meat. He sends some to Qing Jing & other peaks, then his disciples grill the rest & have a brawling feast. It's a good time, bai zhan knows how to work hard, party hard thx.
He almost forgets the Incident, but then SQQ shows up the next day.

Bai Zhan is pretty hungover, but the disciples rally enough to save face. Liu Qingge receives his shixiong in a clean courtyard, where the stone table is set up with tea & the most passable snacks.
“This is very good,” SQQ comments. Liu Qingge agrees. It’s his favorite tea, one that he rarely shares.

“Trust your night hunt was good.” SQQ starts. “Finally, we can update the bestiary on Levitating Rock Scorpions.”

Uh huh. Yes. LQG is paying attention. This is working.
“Shidi, this shixiong must confess: I didn’t come to simply discuss night hunts.”

great. “Out with it, then,” Liu Qingge says.

“I…the ointment you gave me…that day,” SQQ goes red. “It - you…did you say it was for larger organs?”

LQG, surpassing war flashbacks. “Mn.”
SQQ wilts when he gets nothing more. “Ok. Er, does that mean shidi…?”

LQG, actually confused. “Mean what?”

SQQ groans. “Please have mercy, Liu Qingge. Surely, we didn’t offend you so much.”

“Shixiong never offended me.” LQG says. “I just don't know what you’re talking about."
SQQ takes a deep breath. “Is the ointment for…your, um, organ?”

“Not always."

“Ok!” SQQ brightens. “So, you receive from your cultivation partners!”

“I don’t have a cultivation partner.” LQG says. “Too troublesome.”

“That’s what you said about a disciple,” SQQ retorts.
Liu Qingge scowls. “I'm going back to sleep.”

“No! I wanted to know…well, the ointment helps, but…" SQQ trying hard not to hide behind his fan or teacup. "Sometimes I’m quite sore. After. for a long time.”

LQG, loving how they both hate this: “..I’ll show you some stretches.”
A few more weeks of peace later, Luo Binghe shows up. Liu Qingge tenses, ready for a fight over some stupid percieved slight from the stupid jealous demon.

“Come to Qing Jing peak with me.” says LBH instead.

LQG, knows better than to be lured to a secondary location: "Why?"
“Shizun has found your little tips helpful," LBH says. "We’ve had really good times & we want to try new things. We’re both of the mind that shishu should be the one to help us with our research.”

LQG, unable to process. “Don’t be absurd.”

“Why is it absurd?”
Oh, where to start? “Aren’t you jealous?”

“People get over things.” LBH shrugs.

“...Did you also get over being married?”

“No, but shizun doesn’t ask for much. After spending time with you, he has…started to be more open. He asked for this. And Luo Binghe wishes to provide.”
A misguided attempt to please his teacher. LQG can see it now: showing up on Qing Jing for ‘research’, Shen Qingqiu horrified. He’d scold binghe, ofc, but it’s LQG who’d be humiliated. Nope. Impossible.

"If this is about SQQ, then SQQ should ask." Checkmate, Binghe.

Against all odds, Shen Qingqiu asks. 
In the aftermath of zhangmen-shixiong's birthday party no less. They both leave Qiong Ding on Cheng Luan bc SQQ is drunk and LQG is physically unable to not accommodate his helplessness.
SQQ stumbles when they land on qing jing, Liu Qingge rights the man up and the air changes when SQQ presses back into his arms like a helpless baby deer. (Mmm roast deer.)

LQG pushes him to the bamboo house, drops him into Luo Binghe's waiting arms, & turns to go get roast deer.
Something grabs his ponytail.

"Shidi should stay," SQQ purrs from the comfort of his husband's arms. LBH looks on, eyes wide & innocent. Terrible boy.

"I'm fine," LQG says. Unfort, his attempt to free his hair only makes SQQ wrap it around his palm & tug again. Hello??
"I was hoping shidi would be up for more…sex education."

LBH snorts. LQG tries to glare but his heart is beating too fast. He extracts his hair as an excuse not to look SQQ or that horrible disciple of his in the eye.

"What does the scholar's peak lord need education for?"
"Education is an ongoing endeavor." SQQ's fingers loosen, letting LQG's hair slip out.

Now free, LQG feels almost lost. LBH comes to his dubious rescue. "Shizun is right. We have much to learn from Shishu."

Ok sounds fake, but.. "Learn what?"

SQQ smiles. "Binghe, the manuals!"
And that's how LQG gets lured back to shixiong's bedroom, where everything is the same, except for books laid out on the table. LQG squints at the illustrations, taking in various types of knots until he realizes they're about tying up people.

"This..isn’t dual cultivation."
“More like meditation,” SQQ agrees. “Binghe & I’ve been studying the techniques.”

"Then study. What do you need me for?"

"To help this shixiong's disciple practice?" SQQ says. "I’ve seen your rope work when you send us fresh meat; the creatures are alive but very immobile."
Following his gaze, Liu Qingge sees the cables arranged on the bedpost. They want him to tie up binghe?

Bingqiu trade looks.

"Other way around," SQQ corrects gently. "Shidi is sooo good, but, needs improvement."

This makes sense to LQG. It shouldn't. But it does.
2 things LQG knows: SQQ 💚 & LBH 🤡!

He cannot leave Shen Qingqiu to the cold mercy of Binghe's bad techniques. In defense of shixiong, he must strip down to his pants & kneel beside the table while LBH readies a cable.

SQQ watches, unblinking, from the bed.
LQG knows he's in trouble from step 1. Instead of practically tying a knot, LBH starts by massaging along acupoints that make him go soft & pliant.

LBH settles against LQG's back, all solid & warm, which is nice..? It's what SQQ deserves. It's the only reason LQG encourages it
"How is shishu?"
LQG can barely answer - which LBH takes as a sign to make the 1st loop round both his wrists.

LQG shivers. His body goes alight, esp when LBH loops the rope more & swiftly ties his first knot. LBH lingers there, caressing, & it feels better than it should.
It's not for him, LQG reminds himself. It's for Shen qingqiu, to help him & binghe communicate. This is a practicum~

So when LBH asks if he's done it right, LQG actually inspects the knot. "It's fine."

"Just fine?" SQQ interjects.
"It's correct," LQG amends. "But pay attention to the slack, it's too loose. Irritating." 

Binghe pouts. "Then, why'd you say it was fine?"

"Bc you didn't ask the right question!" gdi binghe. 

"Ah," LBH murmurs. "Thanking shishu for his teaching." 

...brat, LQG thinks.
His ire doesn't last long. LBH does the next few knots perfectly tight. He still moves Liu Qingge's body effortlessly, putting LQG back in that hypnotic space where he's raw dough under LBH's hands, to be shaped, pulled, and cinched into a perfect delicacy for SQQ...
LQG frowns. No, it's not like that. Yet, there's nothing like SQQ's fascination, & it's all LQG can do to keep breathing through a shimmering, pleasant sort of strain - to be good for shixiong.

SQQ swallows. "Binghe, I'm..."

LQG's back arcs. A knot tightens. "I know, shizun."
Shen qingqiu slips off the bed & pushes a finger under the rope looping around LQG's stomach.

"How is shidi feeling?"

Fuck. LQG is suddenly, inexplicably euphoric. He arches toward SQQ, relaxes minutely against LBH. Feels like a thousand flowers blooming under his skin...
He thinks about lying, but that defeats the purpose, so LQG admits: "Good. Very good."

Shen Qingqiu lifts his eyes above LQG's shoulder & smiles. "Well done, binghe."

"This disciple aims to please," comes the very self-satisfied reply.

And just like that, everything splinters.
Liu Qingge is suddenly, starkly reminded that he's here as a practice dummy - and those don't mean anything.

Bliss shrinks into shame at slipping his boundaries, the flowers all wither & Liu Qingge shakes off the hand resting on him.
"Alright, party's over. Get these off me."
No trance this time - LQG is tensely sober, watches LBH like a hawk as he undoes the knots.

"Shidi is welcome to stay," SQQ invites, but LQG can't even consider it. He redresses in a hurry yet he's still inexplicably cold - which persists even as LBH follows him to the door.
LQG's mind races, trying at once to write this off as a drunk mistake & reminding him that he wasn’t that drunk.

“Liu shishu,” Binghe calls abruptly.

LQG turns, prickling with panic under an irritated face, ready for whatever imbecilic gloating is about to come his way.
“Thank you for tonight.”


“Shizun…and I had a good time.” Luo Binghe says evenly.

His starry eyes are not the usual flat, cold void, which might as well be the least hostile Liu Qingge as ever seen him.
LQG is confused but also less tense - enough to gracefully return the uh, compliment(?) with a strangled, “Study hard.”

He steps on Cheng Luan & loyal sword that it is, it flies off to Bai Zhan at top speed. Fast enough to miss the fond laughter he’s startled out of Luo Binghe.
LQG's shizun once taught him there was nothing wrong with melancholy itself, but letting it fester was bad for cultivation.

It was then that Liu Qingge vowed never to be sad. When he found himself getting sad, he went to hunt colossal beasts and emerged victorious instead.
Yet, standing over the battered body of a Molten Obsidian Turtle, Liu Qingge doesn’t feel heroic at all.

Its black shell is streaked with cooling red magma, qi flickering from the fight, yet it snaps at him w/ the last of its keep protecting a babie turtle. 😭
The baby is young enough to have a green shell, as they are before developing enough qi to spew lava & form the eponymous obsidian veneer.

It peeks at Liu Qingge with watery golden eyes that seem to say, please don’t hurt my mommy.

LQG recoils. ugh this fuckin color scheme 😒
Days later, it's time to go home. Traveling is less fun when it's out of avoidance, so back to bai zhan it is - w/ cargo that trips so many red flags that Shang Qinghua visits & goes, "What the fuck Liu shidi."

One very frustrating q&a later, LQG finally emerges victorious.
But all victories are short lived where LBH is concerned. LQG is visiting LMY for tea when finds out Xian Shu peak never revoked binghe's free pass.

LBH, looming over the sibs: "Shizun needs shishu to help w/ a delicate condition. asap."

"I'm busy!" LQG complains. "Go to MQF."
"But shizun wants /you/," Binghe argues.

+ he's aided by liu mingyan traitorously adding, "Go to him, gege. Why hesitate when Shen shibo needs your hand on his fevered brow?"


"She's..really not wrong," says LBH, which is concerning. Hello? Does SQQ have a fever??
Lured to SQQ's bedroom for the 2nd time, LQG finds out yes, shixiong has a fever. & by fever, he means a pussy from a vaguely plausible curse.

& he's seizing the opportunity for more sex ed.

"See, if binghe goes first, the curse breaks," SQQ explains. "So maybe shidi could.."
"Could what?" LQG demands. The most baffling part of this is LBH's nonchalance. Where are the tears & misbehavior?

SQQ goes red. He struggles as he always does, to say what he wants. "Oh, you know...demonstrate some techniques?"

LQG, screaming internally. ""
SQQ glances at LBH. "Of course?"

LQG frowns suspiciously at Binghe. He knows what's happening here. LBH probably understated his skills in order to one up & humiliate LQG in this arena as well. Hmph!

"I don't teach by demonstration," he tells LBH. "You do it, I'll observe."
Surprised, LBH looks to SQQ for guidance, which is good but also annoyingly confirms LQG is not needed here.

"Binghe, you heard your shishu," SQQ says. He doesn't need to sound so warm but whatever. LQG stubbornly takes a seat while Binghe takes his place b/t his shizun's legs.
LBH starts eating out SQQ. There's not much for LQG to supervise - SQQ is enjoying it or he's not. ..oh. He's enjoying it. 

Again, LQG can't get enough of shixiong's face lost in pleasure. Binghe is very good. Soon, SQQ is writhing & panting & liable to curl in on himself.
Though he's having a hard time staying professional, LQG doesn't miss SQQ biting his lips & cheek to keep actual words from spilling out.

"Stop that," LQG orders. "Just tell him what you want."

SQQ opens his eyes then, lovely & lost. "Can I hold your hand?" he whispers roughly.
LQG can't refuse. He can hardly breathe as he tangles his fingers with SQQ, feeling each squeeze as LBH does something clearly spectacular with his tongue.

Something about SQQ changes. He makes noises in earnest, encouraging binghe while pressing his cheek to Liu Qingge's palm.
LQG feels his dubious control over the situation shake. He's watching SQQ fall apart, watching LBH make SQQ fall apart. Even his grief over not belonging weighs less heavily.
All that matters is being there for SQQ. For LBH too, if he thinks about it. They're learning, after all.
When Shen Qingqiu comes holding his hand, LQG feels himself shake, face fever hot, body tremulous. It's terrifying, this intimacy, this thing that's far from his...

LBH surfaces, eyes bright. If LQG doesn't know what to say, SQQ does. He wants a cock in him.
He's asking for what he wants, like LQG wanted, but fuck. To actually hear it from SQQ's mouth…

SQQ isn't done. "You first," he tells LQG, all lust addled. "Then Binghe."

This can't be real, but LBH only moves aside to lie down beside SQQ, leaving the space bt his legs open.
A space so wet, so soft & LQG's seen the kind of pleasure it brings SQQ. He can't deny shixiong, can't refuse now & invalidate SQQ's progress.

For progress sake LQG pushes aside robes, frees his dick & allows the tip to touch SQQ's shiny folds.
"Qingge," SQQ sighs. "Hurry."
LQG slips into SQQ's slick new cunt. It's electrifying, his instinct overriding every last thought so he finds himself moving w/out thinking.

He grabs SQQ's thigh, drags him close, helps himself to that heat & LBH has not a single objection. LQG lets it go. They'll fight later.
Right now, all LQG can think about is SQQ taking his hand, placing it on his clit saying, "Don't forget this."

LQG attends to it very generously. Education indeed.

Meanwhile, LBH leans over to messily kiss his shizun.
It's more than that, LQG notes. SQQ has also wandered near LBH's thighs. LQG has another crisis when Binghe's cock comes out. Something something colossal beasts are the cure for sadness. LQG wants it in his mouth so bad that he nearly sobs while roughly taking his shixiong.
Pressure builds to a familiar peak. "Don't stop, Qingge," SQQ groans. "In..inside is fine." He's blushing furiously, but he's serious if the way he's clenching is any clue.

So LQG comes, spills inside SQQ where even Binghe has never done.

Now, LBH shows his teeth.
He rises and kisses LQG's mouth. Between the intensity & teeth, there's a subtle taste that's all SQQ. LQG reels.

He barely protests when Binghe pushes him aside & nudges his own cock at SQQ's entrance. Shen qingqiu whines at the size, but LQG can tell he wants it.
2 back-back orgasms seem to have loosed SQQ's tongue, so LQG gets to watch him beg like he only heard on that fateful day at the inn. SQQ spreads wide & begs to be fucked by his husband's cock, all while mewling & hiding his face in LQG's chest.

It's filthy. LQG is transfixed.
He gets worked up again from the sight alone, all pretense of sex ed gone. When SQQ comes, LQG comes with him, his second orgasm in record time & untouched to boot.

He crests the wave & comes down with SQQ, both trembling & shakily seeking each other's mouths.
Despite his mouth sliding against SQQ's, Liu Qingge again gets inexplicably cold. It's the effect of the uncanny place between pushing his doubts aside to give into what he's wanted for so long & knowing it was all...academic.

It only heightens upon watching bingqiu kiss...
Interlude: can't decide if the next sex scene doesn't really belong here or if I'm just saying that bc I'm too lazy to write it. Merely imagine bingliu getting to do it while Shen qingqiu sleepily watches + LQG's requisite existential doubts.Or don't, I don't think it belongs 🤷‍♀️
When Liu Qingge wakes up, he's alone in the Bamboo house. Bingqiu have clearly taken time to make him comfortable given the fresh pillow & water to clean up & to drink.

But they're nowhere to be seen, & LQG is a bit awkward about having involuntarily slept somewhere Not Home.
He redresses & heads to the exit, when he catches a glimpse of bingqiu out the window. Binghe is resting peacefully on Shen Qingqiu's lap, idyllic & sweet. They're having tea & Liu Qingge spots the third cup - yet he tries & fails to imagine casually joining them there.
He wonders if he shouldn't. They've literally fucked, but perhaps Shen Qingqiu's oblique way of doing things is rubbing off. Liu Qingge, who has always been very sure of most things is now very unsure about what is said & what is meant. & that's not even thinking about Binghe...
As if on cue, the demon's voice carries over. "...the truth, shizun, I think this has gone on too long."

"This master understands," SQQ says.

"So, we'll tell Liu Qingge?" the glee in LBH's tone is palpable.

"Gently," SQQ warns. "He's been good to us."
"He's been infuriating," LBH grumbles. "Obtuse & oblivious. it's cute when shizun does it, but---"
"Binghe!" SQQ laughs, & LQG has heard enough.

He leaves the peak, angry that he fell for this not once but twice. & so sad that there's not a beast big enough to deal with it.
SQQ doesn't even wait a week to find him again w/ an invite to a night hunt.

"I foresee learning opportunities~" SQQ says & LQG pulls off the bandaid.

"Enough. Neither you nor I nor LBH want me to watch you fuck. Study on your own! 😤"
"Shidi!" SQQ is taken aback, but doesn't press more, but he looks so sad that LQG leaves before he feels ~bad~ about this.

Since he committed to be on peak, LQG can't run off again. Luckily, he managed to bully SQH into letting him keep his emotional support colossal beasts.
It's called the Hidden Hotsprings of Bai Zhan for a reason, but ofc binghe finds it easily & is judgmental about it. "What are these?"

"Under my protection," LQG sniffs. "Hurt them and die."
SQQ steps in. "Liu shidi, we're not here to hurt--"
"Hot spring."
LQG waves at the black & red Obsidian Turtle. "She's Hot spring."

"...we won't hurt Hot Spring," SQQ amends. "Wait, did you say them? like more than one?"

"She has a baby," LQG confesses. "Baby hot spring."

SQQ, known beast lover, makes a visible effort not to pry further.
Instead he notes that LQG seemed angry with him. "Shidi, perhaps there's been a misunderstanding..."

"Why must you involve me in your ridiculous games!" LQG counters. "Is this your revenge bc I said you two were bad at sex? If so, it's also bad and cowardly!"
"No!" SQQ replies. "I really have been communicating better with my husband - oh, but maybe not with you."


"You said cultivation partners were troublesome, but you...weren't opposed to it," SQQ says. "We thought like this, you might grow to like us. Non-academically."
Liu Qingge, not buying it. "What's a married couple need a cultivation partner for?"

Shen Qingqiu sighs. "Shidi, please stop being practical for a moment & think. If I'm bad at talking, then you really are bad at listening."

LQG thinks.
"You want me as your cultivation partner, because..." LQG thinks more. Hot Spring makes an encouraging noise.

"We like you." Luo Binghe finishes, then shrugs. "Sorry, shizun, he was going to take forever."

LQG's fight or flight kicks in. "Luo Binghe, do NOt be absurd!"
"You keep using that word," LBH mutters. "What, did you read *one* book?"

"Do you expect me to believe you suddenly decided to like me?" LQG demands, not heartsick.

"Not sudden," LBH says. "I think I liked you as long as I liked shizun."

& LQG is once again asking: what?
"Back when Qiong Ding peak was first attacked, it was you, me, & shizun against a demon army," LBH recalls. "We fought together. We fit. Doesn't shishu want that again?"

Stunned, LQG recalls that moment with crystal clarity.
He & Shen Qingqiu working side by side, LBH fiercely loyal & tenderly concerned.
After all that, LQG went everyday to treat Without A Cure - bc he had a duty & maybe also bc he wanted that little disciple to to see his shizun was safe.
& Binghe recalled that over their 5 years.
"It was good," Liu Qingge admits. "And...I do want that again."

Shen Qingqiu releases a breath. "Really, Liu Qingge?"

LQG, suddenly self conscious. "Well, if you changed your mind...!"

"Ofc not!" SQQ says, & he makes a swift move inside LQG's guard.
Liu Qingge recoils. "What are you doing?!"

SQQ hesitates, trades a glance with LBH again, then sighs. "Ah, shidi, I think in all this time spent learning, we were remiss in the basics. Will you demonstrate one more thing for us?"

LQG eyes them both. "Like what?"
"This," Shen Qingqiu says, moving to one side while Luo Binghe ghosts over to the other--

And Liu Qingge finds himself being kissed.


• • •

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