Players often find themselves getting deep in poker tournaments w/ just a tiny 🤏 stack
The old-school👴way of thinking is to just wait patiently for good hands. Ppl got a LOT better in the last decade. If u want to run deep u need to FIGHT for POTS
7 ways to Fight for Pots👇
1/ Steal blinds
Figure out which players fold their BB too much, don't check-raise enough, or play very passively vs your C bets, allowing you to realize equity (seeing turn/river) easily.
Whatever poker charts tell you, open 1 to 2 pips wider when these players are in the BB
2/ Three-Bet Attack
Identify players who open too much, don't 4 bet much, & play passively / overfold post-flop.... when these players raise, take the bottom of your calling range, or hands just below your calling range, and 3 bet the ones with good blocker qualities, as a bluff
3/ Defend the Big Blind a Lot,& Check-Raise
After calling from the BB. It's tempting to check-call draws/pairs to keep the pot small (old school) Instead consider CR your draws & bottom pairs that might get bluffed on turn. Fold them off equity rather than them doing it to you🤔
4/ Use Big Continuation Bets against the BB
When the flop has lots of draws that are in the big blind's range (think about which boards make for a lot of backdoor draws for the bb's trashy range) u want to consider using a 2/3rds pot bet w/ our trash & our vulnerable value hands
5/ Double Barrel Turns Often
When the turn is a card that hits you more than your opponent, you should bluff often
When against the bb & it's a card that's a blank for both of you, & there were a lot of draws on the flop, you should also bet & use a big size to fold out draws.
6/ Use small bets that don't need to work very often
People are scared to use small bets as bluffs. They feel like they did something wrong when it doesn't work. Train your 🧠to think more mathematically.
Bet 4k into 14k, it only needs to work 23% of the time to be profitable
Fighting for pots comes down to who wants it more. Pay attention to what opponents reveal about themselves both in & outside of hands they're in. You can use these clues to predict how they might react to aggression,& find pots to steal against them
btw 👇
To help you to run deep at #WSOP I'm hosting a FREE IN-PERSON training seminar. You'll learn:
$25k heads up today #wsop2022 ! Here is my opponent
Small lead, started with 150k chips got him down to 115k so far. Blinds up to 600/1200 now
Boom! Won the first match. Down to 32 players now and at 7pm will be playing the winner of the David Peters vs Jonathan Jaffe match #wsop2022 $25k heads up