The serious point behind this satire is (obviously) that the global mafia bribed, bullied or blackmailed nearly every institution and individual of signficance into supporting their odious #GreatReset.
They have done so from behind a vast smokescreen of lies, presenting their world enslavement project as woke do-gooding, as "philanthropy" guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Their weakest point is their desperate need to conceal the truth about their activities - they know they have zero social licence for a transhumanist world dictatorship.
Our most urgent task is therefore to tear down their giant wall of illusions to reveal the ugly truth beyond.
We need to question, to expose and, yes, to openly mock these conceited criminals.
"Keep your distance from each other, folks! No chatting! Remember, eye contact can spread misinformation! Keep your muzzles tightly fastened and your brains in stand-by mode!"
"We’ve been planning this show for a very long time indeed and we’re hellbent on making it a sizzling red-hot hit on a truly biblical scale!"
"The conflict in Ukraine benefits certain powerful global interests. It meets a myriad of their objectives. From their perspective, it is practically perfect"
"There are some intergovernmental organisations to which member states voluntarily cede all or part of their sovereignty. Examples include the UN, the WTO, the WHO and the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation (IFRS)"
"Some private institutions also have partnership agreements with the UN. For example, in 2019 the WEF, which describes itself as 'the international organization for public-private cooperation', signed a strategic partnership agreement with the UN"
Like many others, I have spent the whole of my adult life trying to understand what has gone wrong with our world and how we might identify and reach the path to a better future.
This is no easy task, given the number of lies, deceptions and traps deployed by the ruling caste so as to obstruct true understanding of the slave-system they have constructed and prevent any serious challenge to it.
But, like our sense of ethics, the Withway exists deep in our minds as an archetype of how we are meant to live. Therefore, even when we cannot yet formulate it ourselves, we can usually recognise it when we see it.
If this rejection happened in stages, the first stage would necessarily be a decentralization of power from the global level at which it is currently exercised.
But we can’t stop there. The decentralization has to go right down through the whole of society to the extent that it amounts to a reversal in the direction of power.
Anyone looking for a protesting day out in London this Spring might be interested in Private Equity International's Impact Investor Global Summit on May 18 & 19 at Hilton Tower Bridge...
Highlights include talks on "Opportunities in climate & tech impact" by Tony Clamp, Max Gottschalk and Tommy Stadlen plus "Taking stock of progress towards Sustainable Development Goals" by Michele Giddens.
Giddens co-founded Bridges Fund Management, which has branches in the UK, US and Israel, with "Sir" Ronald Cohen, friend of war criminal Tony Blair and chair of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment at Klaus Schwab's WEF.
We warn that Klaus Schwab's WEF is "spearheading a bid by corporations and financial institutions to 'monetize' nature on a global scale" and is promoting a Fourth Industrial Revolution.
2. X-axis: the money behind the greenwash
We warn that the climate “solutions” being proposed by fake-green wheeler-dealers "risk leading us into a nightmarish future of artifice, enslavement and corporate-controlled 'smart' fascism".