CranberryKay Profile picture
Jun 5 102 tweets 15 min read
It is Sunday - not Monday today. Fact. I am black or African, not Indian. Fact. It is Winter currently in South Africa - not Autumn. Fact. I am 37 not 27. Fact. I am happy - not forlorn. Relative. Questionable. Unable to verify.
Why is the last bit of information unattainable unto fact or fiction? Why is it grey? It is so because much of the information that we provide about ourselves and our situations cannot be validated factually by simply embarking on empirical research. Some information however is.
For instance - I am writing this piece on Sunday the 5th June 2022 South African Standard Time on the Gregorian calendar.
If I publish it on WordPress before midnight - it will register accordingly as I have written above and anyone checking my time of post from within SA and who operates on our time zone - will get the same information on the internet.
Someone looking at my work from a different time zone too will get the same time as me, but communicated in their time zone. It will therefore reflect as whatever time translated from mine but as it is factual within their time zone.
Everyone therefore, just by checking my posting time, can verify empirically that what I am writing is factual. True. Objective. Non contestable.
A simple study can iron out any confusion and ANYONE at all that desires to disagree on the matter can responsibly be written off as stubborn to embrace fact.
Similarly too - I could lie about my age and say it is fact that I am 27 - because believe it or not - at 37 - I do actually look 27.
I could get away with that lie anywhere and claim that instead I was born in August of 1994 as opposed to August of 1984 and that I am turning 28 as opposed to 38.
I would get away with it in the life of someone who does not care to fact check the information I have provided them.
Upon meeting a thorough and rigorous student of their world however - if I told that person that I am turning 28, it would be WISE of them and indeed, part and parcel of their personally to say to me: “Very well - lets verify that shall we?” Once they take my information and…
…then do a background check on me - and I mean a thorough one - they would pick up inconsistencies in my testimony. In my witness.
Even if they had no access to my ID book - just by sitting with me through a conversation that is inquisitive - they would learn that I was NOT a young child in the 2000’s - but rather one in the 90’s based on what I reminisce about.
They would learn that my twenties were in the early to mid 2000’s and not in the early to mid 2010’s just based on what I jump to call my JAM when the radio plays a song or something.
Even the fact that I said radio, as opposed to a podcast, or i-pod or Spotify says a lot about what time I am from.
They then can move onto looking around at who my friends are and based on their general age - make a feasible inference that I am either 10 years on average younger than all my friends, or I am flat out lying.
If then they met my relatives - I would once and for all get handled for lying.
They would laugh if the inquisitive fact checker enquired: “Hey, I am looking for Karabo, she’s about yay tall, dark skinned, kinda skinny, has a nose ring and is 27 years old” My relatives would respond by saying, no one here with that exact description lives here - but one…
…person comes close. She’s definitely named Karabo, is yay tall, dark skinned, kinda skinny and has a nose ring, but that woman is 37 - not 27!”
The fact checker would then return and comfortlessly embarrass me for lying.
If then I STUCK to my guns because he / she does not have EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that I am 37 as opposed to 27, aside from being a medical doctor that can use my body’s structure or something to prove I am lying, they would have to find my ID.
If they are sneaky enough - they could slip into my purse and access my drivers license or ID book.
Then boom, on that day I would be successfully proven a liar and any attempt on my part to argue to the contrary would render me either INSANE or stubborn in the presence of exculpatory evidence PROVING the veracity of the fact checker and the pathological lying state of my…
If however - the same fact checker came at me and asked: “Hey Karabo…how are you doing today?” and I responded: “Shwakker!!” They would be obliged to accept it as potentially true. Shwakker is South African slang for EXCELLENT!!!
Anyone asking that question cannot dispute its answer because there is no way of verifying the TRUTH of it. Or is there not?
Well, Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. (John 14:6) No spot or blemish dwells in Him and when He walked the earth - He could not even LIE about how he FELT!
If He did that - he would be bearing false witness therefore breaking one of the ten commandments and therefore could easily from that alone be debunked TRULY as the Son of God. (Exodus 20:16) Jesus did not lie even about being alright - if he was rather feeling sad.
If asked: “Are you cool LORD?” and He was not? His answer would very candidly have been: “NO. I am not cool. I am rather sad.”

Now on the person of that man…
The veracity of the existence of Jesus Christ has been empirically proven. He actually did live. The veracity of his death has been empirically proven. There are historical accounts of his crucifixion.
The fact that he DID die and not just pass out was also empirically proven by physicians who concluded that no human being could survive what he endured. The fact of his resurrection is also empirically proven.
He was sighted - multiple times, by multiple people at different places who all gave an account of it despite not knowing each other. They had no ulterior motive to lie about that - no reward was due to them if they lied.
It would have been deemed statistically ABSURD for them to just come together in that one agreement, having no incentive to do so - just for the sake of proliferating a lie.
The concept in stats is literally called ABSURD the way it is so unfathomable and thus HIGHLY UNLIKELY TO OCCUR. Look it up.
The fact also of the resurrection on its own was empirical evidence that He has power to raise people from the dead and many such risen dead ones were sighted too after the day He died and walked among the cities.
This too is from multiple documented witness accounts that would have been deemed statistically absurd to have done so just for the sake of proliferating a lie.
Being able to prove that He can raise people from the dead made the FACT of him being God empirically proven too simply by sound inference because it suggested that He had / has power to give perpetual or uninterrupted life or even restore interrupted life.
Otherwise known as eternal life. Having evidence therefore, empirical at that, that He has power to give eternal life - validates even further his status AS GOD because only gods are understood responsibly so by humanity as being the only ones who can do that.
He thus has functioned since then as the only “god” in the history of the human race - that has been fact checked successfully as such. The rest of the “gods” of the earth are operating their cults on nothing but anecdotal evidence and the blind faith of their followers.
Read a book called: “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. He came to Christ after trying to debunk Christianity as a FACT CHECKER and just could not.
Now since Jesus has been empirically proven to be the son of God who IS God Himself and can grant salvation - we therefore would be stubborn and irresponsible to reject WHO he says He is and what He says He can do for us in His revealed Word - the Bible.
How we know we can trust abstract empirically unprovable information coming from the mouth of a person is if upon fact checking other empirically provable information they have given us - they check out 100% of the time.
Jesus walked this earth in the time of which He said some pretty hectic things about Himself. Things that many today might call UNBELIEVABLE. That despite - they were true, believe it or not.
The Father fashioned things also in a way that after His death, for many years to come, NO ONE would be able to successfully debunk Him. That both science AND philosophy would rather VALIDATE Him instead of humiliate His testimony about Himself.
That Bible prophesy would be fulfilled to the T and that each time a person flatly and plainly very honesty SOUGHT HIM - they would find Him. That if they KNOCKED - He would open.
(Matthew 7:7) Therefore ANYONE who enters into an academically just interrogation of Jesus - would soundly conclude that he is the son of God.
By academically JUST I mean, someone who genuinely is happy to be humbled by the discovery of information in their pursuit of knowledge - even if that information might be uncomfortable for them to accept since they came into it hoping to rather disprove Him.
If a person will enter into an academically JUST pursuit of knowledge of Jesus - it would take them being overtly stubborn to reject the fact that HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS.
Anyone after that journey, who still rejects Him - would be guilty of defeatism against their own soul and of stubbornness.
Since then, Jesus has been proven as fact, we can therefore trust that because He IS GOD - He cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19) He cannot deceive and he cannot hence over promise and then under deliver.
If therefore the LORD says he is feeling unhappy - even if He says it with a smile on His face, based on the FACT of Him being proven as GOD - we must believe that He is unhappy and that His facial expression must be due to some other thing since it is incongruent with what He…
…is saying. Indeed we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) and that faith comes from HEARING and HEARING by Word of God. (Romans 10:17) Therefore to see the smile is to RATHER believe His Words OVER IT.
We know from the veracity of WHO He has been proven to be then - that even the things that He says that we can’t prove MUST BE TRUE TOO.
When therefore He says He will never leave nor forsake us - it is a fact. (Hebrews 13:5) When He says He loves us. (John 3:16) It is a fact. When He says He will deliver us from the fowlers snare. (Psalm 91) It is a fact.
When He says that He has given us authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy - it is fact.
(Luke 10:19) Anything at all that is HARD to believe coming from His mouth - we have the FACT that He has been proven as the SON OF GOD and is THUS GOD - to run with in believing everything He says.

That noted…
People look at my ridiculous life. They look at what appears to be my cursed life. They gaze upon my suffering and then conclude that I have made a mistake with this Jesus of mine.
They are aloof and are trying to get me to abandon ship because I apparently made a mistake in choosing Jesus as a way out of a harsh planet. They insist - since I am in South Africa - that I have abandoned my ancestors and that is why I have been met with such a rough fortune.
They desire that I should reconsider my walk since my life sucks so hard.

Well, well…My side now…
I instead pity them for being ill equipped to study information given them. I pity them for simply taking in their stride - the gods of their fathers and mothers. The gods of their countries, their cultures.
The gods even recommended by friends, media, and other forms of influence here on earth. I pity them because they are like ones who upon me telling them I am 27 would just run with it.
Based on the fact that I look 27 - they would then give me all that comes packaged with a 27 year old and so aid me in getting away with stealing a 27 year olds life, which I currently ACTUALLY AM LIVING…As it stands, I look younger than all of them because they will not let…
…me grow past a certain level. #Fools. They took away a decade of my life and in turn gave it all back to me. I am now like Benjamin Button! Any minute now and I might just end up an infant again. #Fools.
I pity them because albeit having the cognitive capacity to RESEARCH and so fact check their deities - they just wont.
They were born Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Jew, Jehovah’s witness - they were inducted into sorcery, ancestral worship, necromancy, they were told they were Leo’s or Aquarians, or Libra’s and so they ran with it.
They were introduced to Yoga as a cool thing to do - so they ran with it. Now they worship multiple deities and in their polytheism  have no clue that that is what they’re doing.
None of them have embarked on a fact checking mission to verify if their multiple god’s are INDEED God. Can INDEED protect them, give them sheltering from whatever happens after death. Guard them from whatever other people’s deities can do to them on earth.
Deities that are unholy and so they allow people to use them to steal, to kill and to destroy. (John 10:10) Who trusts a god that can help you take a woman’s fertility, husband, career, health? Who trusts a god that can help you kill an innocent person?
That god is NOT holy and so therefore by implication CANNOT be god. These gods too - cannot be validated or verified in light of all the various doctrines they reveal to their prophets.
No other book but the Bible has been fulfilled to the letter and is still being fulfilled because the world is not yet over. No other book has had 100% veracity in fulfilment of prophecy.
Other doctrines of this world have already NUMEROUS TIMES been proven false simply because their doctrines were invalidated by something else rather that happened instead of that prophecy. ONLY the Bible has stood the test of time.
People would know that if they just approached it with an academically just interrogation. It’s called apologetics and no unbiased truly scholastic soul has won a battle against the Word of God. Literally no one.
Anyone who appears to have won can be found to have deliberately disregarded portions of their arguments that were flunked. Basically - stubborn people who desire desperately to remain hell bound.
When therefore people who worship ancestors, and other foreign god’s gaze upon me with pity for being sorely mistaken about my chosen deity given the state of my life - I look back at them in pity and say: “How much study exactly have you embarked on to validate that your god…
…can be trusted to protect you from me?”
I stand here and I claim that I am going to lambaste all my enemies. That I am going to win a lawsuit. That I am going to get married to the baddest man in the game. That I am going to have the most gorgeous children on the block and then adopt even more gorgeous ones.
That I am going to be wealthier than all my enemies combined. That my family members are going to one day wish they did not leave me languishing in pain alone because I will one day be the only person they can run to for shelter.
That when I do rise - some people will want to die rather than be exposed but will fear MY GOD too much to take their lives because I never did during suffering and so how much unsafer are they to commit suicide?
This will mean they will live very sorrowful lives full of regret - but be unable to kill themselves. That I am going to be in a position to get people off the street - who tried to put ME on the street at some point.
That some of them will work for me because no one else will hire them. That I am going to influence all their children to abandon their gods and choose mine because I handled their parents.
That the day is coming when they will plead to negotiate terms of my settlement with them - so that a full law suit does not take away all their livelihoods.
That I will one day be in a position to DECIDE if they go to jail for doing this to me or simply get a slap on their wrist. Yes - that who JESUS told me I am.
Because I believe that He is the Son of God and is therefore GOD - I know that He cannot lie.
When therefore He repeats all the above prophecies to me over and over and over and over again to wean me off suicide ideation - I eventually REMEMBER that I STUDIED to CONFIRM HIM AS GOD so the above therefore MUST BE my future! My faith hence gets restored.
I, given all the above, am thus someone that every last one of my enemies is IN DIRE NEED of getting protected from.
Hence I wrote above: “How much study exactly have you embarked on to validate that your god can be trusted to protect you from me?” Because obviously - people who have broken me, need to be protected from what I have been promised. Can your gods deliver you from ME? Can they??
My God has promised that I will be the BANE of many of your existences. He therefore has given me a future that all of you who are my enemies need to SUCCESSFULLY STOP if you’ll come out alright in the end.
Since you have chosen gods - can they protect you from what my God intends to make out of my me and all my sorrow IN HANDLING ALL OF YOU?
Since also I am being propelled by a God I have chosen to trust because He has shown himself to be WHO HE IS - the only protection all of you who are my enemies have against me then, is YET another god. You cannot win in your own strength. So?
Do you have powerful enough gods to help you out with me?

My goodness - here’s the stats on these fools…
Right now - they all are relying on each other. They ignore me together. They pretend I am not dying together. They destroyed me together. They stuck to their guns together.
Today - they listen to me speak and write a whole bunch while acting like I am not languishing trying to survive their apathy TOGETHER.
Dear human beings, God created the universe including all of you. Conglomerating against ONE innocent person as a hoard is NOT going to protect you against a MIGHTY creator who commands the earth to quake and the oceans to ROAR!
Your consensus therefore that I should be disregarded is NOT going to save you from what I am going to become. That being because the PROVEN GOD is FOR ME and so therefore NO ONE can be against me.
(Romans 8:31) You need another god to help you come at me who has chosen Him and guess what? According to my PROVEN God - NONE EXISTS. (Isaiah 45:21-22)
Whoever therefore you trust and worship - is YET ANOTHER REBELLIOUS CREATION just like you and he has been made the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4) His name is Satan, was once Lucifer and he FELL out of heaven from trying to do what you all are trying to do now.
Take over the ONE TRUE GOD’s kingdom! (Isaiah 14:13) You’re trying to take my destiny from me. My kids, my hubby, my businesses, my peace, my joy, my love.
That which God freely gave me and you did all that using the power of a fallen angel that manifested himself in the numerous ways you bewitched me.
I might appear to be un-catered to - but what I am alongside it all, is still. (Psalm 46:10) I am calm, because I was told this would happen. My God who helped me foresee persecution told me to WAIT IN VALOUR THROUGH IT for not a single hair on my head will perish on that day.
The rest of this thread can be read here:…

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