"If abortions aren't safe neither are you" Graffiti and busted windows on far-right "crisis pregnancy center" Mountain Area Pregnancy Services in West Asheville #avlnews
"No forced births." Centers like this one are a key part of anti-abortion disinformation and harassment networks... #avlnews
"Whoever you are and wherever you are we are asking for you to do what you can to make your anger known."
The words used match that previously claimed the anonymous Jane's Revenge collective, which recently issued a public call for autonomous action #avlnews
Naturally the Asheville police quickly issued a promise to go after those who did this graffiti.
Despite its "progressive" marketing APD and #avlgov have consistently catered to the far-right, anti-abortion zealots are no exception. #avlgov
Asheville is a heavily left-leaning city, including support for abortion rights, so this kind of rage and action is far from surprising. #avlnews