After successful missions against key Cognitor Banks, #Ultramarines First Captain Agemman decides to launch a major strike against a major Genestealer concentration aboard the SpaceHulk codified *Final Absolution*. (1/n) #WarhammerCommunity#SpaceHulk
So as to maximise the likelihood of successfully infiltrating deep into the Genestealer-held territory, Tactical Command on board the #Ultramarines Battlebarge *Caesar*, has ordered a decoy operation mounted to deceive the Swarm as to the Space Marines objective. (2/n) #SpaceHulk
Brother-Sgts @aquestingvole and @mcribbHistory, rearmed and repaired, are selected for the honour of conducting the decoy strike. Clad in the finest armour of the Imperium, and armed with bolter and blade, They Know No Fear. Not even that of being simple bait.. (3/n) #SpaceHulk
Both Squads deploy with an ease borne from centuries of experience, adopting Codex-approved tactical dispositions. As ever, Brother Stay Behind and Brother Last Astartes take up overwatch positions to secure their rear against Genestealer infiltration. (4/n) #SpaceHulk#WH40k
Trusting initially to speed to reach their objective, both squads make steady progress. However, an apparent mis-communication for the withdrawal of their overwatch becomes a fatal error. Brother Stay Behind becomes isolated and over-ran. (5/n) #SpaceHulk#WarhammerCommunity
The Genestealers just require a single crack, into which the Swarm will rip. Within moments, Brother Last Astartes is also ripped apart in a frenzy of alien claws. Casualties are mounting and the Swarm rushes forward eager to claim the rest of the Ultramarines! (6/n). #SpaceHulk
Progress is swift until barred by the unbridled fury of Brother Flamius & the cleansing wrath of his Heavy Flamer. Frenzied the Genestealer swarm may be, but they cannot pass the swathes of burning promethium. Brother Flamius buys his Battle-Brothers critical, crucial time. (7/n)
Slowly, the Ultramarines make for their extraction point, the mass of swarming Genestealers evidence of their success in distracting the Hive Mind. With several Battle-Brothers extracted, Brother-Sgt @mcribbHistory reached the exit & safety. (8/n) #SpaceHulk#WarhammerCommunity
Behind him, a collapsing perimeter is ever more strained as Genestealers attack from multiple vectors. Despite his name, Brother Genericus is anything but! With Bolter and Powerfist, a display of exemplary martial skill sees him cut free to the extraction point. (9/n) #SpaceHulk
At the last, it falls to Brother-Sgt @aquestingvole. Veteran of centuries, storied legend of the #Ultramarines First Company. He steels his soul, readies his blade and bolter. Chapter litanies on his lips, he dies in the dark, ripped apart by cold, merciless alien fury. (10/n)
Despite successfully distracting significant Genestealer numbers, with own losses of 60%, #Ultramarines Command will still assess this as a Mission Loss, and a potential setback to the wider operation onboard the *Final Absolution*. Re-evaluation will now have to occur. (11/n)
However, no serious fault can be ascribed to the combat actions or leadership of Brother-Sgts @aquestingvole or @mcribbHistory, who were faced with almost impossible odds. They demonstrated #CourageandHonour worthy of any Hero of the Ultramarines First Company. (12/n). #SpaceHulk
Deep within the SpaceHulk *Final Absolution*, the Hive Mind is rapidly reaching full-awareness. It has yet to reveal its deadliest creatures and has learned much of the #Ultramarines, their tactics and operations. For now, it bides its time, before it will strike. (13/n) #WH40K
Another cracking game; thanks gents! A Genestealer win, though (very) hard fought. Campaign continues next week. As ever, thanks so much for reading and all the comments - massively appreciated! (13/13)
As you might be aware, after two years of virtual wargaming, @Joe_Wargamer came to stay for four days of wargaming over the recent June Bank Holiday. (1/n) #spreadthelard
Whilst we played a lot of games over the visit, including some epic #SpaceHulk missions and also an introductory game of #AdeptusTitanicus for Joe, in discussions before the visit we’d decided that the main focus would be to try play out a full PSC over the 3 or 4 days. (2/n)
In attempting to leverage Joe’s amazing terrain and tables, as well as our existing miniature collections we settled on the Operation Martlet PSC. Given the diversity of tables, range of support options and broad tactical mission arc, it seemed like a good choice. (3/n)
(Thread). Outside the small village of Skrunda, located on the Courland Peninsula, mid-November 1944. 14.Pz.Div infantry strengthen their defensive positions amongst the ramshackle wooden houses, small village church and a perimeter line of slit trenches, and bunker. #BoltAction
Forward of the line of slit trenches, the ground is interspersed with pockets of dense coniferous forestry, patches of waterlogged marsh and small ponds. German officers have sited their defences accordingly, hoping to canalise the approaching Soviets into their MG kill zones.
As dawn slowly breaks, shapes materialise in the mist - lead elements of the 52nd Guards Division, 6 Guards Army advance forward. Veterans themselves of the long slog westwards, they form up with impressive discipline, moving swiftly through the difficult, though open terrain.
(Thread. Context: testing ‘Fury in the Hedgerows’, an introductory #chainofcommand game I’m hosting for any interested beginners at #VirtualLard6).
Date: 13 June 1944.
Location: 1.5km SW, Carentan, Normandy.
Terrain: Bocage, fields, small tree-lined stream, farm outbuildings.
Following pre-Hr fires at 0530, the lead elements of I/SS.PzG.Regt.37. cross their start lines heading towards Carentan leading the German efforts to retake the crucial town. Deploying from the left flank JOP, the Schwerpunkt forms up around 2 PzGrenadier sections, SL & Pzshrek.
Almost immediately the lead Zug comes into contact with elements of 506th PIR, 101st US Airborne. A .50 cal HMG position is well sited, covering the Bocage-lined lane. This will provide a solid fulcrum point for the US platoon as the firefight develops.
(Thread). AAR. At 063hrs D+2, Normandy, France, June 1944. 21. Pz Div Aufklarüngs Abteilung elements creep forward to occupy a Start Line Position along edge of wheat fields from bridge. Sdkfz 222 and 223 provide overwatch whilst 8cm mortar crew establishes position behind barn.
Sdkfz 223 provides MG overwatch for heavily-armed PzGrenadier sections creeping forward using cover provided by local farm buildings and trees. Central road approaches the bridge and is key to movement of wheeled vehicles unable to traverse rough fields.
A Kradschützen section, quietly but quickly moved into and established a firing position shielded by the still smouldering Sdkfz 251. Once engagement commenced, accurate and heavy Bren gun fire would force their withdrawal and efforts to find an alternative route forward.
0630hrs D+2, Normandy, France, June 1944. Elements of @Joe_Wargamer 21st Pz Div renew efforts to break through (my) isolated 6th British Airborne forces holding a key river crossing on a small tributary of the Orne River.
All set up for this evenings clash!
Smouldering German halftracks from an earlier armoured column which ran headlong into British forces during the hours of darkness.
Regrouping, 21st Pz Div incl. Aukklarüngs Abteilung elements are tasked w/seizing the bridge and clearing whatever British forces are in place.
Elements of 6th Airborne (estimated Pl-minus) have been digging in hard during the night, constructing slit trenches with good fields of fire out across the surrounding wheat fields. A weighted German attack is both likely and expected.