The first pandemic where we could divide society into essential and non-essential (not haves and have nots)
The first pandemic in the social media age
The first pandemic requiring the censorship of the unclean
(Get vaccinated)
The first pandemic we moralized (dirty unvaccinated)
So many firsts...
The first time we attributed deaths with vs cause of a disease
The first pandemic where being a agoraphobic made you a hero ❤️
(It's not a social anxiety disorder)
The first time we divided society based on a pandemic
Vaccinated, unvaccinated, symptomatic, asymptomatic, at risk, not at risk (just kidding we can't discuss whose at risk)
The first time we decided on emergency measures (I keep wondering how we survived the Asian Flu), I mean we had Woodstock during a pandemic 👀
The first time we refused to define a beginning or end to our emergency
The first pandemic where the Mainstream Media was dying and they don't want to let go
If it bleeds it leads...
The last pandemic of the old media age
But it's working less and less well for them
People are finally starting to ignore, Health Canada, the CDC, FDA, Fauci, Tam, Juni, etc
The last pandemic of the experts
Let it die with a whimper and let every election hereafter support those who seek not to control you
Let's make decisions again for ourselves, the tyranny of experts, the tyranny of not being permitted to make your own decisions must be rejected.