Sam was silent while Britney experienced horrific abuse. Britney knew if she spoke publicly Scam Asghari would STAY SILENT. With no one on her side the public would say "She's Britney Spears, she has everything" #samwassilent#freebritney
The silence of Scam Asghari -A thread
Sam was silent when Britney wasn't allowed to visit anyone her team didn't approve including friends she had known for years (Lance Bass, Brian Friedman) and friends she made in AA who lived 8 minutes away!
Sam is of course free to see who he likes #samwassilent
Sam 𝗐̶𝖺̶𝗌̶ ̶𝗌̶𝗂̶𝗅̶𝖾̶𝗇̶𝗍̶ spread Jamie's lie that Britney chose to enter a Mental Health Facility. She was forced against her will because she refused a dance move. She was forced to work 10 hrs a day 7 days week Sam-"It's a sign of absolute strength/ She's doing amazing"