"site:twitter.com/caitoz lithuania"
Hey @caitoz i'm trying to find your tweets about Lithuania you made before this current one. You surely didn't just find interest in it when Russia started threatening them, did you?
That would be really awkward @caitoz, if you were accusing people of doing something you were actually doing. You must've made tons of tweets about Lithuania before Russia threatened them. Did you hide them?
I tried searching your website for the lost volumes of writing on Lithuania you made previous to Russia threatening them. Nothing.
I did however find pharmacy spam on your website, @caitoz.
User posts about:
LGBT's forcing electric cars on people
Putin gas stronk
Europe is the actual Nazis here
Vaccines bad, rawr
US weapons used to fire on poor innocent Donbasians :( :(
I feel like once you get past a certain number of tropes or believes these people buy into and propagate, it doesn't matter if they are literal bots or not. They are acting in a scripted manner forwarding nonsense like the video in OP.