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Jun 21, 2022 96 tweets 12 min read Read on X
#sunaosa | NSFW, Vampire!Suna, mild descriptions of blood and blood drinking
Osamu has never felt so played by himself in his entire life. He came up with this idea amidst barely holding back from combusting on the spot, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt like an Albert Einstein incarnate.
See, him and his best friend since high school, one Suna Rintarou, has already entered a somewhat of a twilight zone. They have recently moved in together into a shared ratty apartment to attend their respective colleges in Tokyo, which was already pushing it in Osamu's books.
The stress of having their entire lives uprooted and thrown into a seemingly never-ending loop of bureaucracy, formalities, government forms and other charms of adulting was enough in and of itself.
Osamu’s helpless, embarrassing and overwhelming crush on his best friend now also roommate didn’t help his case, not in the slightest.
And then, another issue threw Osamu’s meager attempts at retaining any sense of normalcy right out of the window. Suna will not be getting his blood supply for a few weeks due to the local university blood bank being backed up with the influx of new vampire students.
This unfortunate, truly sitcom-worthy chain of events led Osamu to his current predicament, sitting on their shared couch in only his boxers with his thighs spread wide to accommodate Suna making himself comfortable in between them on the floor.
“Don’t worry, Samu, it’s going to be barely a sting,” Suna says quietly, his palm hot and heavy on the plush skin of Osamu’s inner thigh.
This is not what I’m worried about at all, Osamu almost lets slip, distracted with Suna’s thumb rubbing gentle circles against his leg, but bites his tongue at the last second.
Osamu offered Suna to feed on him while the blood supply problem is getting resolved with purest of intentions. Well, maybe not /the purest/, but he genuinely wanted Suna comfortable and healthy.
So what if Osamu is also unable to deny Suna absolutely anything and would probably let him suck him dry like a CapriSun.
The first time Suna did it, Osamu realized how truly fucked he is. His friend was gentle and apologetic, offering to back out of it a thousand times before tentatively fitting his face in the crook of Osamu’s neck and going for it.
When the initial shock of intense pain subsided, Osamu could barely hold on until it was over.
The feeling of Suna’s cool hands gripping at his shoulders, his breath ghosting against the sensitive skin of Osamu’s neck, the way his adorable fluffy hair tickled his nose, it was all too much.
He was rooted in place, scared to even blink and not knowing where to put his hands until Suna gently guided them to rest at the small of his back.
That way, Osamu was cursed to feel every shuddering gulp Suna made, clearly trying to hold himself back and not bruise Osamu by sucking too fast. And then, the sounds came.
Osamu barely contained a whimper of his own when Suna sighed against his skin, fidgeting in place. “You taste nice, Samu”, Suna had said then, and Osamu could not ignore how hard he was in his sweatpants any longer.
Suna started moving his hand then, long gentle strokes against his shoulder, then his chest and neck. “Sorry, I just need to get your blood flowing towards the bite,” Suna mumbled apologetically, continuing his gentle petting, blissfully unaware of how Osamu gathered all of
his willpower to stop shivers of arousal from being too obvious and his thighs from rubbing together.
He sat there, stiff and delirious, for what felt like hours, reveling in the feeling of Suna’s fingers catching on his sensitive nipple on the upstroke, his quiet sighs and groans against his neck, the feel of his lovely, narrow waist growing warmer the longer he drank.
Needless to say, when Suna finally detached from his skin, giving it a few soothing licks to close the wound, Osamu all but bolted into his room, leaving Suna dumbfounded on the floor of their living room.
It took Osamu a grand total of three furious strokes over his cock, diamond-hard and leaking, before he was coming all over his hand and abdomen.
Guilt had set in immediately after. What kind of a deranged pervert he was, to take advantage of his best friend in the time of need like that, when all Suna wanted was to just eat and not get ill from withdrawals.
Osamu even offered to help completely unprompted, and now he has to come up with a convincing enough explanation as to why he could absolutely not continue letting Suna feed off him.
Osamu almost punched himself in the face when amidst his crisis of consciousness, he heard Suna knock lightly on the door to his bedroom, followed by a quiet apology.
After nearly escaping death by gutting himself on a desk corner in his haste to open the door and squaring up with God himself to never hear Suna sound so small and dejected, they embarked on a painfully awkward discussion of the feeding situation.
Osamu stuttered and blushed through a half-assed explanation that Suna did nothing wrong, it was just painful and a little intense, and he just overreacted and made things awkward for no reason.
Osamu feels unbearably guilty for essentially gaslighting Suna into thinking Osamu just got hurt, but it’s still so much better from the horrifying truth where Osamu just enjoyed the oddly homoerotic experience of vampire feeding and the feeling of Suna satisfying
himself on his blood so much he almost creamed his pants like a teenager.
But Suna seems to latch onto the idea of making the experience more comfortable for Osamu, so he decides to play along and hopefully find a less compromising way having a meltdown while they do it.
On a quest to hunt for some viable ideas on the internet Osamu notices an article about top least painful parts of your body to get bitten by a vampire.
Oh yeah, now we’re talking, Osamu thinks in anticipation as he waits for the page to load. He skims through it and nudges Suna to take a look. Osamu honestly knows jack shit about this kind of thing.
For all he knows, having sharp fangs pierce through your skin is equally painful no matter the placement of the bite. However, Suna seems to agree with the points made by the author, encouraging Osamu to pick an option from the list to try for their next time.
Osamu shivers at the prospect of there being a next time, even though he knows Suna will have to feed again in a few days. He weighs his options and picks one that would make Suna stray as far away from his neck and chest as possible.
He doesn’t really believe a bite to the inner thigh would be any less painful than the one to the neck, but at that moment, the decision felt like a win.
In hindsight, Osamu knew that the resolution to his problem could not be this simple. He also knew that the mere presence of Suna next to him lowered his IQ points to room temperature and rendered his decision-making skills practically nonexistent.
And because karma is a bitch, he is going to pay for his unsolicited lust in full.
Osamu swallows audibly and hopes to God he looks at least marginally less wrecked than he feels. It’s one thing to have guilt-ridden fantasies about his best friend positioning himself between his thighs for the purpose of some x-rated activities.
But this, seeing him actually sit there, looking almost nervous, with his long fingers dancing across Osamu’s naked thighs is something he belatedly realized he is completely unprepared for.
“Okay, uhh, I’ll bite you now,” Suna stammers, his voice strained and thick with emotions Osamu is not equipped to reflect on in his predicament. He just stares, as if hypnotized, as Suna leans in almost flush with the tight skin of the junktion between his thigh and his groin.
Osamu’s dick gives a visible twitch, but Suna is too focused on gently prodding at the patch of soft skin high on Osamu’s thigh where his dark body hair was rubbed clean with lifelong friction of his legs sliding against each other while he’s walking.
It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion, paralyzed by the inevitable force of momentum that’s going to throw two vehicles against each other. Suna leans in closer. Osamu forgets to breathe all together when his sharp fangs finally breach his skin.
Arousal shoots through him like a lightning bolt, and he is left vertiginous with how fast his cock starts to fill.
He prays for pain to come soon, and his stomach drops when he remembers that it’s /not supposed to hurt/, he made sure of it himself by having them follow the advice of that godforsaken article.
Now, he has no distraction from the delicious pull of Suna sucking on his skin, from shockwaves Suna’s fingers squeezing and rubbing at his thighs send through his entire body.
Osamu feels on the verge of passing out, his whole face ablaze, torn between terror and indescribable arousal.

“Rin!’ he wheezes, voice hoarse like sandpaper. “Rin, please, stop, I can’t do it, please!”
Suna focuses his sharp gaze on Osamu’s face, eyes wide. He stops sucking also, just rests his lips against the edges of the twin wounds on Osamu’s skin.
Suna pulls away slightly from Osamu’s thigh, eyes roaming Osamu’s body for any kind of immediate visible signs of distress. It’s inevitable now, Osamu thinks as he covers his flaming face with his palms.
Their friendship is ruined, the whole situation is very much on the verge of sexual assault, Suna will undoubtedly feel hurt and violated, and all because he couldn’t be a good fucking friend and keep it in his pants.
From the way Suna’s fingers stop moving, his shoulder stiffening where Osamu’s knees lean against them, he knows his best friend has finally noticed his raging erection straining against the thin fabric of his boxer briefs.
Osamu can feel wetness where he’d leaked precum against his underwear, dear god. He really needs to get up and go look for the next available flight to Antarctica where he can endure the rest of his brief and miserable life in solitude.
“Osamu,” Suna begins and goes quiet again. Osamu wants the ground to open and swallow him whole before he has to hear just how much he’d fucked up.
“Osamu, please look at me,” Suna says oh so painfully softly. Osamu is entirely undeserving of such tact, so he shakes his head violently as he feels his eyes start to sting.
“Okay, keep hiding then,” Suna chuckles. “I’m just going to tell you anyway. I, uhh, I like you, Osamu. I /like/ like you, you know. I was so ecstatic when you offered to have me feed off you.
I know it was unfair to you to agree, but I am selfish and I just wanted to be closer to you, like we were actual lovers sharing intimate moments.”
Suna sniffs as his voice breaks on the last word. Osamu couldn’t believe his ears. He must be dreaming. That’s it, that’s the only possible explanation. There is no way Suna, his best friend Suna, smart, witty, gentle, kind, gorgeous, hot, blindingly lovely Suna is into him.
Osamu removes his palms from his face to make sure he is not in some kind of cruel sleep paralysis loop, discreetly pinching his forearm for good measure. Nothing changes.
Suna is still there, sitting on the floor between his legs, his eyes shiny and his whole expression is pinched and earnest, and it would be funny with the way Osamu’s hardon is literally almost in his face if Osamu himself was able to process any coherent thought aside from
/holy shit Suna likes me/.
“I’m sorry, Osamu. I know this is a lot to process.
I took advantage of you, and I felt so guilty, but I just…I like you so much,” Suna looks down to his shaking hands, expression pained. “I knew biting you here could have this effect, and for a second, I selfishly fantasized that your reaction could be because of me.
I’m so sorry, Osamu, I-”
“Rin, I like you too,” Osamu blurts out, unable to listen to another apology. “It was me who took advantage of you. Last time…uhh…when you bit my neck…” he trails off.

“Yeah, you were uncomfortable,” Suna offers hesitantly.
“No, Rin, I got so hard I almost came in my pants. And frankly, it has nothing to do with the whole biting thing. You just have this effect on me, you know. I really /really/ like you, too.”
Osamu feels like he just ran a marathon. He just stares at Suna’s bewildered, hopeful expression and breathes.

“Osamu,” Suna finally says, his voice pitched oddly low. “I know we need to talk about how we mutually tricked each other into role-playing lovers-”
“Yeah, we do. I feel horrible, Rin,” Osamu interrupts, giving Suna a small, hesitant smile. Suna returns it with a smile of his own.
“Don’t even get me started right now, I thought I’m gonna grow bold during these past few days,” Suna grimaces, his nose adorably scrunched up. “But for now…”

Suna leans closer to Osamu’s thigh again, looking pointedly at the wound and then back at Osamu.

“Can I keep going?”
Osamu nods, not trusting his voice in the slightest.
Suna latches on to his inner thigh immediately, but this time Osamu doesn’t have a good enough reason to hide his reactions. He moans loud and unrestrained, the divine suction of Suna’s mouth resonates directly to the base of his cock.
Suna hums against his skin, sounding entirely too pleased, and cups Osamu’s erection through his underwear with his free hand.
Osamu’s responding shouts takes them both by surprise, Osamu casting Suna a bashful glance. Suna’s eyes shine with mirth, pupils blown so wide the vivid green of his eyerice is barely visible in the low light.
Suna resumes his feeding as he shamelessly snakes his hand up the leg of Osamu’s boxers to touch him without annoying fabric in the way.
His eyes flutter closed and he moans as he rubs the slick head of Osamu’s cock, collecting the precum gathered there to slick him to the very base. Osamu couldn’t stop the noises spilling past his lips, desperate whines mixed in with choked pleas and Suna’s name.
Suna seems to be unable to keep quiet too, sighing and groaning around Osamu’s skin, his whole body twitching and shifting between Osamu’s legs.
Suna cups Osamu’s heavy sac gently, massaging his balls with slick fingers as Osamu gurgles keening nonsense and holds onto the couch cushions for dear life with a white-knickled grip.
Suna starts moving his other hand too, stroking against his thigh to ease the blood directly to the wound. Osamu is not sure there is any spare blood left in his body with how painfully heavy his cock feels.
Suna leaves his sensitive balls now in favor of starting a nice rhythm stroking Osamu’s cock.
Osamu’s eyes roll back, his head hitting the back of the couch and he can only stare helplessly at the poorly plastered ceiling as Suna goes all out, twisting his fingers across the head and tightening his fist on his way down to the base.
Osamu tries his best to keep still, but his hips buck uncontrollably at a particularly tight pull of Suna’s hand and Suna moans appreciatively, encouraging him.
“Rin, ‘m close,” Osamu pants, feeling the tell-tale clench in his abdomen and the tightening of his balls. Suna speeds up his hand, the squelching sounds a testament to how /wet/ Osamu is for him making his cheeks burn hotter.
He attempts to look back at Suna, wanting to see his wet dream come true as he comes, and chokes on a moan.
Suna is flushed a deep crimson at the sharp points of his cheekbones and across the bridge of his nose. His eyes are closed, moans streaming from his mouth freely and reverberating against Osamu’s oversensitive skin.
His body keeps shifting slightly, and Osamu realizes in awe that it’s because of his hips rolling and humping against nothing. Osamu barely notices what he’s doing when he brings his hands up to his chest to pinch at his puffy, sensitive nipples roughly.
Suna opens his eyes, hazy and unfocused, as he takes in Osamu teetering on the edge of orgasm, and keens loud enough to carry throughout their entire apartment even muffles against Osamu’s skin.
Osamu snaps, his vision whites out completely, as he comes in long, thick spurts into his underwear and over Suna’s fist. He doesn’t know what kind of noises he’s making through the ringing in his ears, but he must be loud judging by the scratchiness in his throat.
His hips shoot off the couch, but Suna still manages to keep touching him, milking him through his orgasm in tight, languid strokes.
When Osamu becomes aware of his surroundings he finally opens his eyes to look down at Suna. He looks positively edible, flushed and disheveled, with his hand still up Osamu’s underwear.
Osamu whines hoarsely at the overwhelming sensation of Suna’s fingers playing lightly with his oversensitive shaft.
“Cmere, Rin,” he croaks, reaching for Suna on the floor. Suna raises to his feet cautiously, groaning and shaking his legs out one at a time before plopping gracelessly in Osamu’s lap.
He winds his long arms around Osamu’s shoulder and leans in for a gentle kiss, lips moving lightly against Osamu’s own. Osamu feels his stomach tighten, giddy flush spilling past his face onto his neck and ears.
He circles Suna’s waist with one hand, the other going to the front of his pants to give him much needed relief. He tugs at the waistband of Suna’s sweatpants and reaches past it inside Suna’s underwear to find Suna almost completely soft, sticky come cooling on his skin.
He shoots Suna an incredulous look and he flushes, eyes downcast as he squirms on Osamu’s lap and tugs his hand out of his pants.
“Don’t look at me like that, you should see yourself and hear the noises you make,” Suna mumbles, petulant and pouty and unbearably endearing.
Osamu squeezes him in a tight embrace as they both sag against the back of the couch, Suna’s face smushed on Osamu’s chest, hands tucked between them.
“Sooo…” Suna drawls, shooting Osamu a coy look from under his lashes. “Should we try other 9 safe places to be bitten by a vampire?”

Osamu snorts back at him.

“It’s your pick next time.”
// i birthed this stream of horny consciousness in one sitting and it felt like an out of body experience, please be easy on me

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#sunaosa | a/b/o dynamic, strangers to lovers, university au, rated T for now

Part 1 of 3 (bcs time management is my nemesis)

HAPPY BIRTH @onigiriimiya <3
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