Here's where we get to the intriguing backstory I mentioned at the start of this thread.
Seated behind Shaye Moss and next to Ruby Freeman at today's @January6thCmte hearing were two of their lawyers, Mike Gottlieb & Meryl Governski.
(They're to the left of Ruby in the red.) 5/
So why do I mention these two lawyers?
For nearly six years, Gottlieb & Governski have been developing a playbook for how the law can combat viral conspiracy theories and defend victims.
Stop the Steal 1.0?✅
Seth Rich's brother?✅
For years I've followed Gottlieb and Governski's work — and the work of the lawyers they team up with — as part of my book reporting about the Seth Rich saga.
These lawyers would be the first to tell you that today belongs to Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman.
You really should watch their testimony if you haven't:
However, if you want to know the inside story of how a small band of lawyers fought viral lies... 8/
...well, I've got a book for you.
I spent years watching Gottlieb, Governski, and their colleagues figure out how to fight for truth and facts in this truth-challenged era of ours.
It's in my upcoming book. Check it out — and thanks for following along.
Post-script: If you want to read more about these lawyers' work on behalf of Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman partnering with @protctdemocracy, there's a wealth of information here:…
Post-script 2: Lawyer Mike Gottlieb, who I wrote about in my thread, spoke to CNN’s @brikeilarcnn about Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman’s testimony and their lawsuits against The Gateway Pundit and Rudy Giuliani.
BIDEN at 1st press conf: "My Republican colleagues are going to have to determine whether we want to work together or decide if they want to proceed to just divide the country, continue the politics of division."
He adds: "I've been hired to solve problems, not create division."
BIDEN: From 1917 to 1971, there were 58 motions to break a filibuster.
In 2020 alone, he says, there were five times that many.
"It's been abused in a gigantic way. People got tired of talking and tired of collapsing."
Says he "strongly" supports talking filibuster reform.
That said, Biden went even further in his comments about the filibuster.
He said he had an open mind about restoring the talking filibuster.
But he left the door open to further changes to the filibuster on "fundamental" issues like voting rights.
As someone who's spent, conservatively, thousands of hours reporting on and thinking about Seth Rich, Fox News, and conspiracy theories, the timing of the settlement highlighted in @benyt's new column doesn't infuriate me as much as the substance of it 1/x…
What's infuriating is the absence of any contrition, apology, or remediation by Fox, especially @seanhannity.
As I've reported, Hannity arguably did more than anyone else to amplify the baseless, discredited, and cruel conspiracy theories about Seth. 2/x…
.@seanhannity hyped it on multiple nights on his Fox show, on his radio show, and on Twitter. We're talking about a combined potential audience here of ~tens of millions of people.~
Imagine one of the loudest voices in TV saying the following about your dead brother or dead son:
Tom Clare, lawyer for Dominion Voting Systems, tells reporters just now that Dominion's $1.3 billion suit against Sidney Powell "is the first in a series of legal steps Dominion will be taking. But the process of setting the record straight starts today with" Powell suit.
Tom Clare seems to suggest — but only suggest — that media companies who amplified the conspiracy theories about Dominion spread by Sidney Powell could face future legal action.
Tom Clare, Dominion's lawyer, won't rule out suing @realDonaldTrump for pushing Dominion conspiracy theories.
"We have not ruled anyone out. We are looking very deliberately at the actions of everyone who has been involved in talking about Dominion."
This one takes a bit of explaining, so bear with me.
In May 2017, @FoxNews published its now-infamous story claiming Seth Rich was WikiLeaks' source for the DNC email hack... 1/x
Fox's story went viral. It amplified the claim that the DNC hack was an inside job — and Rich was the insider.
The key source in the story was an unnamed "federal investigator" who had reviewed an "FBI forensic report" and said there were "emails between Rich & WikiLeaks"... 2/x
If you want to understand how Fox News creates alternate realities, and how baseless theories flourish in those alt-realities, read my new story about Fox News, Seth Rich, and his family's fight for justice. 1/x…
What I don't mention in this story is the personal angle.
Seth was roughly my age. Friends in common. We came to DC after college hoping to leave a mark on the world.
When he was killed, it hit home. It could've been me walking home late at night. Wrong place, wrong time. 2/x
I felt drawn to his story partly for that reason.
But also after seeing what his family has gone through in the past 4 years.
The Riches are not DC insiders. They never wanted to be drawn into this. But they've said they had to do it to restore Seth's reputation and memory. 3/x