"The family of a top advisor to Bill Clinton who admitted Jeffrey Epstein to the White House multiple times during his presidency is pulling out all the stops to keep details of his mysterious death becoming public." - DM
🧐 dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
"The Clinton aide was also one of the many passengers to fly on Epstein's jet, known as the 'Lolita Express'...
The married father-of-two, who lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, shot himself at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, 30 miles away from his home.."
Heifer International is in the business of ending hunger and poverty worldwide
Oh bless! They're offering a free goat tote when you make a monthly gift ... heifer.org
"World #ARK Magazine is is an exclusive publication of Heifer International distributed to our donors. "
"The award-winning, environmentally friendly campus was constructed by Heifer International on the site opposite the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. "
"A few months after former US President Bill Clinton's moneyman Mark Middleton's body was found hanging from a tree with an electrical-chord around his neck and had a shotgun blast through his chest."
"Christopher Sign, Alabama news anchor who broke Clinton tarmac story, dead at 45 " June 13th 2022
According to Erik Prince, Unplugged's CTO built a phone that controls most of the world's pacemakers. 🤔
MIT Technology Review
"Erik Prince wants to sell you a “secure” smartphone that’s too good to be true
MIT Technology Review obtained Prince’s investor presentation for the “RedPill Phone,” which promises more than it could possibly deliver." technologyreview.com/2022/08/19/105…
The Times :
" Andrew Tate gets no love from his Cork cousins.
Tate’s Irish ancestry traces back to his great-great-grandfather Arnold Ashleigh, a British soldier stationed in Ireland" archive.is/eBsgN
" Tate’s mother, Eileen Tate, née Ashleigh, was born in Luton to Douglas Patrick Ashleigh, an Irish expat who moved from Limerick to Luton in the 1950s."
BBC : "Andrew Tate's first Romanian address is a far cry from the glitzy lifestyle he paraded in Bucharest before his detention - it's a squat, three-storey building with yellow walls, a short drive from the village of Sacele."..
"The villa at the end of Strada Narciselor sits at the end of a perilous road, ...
Inside it's divided into small functional apartments. This is where, in apartments 9 and 17, the Tate brothers began building their Romanian business empire.. bbc.com/news/world-eur…
"Vasile Mezdrea, a local developer, sold them the properties ..
"They paid in instalments ..," he said. "They had no car in those days - they used to take their girlfriends out shopping in taxis.""👀🎶
"Low-cost carrier Wizz Air announced three new routes from Bucharest, two additional aircraft, and a permanent base that will be established in the Romanian capital at the Băneasa Airport. The new base will open starting April 1, 2025"
Bucharest Pipera Airfield was located in the Pipera neighborhood of Bucharest, Romania..The airport no longer exists. A small military base, which also hosts the National Museum of Romanian Aviation, remains in the location where the airport used to be. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipera_Ai…
"During WW2, Pipera Airport was the main military airport in the Bucharest area. Some units of the Romanian Air Force units were flying IAR 80 fighters , while a unit under the command of Mihail Romanescu was flying Messerschmitt Bf 109s from there." rumaniamilitary.ro/general-de-esc…
"Musk and Thiel are just two among the 6,000 by virtue of being welcomed into the “superclass” by behind-the-scenes oligarchs who do not feature on the published lists of the world’s wealthiest men and women"
Links to the Pallavicini family 🍿