These are the same demented people desperate to prevent sick covid patients from accessing safe and effective drugs like Ivermectin or HCQ.
Angels of Death like @MarcusBlimi have terrorized society with masks, lockdowns, economic destruction, medical abuses including murdering many patients with toxic drugs like Remdesivir or neglect & isolation
Angels of Death like @MarcusBlimi institutionalized child abuse in the form of masks, school closures, and social isolation that tormented little kids.
The psychological torture of children by these demonic monsters is an eternally unforgivable atrocity.
Now @MarcusBlimi wishes to inject your kids with toxic mRNA carried by toxic LNP formulations that makes incredibly toxic spike proteins for a disease whose actual effects on children is so miniscule that it cannot be statistically quantified with any degree of confidence
Why pick on her?
Because she is a cancer on my community
Because she is especially pretentious and dishonest
Because to fight back against this diabolical evil we need to personalize the perpetrators
At least now, finally, we might be seeing the Normandy beachhead established against @MarcusBlimi reign of terror
And here is @MarcusBlimi retweeting a GMK special on the junk science ACTIV trial, that among other things comically underdosed Ivm & for an absurdly short duration etc.
Is it just me, or do the officially credentialed "scientists" on twitter happen to be the most fragile and obnoxious narcissists humanity has to offer??
Like, bathtubs are totally sooooo deadly to kiddies
And drowning is THE leading cause of death for kids 1-4 (besides birth defects)…
But, I can already hear you saying, bathtubs are such a small risk & not giving your kiddo a bath is shall we say not an option at all, far too radical & not worth it??
And giving your child an untested vaccine whose trial data shows unmistakable NEGATIVE efficacy is??
But an accumulation of anecdotes from myriad sources many of whom possess legitimate judgement to have an informed opinion to adjudicate probability of what they are seeing is compelling
Compelling to anyone with common sense that is
[This is meant to exclude any dolt who insists "only high-impact journal peer-reviewed paper" counts as evidence]
So let's look at this CDC anecdote from @MarcusBlimi
Issue 1: m1Ψ (hey Blimi, do you know what that is?)
What can this do? How about dramatically ↑ spike production (yes that's bad), prevents mRNA decay (also bad), downregulates certain immune mechanisms (definitely very bad)…
@MarcusBlimi (BM) is essentially saying that she will only accept for proof of vaccine injuries peer-reviewed literature that analyzes a massive dataset large enough to reach statistical significance for population level extrapolation.
This is deceptive for two reasons
1. This "standard" very cagily avoids dealing with the primary evidence of vax injuries, which are not massive dataset analyses of the sort she demands (see below)
2. She is surreptitiously trying to establish a premise that this type of study is evidence for lack of vax harms