BBC : "As dawn approached on the morning of 7 October 2023, many of the partygoers at the Nova music festival near Gaza's border took illegal recreational drugs like MDMA or LSD.
Hundreds of them were high when, shortly after sunrise, Hamas gunmen attacked the site."
"Now neuroscientists working with survivors from the festival say there are early signs that MDMA - also known as ecstasy or molly - may have provided some psychological protection against trauma."…
John Brockman's brother ' Philip Brockman was fortunate to arrive at the renamed Langley Research Center in 1959 as part of the first group of newly recruited NASA employees hired to lead the effort to meet the challenge of the 1957 launch of Sputnik' ...
"His interest was in the magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD) thruster, considered up until that time to be in the realm of science fiction. The MPD played a major role in reshaping the focus of NASA’s space program, ..."🎶…
2001 : "2 years ago, Alli, Parsons and Geldof sold Planet, maker of The Big Breakfast and The Word , to Carlton for £15 million, a deal which reportedly earned Alli £5m. The sale cleared the way for him to make a renewed attempt to bring the soap back"…
"Alli had joined Carlton as managing director of its programming arm, with a brief from chief executive Michael Green to shake up the division. In came Lily Savage and a deal was signed with Ragdoll Productions, maker of Teletubbies , to provide more children's programming.."
2007, FT : "Michael Farmer and David Lilley are two of the quartet that head Red Kite, the metals hedge fund manager that has become one of the most active investors in base metals ..."..
"Two of the places closest to the hearts of Michael Farmer and David Lilley are near each other in the heart of the City of London – St Helen’s Church and the London Metal Exchange."..
MIT Technology Review , 2021
"An American cybersecurity company was behind a 2016 iPhone hack sold to a group of mercenaries and used by the United Arab Emirates."..
Documents filed by the US Justice Department detail how the sale was facilitated by a group of American mercenaries working for Abu Dhabi,without legal permission from Washington to do so.But the case documents do not reveal who sold the powerful iPhone exploit to the Emiratis.