Inspired by the insight and knowledge of @Imani_Barbarin's thread (retweeted on my page before this). Specially the tweets on hysteria & disability community & ableism as connected to overturning Roe v Wade.
This is where the mental health industrial complex meets other issues. This is an intersection. Therapists, psychologists, & psychiatrists DIAGNOSED people with hysteria. Drop your moral judgement on that MHPs & look at the implication of our history of harm. #TherapistTwitter
Consider how therapists, social workers, counselors, all versions of US MHPs will be used, as they were then for hysteria, as cops to funnel people into the prison system for criminalized abortion. Hysteria dx put folks in psychiatric hospitals, abortion will put folks in jail.
And as @Imani_Barbarin pointed out "cr*zy" and "ins*ne" are words already present in everyday life to separate groups away who are perceived as not the "norm". The transition to: folks who want to have an abortion are *said slurs above* so let's re-fund
psychiatric institutions for this purpose is not astronomical. Consider how your notes may be used violently within your CMH agency, how the US criminal punishment system will send down subpoenas for files, how an EHR puts all medical information into one spot. #TherapistTwitter
The loss of medical privacy from this overturned decision will also impact our work as US therapists. Community level preparedness among therapists about the ways in which our profession will be weaponized and employed for their agenda is crucial to our collective response.
*MHP = mental health professional
*dx = diagnosis
*CMH = community mental health
*EHR = electronic health record