1/ I'm convinced that the problem with the Left accomplishing anything is that the Left is NOT FAR ENOUGHT LEFT. The Right does not have this problem. Look at those fuckers living in Fascism.
2/ The Right is SO FAR TO THE RIGHT but any time the Left tries to do anything they get called Socialists. SOCIALISTS! Even though the Left in the US is CENTRIST. Fuck that shit!!! Do you want to know how to solve this problem?
3/ The Left needs to go SO FAR TO THE LEFT. Fuck compromise, fuck staying in the center. How are we supposed to accomplish anything in the middle when one side is so far to the right and the other side is in the middle? You can only compromise to the right.
4/ Even Bernie's politics are compromise when it comes to where the true Left lives in other parts of the world. We need to elect candidates who are 100% taking up Socialist ideals. Stop thinking that they are unelectable.
5/ The majority of the Left had to swallow some hard pills to vote for Biden. I still believe this was the wrong decision and this is now playing out with no plan to attack an extremist court or extremism anywhere. Democrats have NO PLAN.
6/ NO Court Expansion. NO Removing the Filibuster. No Assault Weapons Ban. NO NOTHING. This country is going to continue heading towards Fascism and Pseudo Christian zealotry if the Left continues down this path.
7/ Fuck just voting for Democrats. This is what got us Manchin and all the rest of the do nothing centrists. We need representatives that will go so far to the fucking LEFT that MAGA assholes have no choice but to compromise.
1\Again, if you think that getting rid of Roe has anything to do with religion, or constitutional law, you are mistaken. Those reasons are what get fed to the masses.
2\What they are doing is holding on to the slim majority that white people have in this country using any means necessary, except for those that would also benefit minorities (providing positive support to mothers, etc.).
3\Go look at your conservative "majority" states and look who is having the most abortions: kff.org/womens-health-… - they want more white babies to indoctrinate into the GOP cult.