⚠️ HOW TO FIND A POTENTIAL BOOK PUBLISHER (and other resources) 🔥❤️ An extremely valuable thread—save this one for future reference. (Thread 1/9)
> 1st Resource: If you’re looking for a reputable publisher, Reedsy has a list of 489 publishing companies their editors vetted: blog.reedsy.com/publishers/
It's a great place to start! (Thread 2/9)
> 2nd Resource: Here’s a list of some of the big 5 imprints (it’s from 2016, but still very relevant and helpful even though it is slightly outdated).
>3rd Resource: The Manuscript Wishlist Website and hashtag: mswl.com is a great website to find agents and publishers that are accepting submissions.
Similar to the website, you can also search the hashtag #MSWL on Twitter to find editors and agents.
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> 4th Resource: You can also try The Publisher's Archive at publishersarchive.com to search for a publisher by location or genre. Also useful to find some conferences, events, festivals, awards, etc. (Thread 5/9)
> 5th Resource: Another Manuscript Wishlist Website with more agents and publishers is manuscriptwishlist.com and they also have a blog with valuable resources for querying writers.
Please note that this is not the same website as the MSWL website from above. (Thread 6/9)
> 6th Resource: If you get an offer for representation from an agent or publisher, it might be useful to go through this other Twitter thread:
>7th: For 20+ years, Writer Beware's mission has been to track, expose, and raise awareness of questionable, illicit, and/or nonstandard practices in and around the publishing industry.
> 8th Resource: Needless to say, you should follow me @eric5310pub since I share valuable resources, writing tips, marketing advice for authors, querying guidance, and much more every day! Please like and retweet this thread to help other querying writers! Good luck!
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